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Saraswati Chandra

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I have two answers to your question...the first

answer is to the egoist called saraswati chandra, which

reads as:-<br><br> Yes, I silentsoul founder of this

club deleted two msgs one attacking you and the other

(your msg) asking abt deletion of one club. Founder has

liberty to decide which msg to be deleted and gave

them this power to moderate the club...and after the

msg in yr deleted club declaring that I am equal to

NAPOLEAN AND AURANGZEB...I had no other choice. Our club

(old) suffered a lot because of that lady whose only

aim is to manipulate people with false appreciations

and i do not want that story to repeat itself. In

future too any msg of any body discussing the dirty

politics started by some so called enlightened souls or

any personal attacks..will be deleted. If you wish to

leave the club with your other ids...i have no

problem...this club is not running because of you" -

:)<br><br>The second answer is from a sadhaka to another sadhka

called saraswati chandra :-<br><br> Yes two msgs were

deleted becoz they were not with the taste of the club,

and were detracting from the beautiful discussion

started by Rajeev and further nourished by peggy Om prem,

kajol and me. You tried to stir the club earlier too,

but none of yr msg was deleted...Because your msgs

show at least, the flame of a sadhka burning in

you.....what you have to do with the politics in these clubs ?

We are here to learn and to teach, not to prove

others wrong and ourselves correct....isn't the net

world another game of MAYA? There are many clubs coming

up and being deleted....shud we waste our time in

these petty discussions ? I can see the beautiful soul

and balanced mind behind your militant and egoist

image (that too only projected by you i never felt it

so)-----why not use this opportunity to learn something and

teach something ? The time left is too short and the

rabbit is not going to sleep every time.<br><br>Hari Om

Tat Sat

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Replies<br><br>to the egotist<br>that wasn't 'my'

club as implied and i still appreciate the attitude

shown by the lady for the last month atleast. Let us

not discuss the childish accusations of anyone but

hope that you appreciate my lack of knowledge of any

previous happenings regarding yourself and the lady. I

also can say that if i want to leave the club, no one

can stop me to get one up but that would be useless

and i did state in my post that this excellent club

is not going to be affected by my leaving but surely

you would lose one kind of experience however

distasteful that may be and if you look at it with

samabhaava, distasteful experiences are very very necessary

(thence my ego).Why do you have to recourse to rules and

power that provides because i never challenged

those.Shouldn't we be much more mature to handle situations in

our own right rather than justify them by rules and

regulations of .<br>Tell me to go if you will.<br><br>to

the saadhaka(somewhat coloured by egotist)<br>i

appreciate your apreciation of rajeev and i hold similar

views for his clarity of sight. Earlier i came to the

club with hindu-political views but was made aware of

the mistake by vinodchopra, after that i have only

replied to finish what i started and taken care to

discuss only issues related to the club. But do you wish

to be called autocratic in your ways if even slight

deviations are not allowed ? In light of the past happenings

between the lady and yourself, which i was not aware of,

i will desist from posting any such thing, but with

the remark that, acts of revenge makes one more and

more agitated if nothing else. Nothing is "petty" in

this world but our ego. Which itself is busy labelling

many things as petty for self-gratification, don't you

think so ?<br>'Proving others wrong and ourselves

correct' is mostly the case in all conversations, may not

be literally so but atleast very subtly. If this

serves in digging out some nuggets of truth, why not

?<br>My ways of learning and teaching as you put it are a

tad too violent for all to digest and i often induce

calm people to become harsh in their replies. I surely

do not mind all the mud thrown my way as it is

expected and sometimes awaited, but the throwers then

should be ready for replies in like, for this excercise

i feel would expose our egos much more faster than

the 'sucking up to each other' method. So doesn't

this speed up matters? The rabbit needn't sleep in

this case, we are the rabbit.<br><br>P.S.:Just read

some post by a r-soul who seems to actually want to

create a dispute and sow seeds of conflict. Instead of

deleting him can't we be mature enough to enjoy his posts,

seeing through his attempts unless of course the

language goes coarse. That would simply show the club's

maturity and strength, and most members would understand.

Just a suggestion my lord ;-)

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Gosh,<br>by the time i composed the previous

reply, a thousand messages have cropped up.<br><br>Guys

calm down<br>let us not play into the hands of whoever

is trying to raise a slanging match, just enjoy his

posts and the implications, that is the hummble advice

of this hothead(military strategist, u know

:-)<br>may be he is gypsy, or as he says, i am gypsy, maybe

half of us are gypsies, what does it matter, let us

raise our temperatures only on issues as raised by

rajeev and omprem and ofcourse yours truly.<br>somebody

said that omprem is gone ..<br>????<br>i think , that

id is gone<br>:-0 , enjoy and get hot only on issues

of ego//philosophy etcc, my motto

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