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Yoga of Physics

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(from prev.post)<br><br><br> Modern physics

pictures matter, not as passive and inert, but as

continuously dancing and vibrating. This is very much like the

Eastern mystics; description of the world. Both emphasize

that the universe has to be grasped dynamically. Its

structores are not static, rigid ones, but should be seen

interms of dynamic equilibrium.<br><br> Physicists speak

of the continuous dance of sub-atomic matter which

goes on all the time. They have acutally used the

words dance of creation and destruction or energy

dance. This naturally comes to mind when you see some of

the pictures of particles takn by physicisits in

their bubble chambers.<br><br> Of course, physicists

are not the only one talking about this cosmic dance.

Perhaps the most beautiful example of this metaphor

exists in Hinduism - the idea of the dancing Lord Shiva.

Shiva is the personification of the cosmic dance.

According to Indian tradition, all life is a rhythmic

interplay of death and birth, of creation and

destruction.<br><br> Indian artists have created beautiful pictures and

statues of dancing Lord Shiva. These statues are visual

images of the cosmic dance and so are the bubble chamber

tracks photographed by modern physicists. They are a

modern version of the dance of Shiva, obtained by using

the most modern and advanced of our Western

technological instruments. To me, the effect is as beautiful

and as profound as the maginificent Hindu statues. In

both cases, we are picturing an eternal dance of

creation and destruction, which is the basis of all

natural phenomena, the basis of all existence. Therefore,

I have put the two together - here you have the

Dance of shiva merging the 12th and 20th century

versions. You can see that this image of the cosmic dance

unifies, in a very beautiful way, ancient mythology,

religious art, mystical insight and modern


----------<br>Hari Om Tat sat

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Being a science student, I liked it very

much.<br><br> Just y'day i saw Stephen Hawkins interview on TV.

The last line of his lecture on Universe was " I feel

the Universe manifests to know itself and IT does

this manfestation again and again creating destroying

and then again creating and so on.."<br><br> I

remembered this is what Hinduism says just replace the word

Universe with GOD<br><br>kajol

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In "God and Astronomers" by Robert Jastrow

(Founder of Goddard Institute for Space Studies- among his

numerous titles) the author talks about the efforts being

made by science to explain the universe and other

metaphysical concepts. Though a book from the 80's his

concluding remarks still ring true.<br><br>" ... For the

scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of

reason, the story ends in a bad dream. He has scaled the

mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest

peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is

greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting

there for centuries."<br><br>Tat Twam Asi<br><br>UMA

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