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To Swim accross the river , We need to make our

body as Boat and hands and legs as

puddles..<br><br>Life is Such Like Swiming , we need to learn the

Quality of Life as we learn the Quality of Water

..<br>Once we Know How to Float and Blend with water , we

can gain Movement , With the Water. Which is

Effortless , Which is not the Constant battle with Water.

<br><br>One need to Witness and participate with Life , And

Know its Mysteries, its Movements , Its Quality in day

to day .. Where there is a Understanding ..thought

to us. We become that understanding..Like a Swimmer

who crosses the river effortless ..Like a eagle which

flies without effort.<br><br>This balance- Ones Body

and Mind needs to learn from the life . This can't be

done by means of any religion <br><br>regards

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Dear Imthiya you wrote<br><<This can't be

done by means of any religion >><br><br> You

mean to say no religion wil show the truth, then who

will show the truth ? Science, computrs or UFOs

??<br><br> or some aliens or dolphins?

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Om Guruvay Namah<br>Dear Imthi_yaz<br>You have

described only one way to cross the ocean i.e. to swim. But

there is another way to cross over i.e. by boat. It is

safer and need lesser effort. And that boat is RELIGION

which take u accross without any

difficulty.<br>Moreover, a true religion is that creates balance in

people's life. It tells people how to live, what to do

etc. to creat a balance in one's life as well as in

society. Hence, it can be said that everybody need

religion to balance his body and

mind.<br><br>Pradeep<br>Om Dugaya Namah

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Boats ofcourse yes ..Does it bring real contact

with One to the Life ..to the reality?<br><br>I think

you may have heared this Hindu tale..Which goes like

this When One religious person happend to cross a

river by a boat and it happend that he had to converse

with a rower.<br><br>He asked the rower , about his

religion and about his Knowing of scriptures. When the

rower replied <br>He has no Knowledge of them , he said

that the rower has wasted his 2o yrs of

Life.<br><br>Unfortunately in the mid of sailing that boat happened to drowm

due to strong wind, When a rower asked the religious

man , about his Knowing of Swiming , he said He

doesn't Know How to swim.<br><br>So the Rower replied

that the religious man Wasted his Whole Life By

learning what is not required in reality and Jumped in to

the river to cross.<br><br>Regards

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Dear Imthi<br><br>Can you perhaps define what you

mean by 'religion'? In "hinduism" it is a huge

umbrella term encompassing a wide range of thoughts that

are appropriate for different layers of consciouness.

Even the 'self' that you talk about is part of "Hindu"

thought. <br><br>That may clarify some of the ideas you

are trying to share. <br><br>Tat Twam Asi<br><br>UMA

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Ref: 939<br><br>Dear Sir/Madam, and also

Imthi_yaz,<br><br>Re: “This balance- Ones Body and Mind needs to learn

from the life. This can't be done by means of any

religion”<br>My perception is slightly different.<br>Ballroom

dancing is really nothing very special as each and

everyone dance it quite often in our day-to-day activities

though subconsciously; like when holding hands and

moving in a park, crossing streets, carrying a

baby/infant, and so many other such moves. But this is not

very easy for just any and everyone to comprehend.

Therefore the dance is taught as a set of steps, counts,

and with certain rule and regulations. After quite a

bit of practise and experience is when the basics of

natural body movements and daily affairs come as

naturally in dancing as in day-to-day activities. Its only

then when one is able to dance Ballroom, at random

without any restrictions of rules and regulations needed

for the dance, moving literally as one would wish to,

depending on the music, mood and the situation; in short

dancing purely for one’s self and for one’s

enlightenment. This is when one comes back to square

one.<br><br>But to complete this circle/cycle to be able to come

back to square one, the adherence to a path is

necessary like the initially strictly enforced rules and

regulations, code of conduct, steps and pattern. Similarly

each and every religions in this world is like the

path to achieve a steady progress, to come back to

achieve the purity and the sanctity of a child

consciously.<br><br>To learn dancing one needs a teacher and also a

certain commitment from the students. Similar is the case

with any religion. If there is even a slight

discordance in the commitments of the teacher and students

the dance gets the bad name. Is it

right?<br><br>Thank you, and with regards,<br>Jai.

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I agree .. dear imthi.<br><br>Unfortunately we

limit ourselves by putting ourselves in boxes with

names on it. Then we try to defend it with our lives

and land up doing exactly what goes against the

TRUTH. Have you read a book called 'ONE' by Richard

Bach? If you can find it, do consider reading chapter 6

or 7. (The whole book is wonderful too.)It's a bit

too long for me to present here but a beautiful

presentation.<br><br>Boxes with boundaries however have their own roles to

play. They give a structure to those who prefer working

within that framework. There is a sence of cohesiveness

and security when one can call themselves part of a

'family'. <br><br>And then family starts fighting. lol

<br><br>But isn't it in family that we have our toughest

lessons to learn?<br><br>One day I guess we will all

learn. Tat Twam Asi<br><br>Much love <br><br>UMA

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yes uma, They are the toughest lessons in life ..

They are there infront waiting for us to teach..every

moment ....<br><br>In the Dark night <br>The Moon is

appreciated<br>In the Bright day <br>The Sun is

appreciated.<br>They Don't steal each others life .<br><br>regards

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