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post meant for saadhna club ------

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this was posted in Taantra and the divinity

club<br>in error by saraswati chandra in error- <br><br>maa

is repostng i here so misstatwamasi could respond to

this post.....<br><br>clarification on western

education saraswati_chandra<br> 4/11/01 3:06 pm <br>Please

allow me to clarify the cause of

misunderstanding.<br>Western education is not 'western' in USA.<br>It was in

the indian context that I wrote, the traditional

english system of education is strong and good in many

ways but unfortunately the way it is imparted in india

reeks of colonialism till today. Simple things like

always implying one language or culture to be superior

etc. It is only when one matures (mentally), he finds

the truth of the matter, but till then small habits

and naunces get deep rooted, his 'second nature'

works to promote the very same ideas which have been

understood to be false.<br><br>I do not have any problems

with non-hindus as you seem to imply, but was speaking

on a more mundane level of nationalistic india.

Hindus in India generally(am talking of the average guy)

have developed a sort of inferiority-complex due to

false historical facts taught to them since colonial

times and still being taught today(what a

shame).<br>Due to politics of appeasement, a hindu in his own

country(india off course) is made to feel guilty of being born

a hindu. It is not my 'fault' to be born a hindu,

but since i am the majority, i have to see special

status being accorded to many minorities.<br>I could go

on and on, these are not sweeping assumptions but

inability to understand the illogic of existence in india

from my point of view.<br>I have seen plenty of so

called sadhaks(highly educated) hiding behind the

philosophical tenets and scriptural generalisations simply to

avoid confront their worse fears and project a good

image. A good image is what they have been taught to

project by this 'western' education system.<br>Only a

truthful person would not like sour medicine, I would

rather leave the practice of small niceties to people

who value them. So just to be judged "nice" by you

all, I would not call all people nice(<the world is

as you are>). Some people ARE NOT NICE and that

is a fact.<br><br>But I totally agree to the logic

of not discussing these topics here as they are out

of context of the club's intention.<br><br>Never

intended to burst like this, but I'm afraid mz

Tat_twam_asi, i found your post a bit too overbearing(all light

no shadows), thus the reaction.<br>I suspect whether

you really walk ALL the talk you make(my apologies in

advance, could not resist this)


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Vinatha <br>Are you Saraswati Chandra's secretary? Couldnt he himself post it

from your GREAT club here? <br>Hmmmm...on the contrary it just maybe another of

your ids.

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Dear Gypsy,<br>You know who I am - remember

GYPSYLOVER. <br>Want to get rid of me? Well - think again.

You have raised a lot of dust in clubs - apologize

(PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE) and I will be your friend or better

still, I will leave you alone.<br>And, everyone is a

MAA, shouldnt they start addressing them selves as MAA


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Om namah Sivaya ,Rajnimaus, Blessed

Self<br><br>Others know who you are. Do you know who you

are?<br><br>It seems you are overwhelmed by maya. Indeed your

True Self is Maa. If only you could experience

That.<br><br>Tat Twam Asi

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br> I had put warnings about this devil-force in


clubs. My posts were removed from this club<br>and in

Spiritual Ecstasy club, your spiritual guru gave a lecture

on love and compassion.<br><br> Now face the

consequences. OR ask your gang-leader to change this venom into

nectar (if he has any such powers)

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you call shriman silent soulji gang leader?

<br><br>before any one can take you seriously why do not you

remove the 'pornographic' contnt from your profile? you

already removed all the disparaging remarks after gypsy

maa filed an abuse report on you to ?

<br><br>stop chasing gypsy and focus on the real divine mother

-----today is friday- vaisakhi is round the corner- easter

is on sunday- so, get a life, dear one !

<br><br>silent souji is like the lord shiva himself- like shiva

he drinks the 'poison' from all posts including

yoursand rajani's and that is why like lord NEELAKANTHA


youjealous his club is becoming more popular and finally

,gypsy is being accepted for who she is! <br><br>why

doyou wate your im warning about gypsy- why dono you

nstead write good posts like baburoy, peggy , etc......

<br><br>god bless you ....<br><br>maa

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Ref: 749<br><br>Dear Sir/Madam, and

Gypsylover/Rajnimaus,<br><br>I do not know who you are and I would love to know

about you. With you forceful entry I am discovering the

better part of self.<br><br>I do not see any reason why

you would not be getting that public apology; any way

it hardly makes a difference to me. I am here on

this club for my benefit, and in the process if others

are also benefited it’s their luck.<br><br>So if the

apology is given the usual routine carries on and I am

benefited. If it does not come the fight carries on with

thrash being thrown around, and so also unwittingly the

valuables, which I would like to collect.<br><br>Thank you,

and with regards,<br>Jai.

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Ref: 753<br><br>Dear Sir/Madam, and also

Gypsy_lover01,<br>To my information all of us have the same goal, to

understand Hinduism, and this is the way I see

it.<br><br>Now is the next part: <br>I have many times in the

past and also now, advise my dear one. However my dear

one does not heed to my instructions/advise, as she

too has her own individuality. One day she is being

battered. Now should I be going to her help or should I go

and remind her of her faults?<br><br>Thank you, and

with regards,<br>Jai.

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Ref: 754<br><br>Dear Sir/Madam, and also

Maa,<br>Re: “…gang leader?”<br>There is nothing wrong in

being a gang leader. A gang is a small group dedicating

to like-minded subjects, and like any team needs a

captain a gang also has a leader. A school needs a Guru;

a government need a president/prime minister. In

fact being called a leader/ruler is a compliment. If

the responsibility is too great it can always be

sifted to the next able one.<br><br>Re: “…remove the

'pornographic'…”<br>Sex is sacred as it is the dictate of the overbearing

and almighty Nature. The divinity in sex is

propagated by all religions in their own modes. But how is

it possible for one to attain it without knowing the

difference between the reality as given by educational sex

films and fantasy sex as given by pornographic. I

suppose its only when one know the difference between

reality and utopia (fantasy), is one able to take the

enlightened path.<br><br>Re: “like Shiva he drinks the

'poison'”<br>I believe that Shiva drank the poison, as he had no

options. He wanted to retain his position in the top

hierarchy of the administration of Brahma.<br><br>Thank

you, and with regards,<br>Jai.

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