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Spirtual Revolution!

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by Sants Darshan & Kirpal Singh Ji <br>Maharaj,

Part 1 <br><br>DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS - the people

are crying for peace. How can we <br>have<br>it?

Peace should start from our hearts. We should give out

peace as <br>prayed<br>by Guru Nanak: "Peace be unto

all the world over, under Thy Will, O

<br>God."<br>And for this, naturally, there must be a spiritual

revolution.<br><br>The world is already in revolution; but this

revolution should be <br>different.<br>This revolution

should not be of the body, but against the evil

<br>propensities<br>of the mind which keep us away from God. This will

be achieved if we <br>give<br>right understanding to

the people at large, which will result in

right<br>thoughts. First comes understanding; then come right

thoughts, which <br>result<br>in right speech, and right

speech will result in right actions. The

<br>whole<br>thing starts from right understanding.<br><br>So you

will find right understanding first lies in

recognizing that <br>there is<br>a Maker of the universe who

is the Controlling Power and permeates

all<br>creation. This world did not come out of itself; there is a

Maker, and<br>scientists lately have come to this

conclusion, that the whole creation <br>is<br>controlled by

some Power which is conscious.<br><br>So this is the

first thing: the whole world is the manifestation of

<br>God, no<br>East and no West, the earth below and the

sky overhead is His <br>manifestation.<br><br>Guru

Nanak went to Mecca. At night he was lying down with

his feet <br>toward<br>the Kaaba, the house of God.

The clergy-men over there rebuked him, <br>"Why

are<br>you lying with your feet toward the house of God?" He

politely told <br>them,<br>"Dear friend, I see God all

around, there is no place where He is not. <br>If<br>you

think there is any side where God is not, you may turn

my feet that<br>way." You see? So Masters say, "All

is holy where devotion kneels." <br>This is<br>the

first right understanding.<br><br>A great Muslim Saint

says, "The whole earth is blessed because God

<br>permeates<br>all. If my followers find the time for prayers they

can sit on any <br>ground<br>anywhere and say prayers

to God. No matter what way their face is -

<br>because<br>God is everywhere." The Koran, the Muslim scripture,

also says: "God is<br>everywhere." It matters little

whether we face toward West or East; say

<br>your<br>prayers where you are.<br><br>So this is the first right

understanding: We are living in Him, have <br>our<br>being in

Him, He is in us, outside us, above us, below us. Like

fish we <br>have<br>our existence in Him. That is

right understanding. And further: God <br>made

man<br>with equal privileges, all born the same way, no high,

no low; all have <br>got<br>the same outer

concessions - eyes, ears, etc., - and all have the same

<br>inner<br>concession: we are kept in the body by some higher Power

which is the <br>same<br>for all. So this is right

understanding: that we have this thing - God<br>resides in every

heart - and that all is holy where devotion kneels,

<br>all are<br>born with the same privileges from God -

no high, no low, no East, no <br>West.<br>And this

will result in right thoughts.

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