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Phalahari and Dhyana

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The fruit of dhyana is ahimsa. The most<br>

ahimsan diet is Phalahari or Fruit of Hari<br> or

fruitarian<br> <a href=http://www.acorn.net/fruitarian

target=new>http://www.acorn.net/fruitarian</a><br>Gopal wants

all slaughter to end now.<br><br> Multinational oil,

meat, pharmaceutical, lumber and certain media

corporations<br> in execution states of TX, OK, MO, OH,<br> NC,

AR, AL, DE, FL, NV etc will be boycotted by the

international<br> abolition movement. Other states<br> whose

executions have been stopped by courts<br> are GA, VA, AZ,

CA, MS<br><br> <a href=http://www.mcspotlight.org


<a href=http://www.murderking.com target=new>http://www.murderking.com</a><br>

<a href=http://www.petitiononline.com/lovepigs/petition.html

target=new>http://www.petitiononline.com/lovepigs/petition.html</a><br> <a


target=new>http://www.madcowboy.com</a><br><br><br><br> boycott

of IBP for (says the Washington Post)<br> skinning

animals alive in Pasca Washington<br> while Walla Walla

prosecutor Jim Nagle failed<br> to act<br><br> SOME OF IBP'S

COMPANIES<br> <a href=http://www.jacpac.com target=new>http://www.jacpac.com</a>

Manchester NH<br>

<a href=http://www.foodbrands.com target=new>http://www.foodbrands.com</a> its

parent OK<br> <a href=http://www.ibpinc.com target=new>http://www.ibpinc.com</a>


Brands owner SD<br>

<a href=http://www.goldentrophysteaks.com/

target=new>http://www.goldentrophysteaks.com/</a><br> <a

href=http://www.wrightbrand.com target=new>http://www.wrightbrand.com</a> TX<br>

<a href=http://pbx.ibpinc.com/ target=new>http://pbx.ibpinc.com/</a> NE

refrigerated trucking line <br><br><br> TX:

Clear Channel, Supreme Beef, Wright Brands,<br> SBC

Ameritech, Texaco Shell<br> <a href=http://www.clearchannel.com

target=new>http://www.clearchannel.com</a> 4

dj's indicted<br> for on air felonious animal

cruelty<br> (In addition, ask American Airlines and Dell<br>

to stop Governor Perry's serial killing)<br> NC:

Smithfield <a href=http://www.hogwatch.org

target=new>http://www.hogwatch.org</a><br> OK: Food

Brands<br><br><br> to Jews, Muslims, Seventh Day Adventists,

Franciscan monks, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains<br> THE

USDA is spending your tax dollars promoting<br> pork

in international ads in violation of your<br>

religion.. a suit is up before the Supreme Court<br> and its

5 unelected oligarchs<br><br><br> GOP Governor Ryan

has declared a moratorium on<br> the death penalty

while GOP Gov Keating granted<br> his first amnesty

(however more Ok executions<br> are scheduled.) Pat

Robertson, Wm F Buckley,<br> Bill Maher and many other

conservatives want<br> an end to the ultimate in force: state

sanctioned<br> murder.

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