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i was reading some of your posts in

<a href=http://clubs./clubs/bharatrakshak

target=new>http://clubs./clubs/bharatrakshak</a> Bharat rakshak are

these really what you

wrote??<br><br>Re: democracy in india?<br><br>Ceasefire

?<br><br>Yeah why not.<br><br>Only if you use mustard gas

instead they have done a lot to deserve it<br><br>yours

truly<br>agent orange aka saraswati_chandra<br><br><br>One gm

mustard gas enough to kill a crowd <br>of vermin.

<br>saraswati_chandra<br><br>This sounds like just another fundamentalist hitler

youth type. Is killing so easy for you? We are known by

the company we keep.<br><br>>:*(

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The oklaholmer bomber Timothy McVie held these

same principles too. He took out the FBI building

without any forthought of consequences. Those children in

the day care were "collateral damage" and nothing

more. Yes he saw himself a warrior with warrior spirit

and is scheduled for execution soon. He is religious

and believes God is on his side too as he took on

Armageddon. Is this the spirit you are telling bluebird to

assume? Are you saying violence is the only way?

Really???<br><br>i am embarrased for you because you are not

embarrased for yourself and for those who think this is

cool.<br><br>turning my back in shame...<br>peg

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lol<br>agent sherlock holmes<br><br>have a sense

of humour<br>the club you talk of is full of kids,

read all the posts.<br><br>AND<br><br>i have never

claimed to be "holier than thou"<br><br>nothing to

protect so no harm done<br><br>if all saadhaks are sooo

SINCERE, i would advise them not to go around tramping but

concentrate on their own ,<br><br>thanks for

popularising the club and poor me too<br><br>for all you know,

i may hesitate even to kill a fly<br><br>but you

have indeed succeded in putting me on the defensive, i

had withdrwn from posting violent posts here going by

the advice of many,<br>if u would go through the

original links i have posted , they would indicate me to

be much more violent than your scoop.<br><br>so what

!!<br><br>the humour is in the fact that does the use of gas

constitute a breach of ceaseFIRE? there is no firing

involved!<br><br>but the members there seemingly did not no what is

mustard gas so tried to explain the ratio of one gram to

thousands<br><br><br>ROTFL<br>you deserve to be the simple bhakta that you are,

<br>i envy your blissful simple world<br>rest in peace

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Dear Peggyhand:<br><br>I checked out the site you

mentioned...a lot of politicking and militant talk, indeed! I

know little about the situation in India..just that

there is far too much violence and unwillingness to

talk to each other. However, as a

friend<br>suggested..."These wars and misunderstandings have been going on for

centuries. The same players reincarnate and start all over

again. Better that Children of the Light step back and

let them work out their karma......" (Quote not

word-for-word.)<br><br>Was Chandra caught up in the talk of violence?<br>Was

he posting with tongue in cheek? Did he really

believe what he was saying about mustard gas, etc.? Was

someone else using his name to post? Is God testing

us?<br><br>I think I'd check with him first, before


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thaaaaanks maataa blue<br><br>mutual admiration

society !<br><br>it is your sanity that makes me say

this:<br><br>one day i will reveal, who really i am, and the

purpose behind all this drama<br><br>it will make

interesting reading<br><br>some flavour to our staid

meals<br><br>love all

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