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Paramatma & Jivatama (8)

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God's main quality is Ananda and he manifests to

get Ananda. Soul, is a small reflection of God hence

by percentage Jiva (soul) has all the qualities what

God has(like a droplet of sea-water has all qualities

of Sea but is not sea). <br>The main qualities of

God are :-<br><br> 1- Independence of

Manifestation<br> 2- Superiority<br> 3- immortality<br> 4- Ananda

(eternal happiness)<br><br>Since soul is a reflection of

God, the above qualities are also reflected into the

soul which transmits these qualities to the ego

alongwith consciousness. But unlike these qualities which

ego gets from soul are neither strong nor are for the

universe because it uses them for the faculties developed

by it (ego). The qualities are thus deformed and the

deformation can be felt as :-<br><br>1- independence of

manifestation :- By killing other animals or by troubling them,

ego thinks he is manifesting himself.<br><br>2-

superiority : Having part manifestation and having incomplete

intelligence and body, ego thinks it is superior to others.

This attracts reaction from other soul who also have

the same quality and a struggle starts.<br><br>3-

Immortality : Though this Ahankara gets a perishable body but

remembering immortality of soul, it tries hard to keep this

body alive but death finally knocks at the door and

the ego having some complexes recorded, leaves the

body.<br><br>4- Ananda :- Ego is unaware of the real Ananda, it

ignorantly, takes Ananda received from its faculties (organs

and body) and moves in circles of death and life to

get real Ananda.<br><br> The above mentioned four

deformities, are the real cause of sin and virtues, happiness

and sorrows etc. of the human beings. So we should

recognise these deformities and remove them. Blaming God or

some imaginary demi-god for our plight will further

put us into troubles. This is the only Bhakti only

Sadhna only Religion. <br><br> To know God, we should

first ask ourselves "Do I really need to know God ? Am

I sure that I am not remembering God to revenge on

somebody, or to fulfil my desire or to fulfil my ego?" God

can not be befooled by your ideas, we would rather be

befooling ourselves. Hence we have to be very clear while

asking this question.<br><br> If we get the answer in

affirmative, then find out the above mentioned deformities and

check in what form they are present in us. Honest and

cruel analysis of ourselves will soon bring the truth.

Then we may start praying God to first remove the

deformities. This praying even if done in a temple, in a holy

place, or even lying in bed, will be listened to and God

will certainly be planning to help us.

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