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Sadhna of Humanity !

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Animal-Human: They are those Tamasic souls, who

have recently evolved to human from animal soul, or

have been degraded from human-human status due to some

sin. Their chief Guna is Tamoguna and Sat is subtle

and Rajoguna increasing. Normally they are poor and

uneducated. They are the people who are under full control of

Nature and their Hunger,sex,fears etc. are controlled by

mother Nature. They have to do manual labour to earn

their livelihood and they suffer from poverty and

diseases. These type of people either do not know about God

or have faint or deformed ideas about God. If they

are religiou, they are very fanatic about their

faith/path/sect and do not tolerate other paths/religions. They

behave in clan-mentality and anybody outside their clan

is their enemy. Their brain is not evolved enough to

understand scriptures or secrets of nature. They are just a

little above animals. After many cycles of life and

deaths they slowly reach the status of

human-human.<br><br>sub-Animal(Asura)-Humans: Well this the most dangerous

species of human!

People with distorted Rajoguna and Tamoguna with

Satoguna shadowed with Raj and Tam. People in this

category are those who have been degraded from Deva-human,

Human-human or demi-gods’ status due to some mistake done.

The problem is that they are intelligent, and evolved

human beings. They may be very rich or may be senior

officers or great leaders. They may be amongst our

bosses,our relatives, our gurus or our friends. They enjoy

social status, intelligence and riches. Then why they

are under sub-animal category ? Because they do what

even animals do not do! Animals do not mate with a

she-animal if she is not mature and if she is not in heat.

But these people may rape a 2 years old girl or a 70

years old lady without remorse. The main three

qualities of these people are extreme selfishness, cruelty

and hatred. They have lot of energies and they use

these energies to manipulate unsuspected innocents to

gain their goals. They love none but themselves. They

are the ones who arrange tools for mass mascares of

innocent people in the name of religion, caste or creed.

They belong to none. <br><br>(to continue)

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Dear Silent SoulJi,<br>thank you!<br><br>You are

like the rain,may take days,or weeks dry,<br>but then

clouds come full of life giving water,showering

everything,<br>and you are like this,you don't post much,but

when<br>you post,you drown us in knowledge and

kindness,<br>thank you for this and for letting me be part

of<br>this club,<br>love<br>tulsi

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