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Sri Vrinda Devi

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Srila Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura<br><br>VERSE ONE

<br>Oh Vrinda! You are adorned with an extremely

brilliant transcendental dress which is as red as a

bandhuka flower. By your own supremely beautiful bodily

luster, you put to shame the combined effulgence of pure

gold, champaka flowers and lightning bolts. And also,

by that same luster of yours, you are continuously

bathing your own personal associates, namely all the

moving and non-moving residents of the Vrindavan forest.

We therefor offer our respectful obeisances unto

your divine lotus feet. <br><br>VERSE TWO <br>Oh

Vrinda! The Countenance of your face is especially

radiant, being decorated by your gentle sweet smile (which

has sprouted from your reddish lips resembling bimba

fruits), as well as by being embellished with your pearl

nose ornament. You are also endowed with loveliness by

your body being decorated with multifarious,

wonderfully jewelled ornaments. We therefore prostrate

ourselves at your beautiful lotus feet. <br><br>VERSE THREE

<br>Oh Vrinda! The supremely pure abode of Sri Krishna

known as Sri Vrindavan- dhama, which is the crest jewel

amongst all the planets of the spiritual sky, is presided

over by the charming daughter of King Vrishabhanu, Sri

Radhika. But She has awarded YOU with the power and

authority to maintain this divine realm as your service to

Her. This is why we offerer most heartfelt obeisances

unto your beautiful lotus-feet. <br><br>VERSE FOUR

<br>Oh Vrindi! All the multitudes of Lord Madhava's

love-sporting bowers become supremely beautified by being

decorated under your direction with fresh leaves, sprouts,

flowers, bees, deer, peacocks, talking parrots, all types

of animals and birds, as well as with wonderful

seasons headed by Spring. We therefore offer our

respectful obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.

<br><br>VERSE FIVE <br>Oh Vrinda! By your expertly intelligent

service as a messenger for the Divinely Amorous Couple of

the Bower, Their transcendental love-sports thereby

become successfully fulfilled. Who in this world could

possibly even speak of your great fortune? We therefore

must simply bow down before your beautiful lotus feet.

<br><br>VERSE SIX <br>Oh Vrinda! Devotees who have the desire

to participate in the rasa dance, who long to live

eternally in Vrindavan, and who hope only to achieve

devotional service to the lotus feet of your most beloved

Lords, easily attain the everlasting fulfillment of all

their desires by your most gracious mercy. We therefore

bow down to your divine<br>lotus feet. <br><br>VERSE

SEVEN <br>Oh Vrinda! Highly qualified sages, who are

well-versed in the Tantras of the mode of pure Goodness (the

scriptures written by the Lord's pure devotees), have

praised you as being the personified energy of Lord

Krishna known as lila-sakti (the energy that helps

perform His pastimes). You are also very famous in this

world for your appearance here in the form of the tree

known as Srimati Tulasi Devi. Therefore we offer our

most respectful obeisances unto your beautiful lotus

feet. <br><br>VERSE EIGHT <br>unately bereft of

devotional service, and due to committing hundreds and

thousands of offenses, we have been cast deep into the

ocean of material existence; indeed, we are being

tossed about by the terrible waves of lust, anger,

greed, etc. Oh most merciful one! Our souls are

surrendered unto you - and we offer our most respectful

obeisances unto your divine lotus feet.

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