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Mantra is energy. It acts as force to achieve the

goal in life. Hanuman crossed the sea by pronouncing

'Jay Rama'. Mantra differs in content from religion to

religion. But its action always same. Mantra sometimes

changes its shape. Ratnakar initially started with

'Mara', later it changes to 'Rama'. In Hindu religion,

the root of all mantras is 'OM'(am I wrong ? pl.

correct). O is mixture of three things 'A', U, 'Ma'. I

don't know what they stand for. Any idea for sharing


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Tks roy jee,<br><br> For sharing. clubs are good

opportunity to see the psychology of meditation. And in the

present bashing drama you wil get to go deeper into the

psyche of sadhakas. <br><br> Well you started a very

good discussion. While I would later request you to

throw light on Mantras, I may add here<br><br> AUM, the

Mahamantra is both Sabeej and Nirbeej (may be used for God

with names or qualities or for pure consciousness).

This Mantra has Four stages (though respected

Jyotishguru knows 5 stages..but I am aware of 4 only)<br><br>

A....U.....M stand for three qualties of God <br><br>

creation, operation and destruction<br><br>It also stands

for three states of consciousness waking state, dream

state and deep sleep( sushupti).<br><br>It also stands

for three levels of consciousness viz. Physical

world, Astral world and Causal world<br><br>Those who

meditate on First Matra of Aum--get to Viraat the god of

physical world<br><br>Those who meditate on second Matra -

get to Hiranyagarbha the god of Astral

world<br><br>Those who meditate on third Matra - get to Iswara the

god with qualities<br><br>Those who meditate on 4th

Matra (which is hidden) get to Brahm the pure

consciousness<br><br> I have this much knowledge about AUM....If anyone

else could add something it will be nice<br><br>Hari


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Blessed Self, dduttaroy<br><br>From a Hindu

perspective there are three classes of mantra: saguna mantras

or 'deity' mantras; nirguna mantras or 'abstract'

mantras; and bija mantras or 'seed' mantras. 'Om' is a

nirguna mantra and appears in all deity mantras because

the deity mantras are referring to different aspects

of the one God, Brahman and 'Om' is Brahman.

<br><br>'Om' does not appear with Bija mantras. Bija mantras

would not be seed mantras if they had to incorporate

'Om'. They are, however, different aspects of 'Om'. The

task of bija mantras is to vibrate in the chakras and

release blockages in the nadis thus allowing kundalini to

flow.<br><br>Nirguna mantras do not incorporate 'Om' directly but

because they are asserting identity with Brahman, they

are asserting identity with 'Om'.<br><br>And then

there are mantras from other spiritual disciplines such

as Sikhism. These mantras do not contain 'Om' but

are just as effective as the mantras above. In fact,

the Sikh mantras that I'm aware of contain bija

mantras, so one could make the claim that they do contain

'Om' in a sense, although some practitioners might be

inclined to deny that.<br><br>A mantra has several

conditions attached to it:<br>1. It was originally revealed

to a sage or saint who achieved Self-Realization

through using it and passed it on to others.<br>2. It has

a specific meter. The pronunciation and rhythm of

the mantra are important in eliciting the full effect

of the mantra.<br>3. It possesses a bija mantra that

invests the mantra with a special power. The bija mantra

opens the psychic centre whose vibrations bring the

meditator to god.<br>4. It has a dynamic power or shakti.

This shakti is the energy or power of the form of the

mantra. The sounds of the mantra set up certain

vibration-forms and the shakti of those forms carry the meditator

to his or her concept of god.<br>5. It contains a

plug or key that conceals the pure consciousness

hidden in the mantra. When the plug is removed by japa

and other purification actions, cosmic consciousness

is revealed.<br><br>Omprem

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Omprem, very nice explanation of the significance

of mantra. Hope, that the club founder would create

one webpage to preserve all the discussions on

mantras. I find that Gurus are of different opinions in

counting the fingers during meditation. Some suggest

prouncing diksha mantra 3 times, some 7 times some 108

times. Again, for counting, the methods vary across

gender. I do not know the reason.

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Dear roy jee<br><br>You have written <Hope,

that the club founder would create one webpage to

preserve all the discussions on mantras><br><br>This is

a great idea and i am requesting one of my members

to index all the good and guiding posts by different

members, subjectwise. For exmaple...we may have one group

of posts written by different members, on Mantras

,another on Kundalini & Chakras, next of Three gunas,next

of Shri Krishna, and also of Shiva & Shakti. We may

also include questions asked by members and their

answers on the subject. The name of the member asking or

replying will be given alongwith.<br><br>and then all

these will be uploaded into founder's home page for

future reference.<br><br>I will be grateful if some more

suggestions could be poured in.<br><br>Hari Om Tat Sat

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