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This post involves 3 clubs therefore a parallel

post in all.<br><br>Dear baburoyji<br><br>Answers to

your questions:<br><br>1)False historical facts:

please check the the links i have posted for "Aryan

invasion myth"<br><br>2)Happy for your secure feeling, I

too am personally quite secure and comfy. It is the

plight of the ordinary middle class hindu who is given

the status of a second class citizen in his own

country that is worrying.<br><br>3)Regarding all sects

fighting for india's freedom, you are only partially

right. History is often doctored to cater to the present

needs of the administrator which rightly(or wrongly ?)

wants to keep the majority in dark. I would advise you

to look beyond what is fed to you on a platter as

'historical facts'. To illustrate my point, I would like to

draw your attention to a very straightforward

biography of Indira Gandhi by a british biographer lady.

Now this book is being banned in Maharashtra by the

local Congress govt. due to the fact that it does not

reek of the usual sycophancy that we take for granted

in the case of many leaders, i may not need to be

specific. A list of all the BANNED books in india would be

quite a revelation to you. So then how does one find

out the real stories? Indians are not yet so open

minded in these matters as americans just because of

this politics of catering heavily to minority classes

which form a consolidated vote-bank. Is it any wrong

that i incite the hindus to realise this and form a

power group of their own to counter this

injustice.<br><br>4)How can you say that moslem/sikh/christians/hindus

have "equal" rights in this country. I would again ask

to check your facts. The general constitution is for

all indeed, but all the minorities you mention have

THEIR OWN bylaws which infringe sometimes on the basic

rights of their own women as in the case of Shah-Bano

case. J & K assembly does not accept the constitution

of india wholly due to some silly bylaw(Article

386), so on and on. I have seen this tendency of

spirtual people to live in a world of their own thus had

decided not to post such messages on this forum as

advised by many but if any questions such as yours do

crop up, i have to respond.<br><br>5)Buddha was a

great. How did you infer that peace and brotherhood has

anything to do with 'Western' philosophy ? All i said was

that in india, due to its colonial past, till today

there exists a inferiority-superiority complex

vis-a-vis western culture. Now that many hindus are

awakening to this truth and breaking the deep rooted

shackles of this colonial conditioning, it is people as

yourself who act as unaskedfor 'moderators' and pour water

over a natural reaction.<br><br>6)You are perfectly

right in saying all the things about a true hindu, but

i would like to see what such a hindu does when he

is faced with a charging bull, does his philosophy

of "love" stand this test ? Moreover, if he knows

that he is in an arena where there is nowhere to go,

what will he do? Run forever ? Say love love love all

the time and sacrifice himself to the mad bull? Or

face up to the situation?<br><br>7)Thus a slight

modification in your conclusion, a true hindu is who believes

in all that you said (and maybe more), thinks

rationally AND lifts his sword to use it rationally to the

maximum benefit of humanity.<br>continued...

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A good example of another face of so-called hindu

is visible if you see the last few days of posts in

the clubs Tantradivinity/SpiritualEcstasy/Sadhna,

there has emerged a 'faceless' RAJNIMAUS who goes after

a certain gypsyqueen hammer and tongs,

why?<br>Maybe he his not happy with her? Maybe he suspects her

of all this disturbance(she uses shrimaan quite

often?)? <br>Now, question is why should he react in such

a way? May be he wants to protect his carefully

nurtured image of a respectable guru? This is another form

of a so-called hindu for you, RAJNIMAUS may have

been dealing with simple and nice people who join

these spiritual clubs, but slight amount of thinking

reveals his true identity.<br>In reaction(for i am quite

rajasic in most ways) i will post this message in all

these clubs to counter stifling of my

voice.<br>Vivekananda once lamented this habit of hindus to take things

lying down and then happily rationalise their action

with theories from the scriptures, he almost hoped

that most hindus would become non-vegetarians to fight

this tamas in themselves even at the cost of ahimsa

concept.<br>Our sadhna ways differ quite a lot, but only advice

is to not unwittingly be fooled into slumber by mere

thoughts and ideas for they are only 'thoughts and ideas'

and not the true person expressing them.<br><br>That

is all friends, <br>militant hindu

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