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The 4 matras

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Dear silentsoul_55,<br>It also stands for three

levels of consciousness viz. Physical world, Astral

world and Causal world<br><br>Those who meditate on

First Matra of Aum--get to Viraat the god of physical

world<br><br>Those who meditate on second Matra - get to

Hiranyagarbha the god of Astral world<br><br>Those who meditate

on third Matra - get to Iswara the god with

qualities<br><br>Those who meditate on 4th Matra (which is hidden) get

to Brahm the pure consciousness<br><br> sorry,not

very clear. Are you talking about 4 different Gods or

Gods in 4 different conditions ?

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:)<br><br> well sir, there is no need to say 4

gods as there is no "Your God" and "My God". The

supreme consciousness is only one and when through the

veil of Maya, it apparently awakens to a certain level

of consciousness, it looks different.<br><br> The

whole universe is manifestation of that one supreme

consciousness. It starts from increase of Tamoguna in the

macrocosm and when Tam reaches the highest concentration

possible, material world is formed.<br><br> At this point

the consciousness awakens in microcosmic egos, though

it is already present then at macrocosmic level.

This is the time when the Return journey to the truth

starts. It is like a circle....first the consciousness

coming down to material levels, and after reaching half

the circle it starts its upward journey.<br><br> The

further development of Mind and intelligence, which are

actually tools of microcosmic egos, the journey towards

truth progresses.<br><br> And I am sure....you or dear

Omprem will further expand this knowledge.<br><br>Hari

OM<br><br>PS Tks My dear Audriya lila das. You have proved by

your beautiful posts on AUM...that Bhaktas are gyanis

too. Please continue guiding us

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