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The differences in sadhakas

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Silentsoul, sadhakas are different as they have

differences in experiences. Jesus said that we are the wolf

whereas Swami Vivekananda said that we are the sons of

lion. Both are sadhakas but their experiences are

different so their preachings are different. It is a time

to integrate the different thoughts into a common

path. But we could not identify different thoughts if

we are impatient to others thought. If there is

heavy storm, let hold the anchor tightly so that at

least the boat could reach at the safe


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Respected Roy jee<br><br> you have written

<< It is a time to integrate the different thoughts

into a common path. But we could not identify

different thoughts if we are impatient to others

thought>>><br><br> for the last 3 years in clubs I had been

trying to say this. The great idea brought forward by

none less than Maharish Aurobindo. <br><br> In One of

my earlier posts i wrote " All truths

(yoga,tantra,krishna,shiva,durga) are in a circle around the absolute. No one

nearer, no one farther, No one lesser truth than the

other and any perpendicular from any point of the

circle will reach the center.<br><br> Well If you also

think so please continue on your posts on Integration

of Truth. I will be grateful.<br><br>Hari Om

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It is true that all are related to absoluteness.

But the paths are different. We must be patient in

hearing the different paths. For example, Audarya lila

das nicely pointed out different paths to pray the

'OM'. Islam people say 'Amin', Christians say 'Amen'

and Hindus say 'OM'. <br> Dear Audaryalila, I find

that Hindus say 'Hari OM tat sat ' after ending the

prayer. Does it carry same meaning to the 'Amen' or

'Amin' ?

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