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Japa and counting during Meditation

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Dear friends,<br><br>Basically Sadhana is divided

in two levels - Mental and Physical.<br><br>But both

are related to our Life force. The Divine Love is

developed within ourselves and generates Bhakti - the Love

for Supernatural Powers - the God. Love is the

Essence of Mind and Soul - the Brain Bug which resides

within us. Mental plane (consciousness) with the help of

physical parts like lips and tongue develops speech.

Mantra is specially designed syllables like OUM or

Kring. These seed syllables when chanted in its proper

form generates creative cosmic vibrations. Again these

cosmic vibrations slowly develops special type of energy

and leads the consciousness to higher

planes.<br><br>Mantra if properly chanted knowing its meaning directs

the cosmic energy to empower psychological healing

with spiritual integration and harmonises the

individual (the sadhaka) with the universal intelligence of

Nature (Prakriti).<br><br>Mantra should not be treated

to develop mental force by continuous chanting kind

of mechanical repeatition whenever the individual

wishes to chants.<br><br>Chanting - Japa of Matra are

divided in three categories - <br><br>Manasik Japa

(Chanting mentally and concentrating on the deity who is

the Lord of the Mantra),<br><br>Upangshu Japa

(Chanting the Mantra with lips and toungue only in such a

way that the individual will hear it only and

<br><br>Bachik Japa (Chanting loudly). <br><br>According to

Indian Tantra - Upangshu Japa is ten times superior than

Bachik Japa and Manas Japa is thousand powerful than

Upangshu Japa.<br><br>In Indian Tantra it is advised that

the Sadhaka should learn the 28 types of Japa Rahasya

Sadhana to get the prompt results from the

Japa.<br><br>To be continued<br><br>Jyotishguru

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Thank you for writing on Japa.<br><br>I heard

that there are some thing called Setu, Kulluka etc to

be done before the Japa of any Mantra.<br><br>Can

you elaborate on these please?<br><br>sreeabhinandan

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This is very informative. Jyotishguru kindly post the second part of this

message.<br><br> Kindly tell me what is "Matraa" in a mantra and what is Fifth

Mathra of AUM.<br><br>OM NAMAHA SHIVAYE

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Guruji, i am also interested in your continuation

of this topic. My understanding of Mantra is that it

needs to be received in the correct way, that is, with

diksha. Only the mantra which is received through the

grace of the guru gives bears fruit. <br><br>"Japa is

the happy giver of enjoyment, salvation,

self-fulfilling wish. Therefore, practice the yoga of japa and

dhyana. All blemishes due to transgressions of rule, from

the jiva up to the Brahman, done knowingly or

unknowingly, are wiped away by japa." Kularnava

Tantra.<br><br>om tat sat<br><br>>:*)

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JAPA - II<br><br>Japa<br><br>All the Sadhakas

whether Shakta, Vaishna or Shaiva are advised in Indian

Tantra first to work for the "Mantra Chaitonnyo">

This is a procedure to perform before chanting any

Mantra.<br><br>Afater perfornming the procedures of Japa Rahasya if any

one chants (Japa) any Mantra the Sadhak will

possitively get the siddhi.<br><br>I am listing the 28 points

of Japa Rashyo procedure here below and the Sadhakas

will definitely be benefitted if they sincerely use

the procedure.<br><br>1) SHOUCHA - <br><br>Achmana -

cleaning the lips, mouth and hands<br><br>Jalashuddhi -

Purifying the Water with Mantra,<br><br>Asana Suddhi -

using the Mantra meant for Asan Suddh- with that

purified and flower<br><br>Then chanting Pronam Mantra of

Guruji, Shree Ganesh, Surya and the Ishto Devi or Devata

(the Goddess or God whom you worship)<br><br>2) KAPAT

BHANJAN<br><br>To chant the Beeja Mantra "Hung" ten times in at

least 4 matra (beats)<br><br>3) KAMINI TATWA<br><br>To

Chant the Mantra "Krong" on Hridaya (near Heart) and

then to Dhyana Kamini with this

Mantra<br><br>Simhaskandha samarhurhang Raktovarnang



praying to Kamini (Dhyana Puja) Chant the Beeja

Mantra "Kong" for ten times. <br><br>4)

PRAFULLA<br><br>Chant the Beeja Mantra "Long" for ten times<br><br>To

be continued<br><br>jyotishguru

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Blessed Self<br><br>Mantra initiation from a

Realized Guru is indeed an invalualuable aid to one's own

Self-Realization. The Guru plants the seed, the sakti of the mantra

in the disciple's psyche. For a brief few moments,

the disciple is elevated to as high a spiritual level

of awareness as they are capable of at the time. The

Guru shapes and holds the disciple's consciousness in

that higher plane and when the Guru lets go, the

disciple is unable to hold that level of consciousness and

slowly descends back to his/her normal level of

consciousness. But the power of the Mantra remains in the

disciple's psyche, vibrating, beckoning and transforming.

<br><br>The Guru is essential over the longer time for

guiding the disciple and for helping the disciple to

dissolve his/her ego.<br><br>But a mantra is still an

effective, divine instrument regardless of Guru. The mantra

has its own sakti plus it contains a bija mantra for

power and a failsafe mechanism to prevent the premature

development of kundalini before the disciple is physically,

psychologically and psychically able to bear and direct the force

of kundalini. <br><br>The Guru is necessary for

Self-Realization but not necessarily for the mantra to do its


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Shri Ompremji => Which are the Mantras that

can be used without a guru, and which Mantras should

not be recited without guru?<br><br>Shri

Jyotishguruji => What is "MATRA" of a


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<< Which are the Mantras that can be used

without a guru, and which Mantras should not be recited

without guru?>><br><br>Blessed Self,

kaka_pramod<br><br>"Om" is called the universal mantra. It can be used by

anyone under any conditions. <br><br>But the other

nirguna mantras are a different story. Many Gurus are

reluctant to initiate aspirants into these mantras because

of their difficulties. (Although Jnana Yogis tend to

use them.) So, I would say these mantras should not

be used without a Guru, not because it would be

dangerous but because of their difficulty.<br><br>The

saguna mantras have form-producing qualities, so one

could use them without a Guru.<br><br>Bija

mantras,because of their power, should not be used by someone who

does not have a Guru. Certain advanced mystic mantras,

such as the Sri Vidya, should not be used by those

without experience and without a Guru.<br><br>Omprem

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Mantras, as I see them, are nothing but tools to

help us tune ourselves to levels of frequency

represented by those mantras. Each mantra has its own

resonance and like a tuning fork it is used to tune

ourselves. It certainly takes a while to do so because of

the lifetimes of disharmony that we have managed to

create. <br><br>While many can be used by ones own self

successfully I see the gurus role as that of the doctor (peggy

has used this analogy). A self-realized guru has the

ability to 'see' the shisya and know precisely what the

tuning needs to be. He/She can monitor and add and

subtract to the given mantra as and when needed.<br><br>It

is however a matter of Karma, I feel, whether we are

ready for a guru to give us this kind of constant

guidance. And further it is also karma if we can sustain

their presence in our lives. We therefore have to start

with whereever we are and use whatever comes to us,

knowing that we are under constant guidance of the

divinity within. Provided we listen. In silence.

<br><br>With some guidance then one can use the saguna mantras

and some the bija mantras. Even "Om namah shivaya" or

just "Narayana" among others works wonders. There are

some beautiful stories relating many such events.

<br><br>Of course the more powerful the purpose of the

mantra is, the more detailed instruction and guidance

that is needed.<br><br>Please members .. do continue

this discussion which is of immense use for all

sadhaks. What are some of the saguna mantras that can be

used? Omprem ji peggy, mirabai, ashoka and others .. do

share!<br><br>Much love to all <br><br>Tat Twam asi<br><br>UMA

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UMA<br><br>I agree with everything that you said

in this post.<br><br>You can use any of the saguna

mantras.<br><br>There is one bija mantra that is useful when faced with

a atmosphere of low vibration: <br>Om Aim Hrim Klim

Chamundaye Viche Namaha

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Thanks Omprem ji .. this mantra would have come

in handy a few weeks ago. :) Several of us did use

another one much to our benifit.<br><br>Will you share

with us the form of meditation you teach? Is it japa

or meditation? Is it based on mantras or pranayam

techniques or both? What category of mantras do you use

(saguna etc)? How do you decide what mantras are

appropriate for the student? Without going into too much of

details, is it possible to share a little? (Forgive me, if

my question is inappropriate!If so, please ignore

the question.) <br><br>I am familiar with other

schools and their meditation teacher training, and I am

glad to hear the Shivananda school of yoga also trains

teachers to teach meditation. We certainly need as many

teachers as possible to assist people in reconnecting with

their center.<br><br>Peace<br><br>Tat Twam


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Uma<br><br>I teach mantra meditation. Japa moves

from aloud to thought to telepathic. Another way to

look at it is as a process of increasing concentration

of the mind that moves into meditation and then into

samadhi. It starts with rhythmic diaphragmic breathing,

then focusing on the ajna or anahata chakra and

introducing the mantra in coordination with the

breath.<br><br>My guru was reluctant to initiate aspirants into

nirguna mantras because they are so difficult. If he

wouldn't do it, then I will not either. I focus on saguna

mantras. The aspirant is usually able choose their own

mantra. If the sound of the mantra as a particular

attraction for them, then that might indicate that that

mantra is for them. Or, they learn about the

characteristics of deities and decide whether those

characteristics somehow are reflected in their own personality,

the work that they do, what their interests are or

what their hopes are. Or, they could look at the

relationship between the aspirant and God that is exemplified

by a given mantra. If the aspirant is unable to make

a choice, then I will choose a mantra for them

based on the same critieria. While I will choose a

mantra for them and teach them how to pronounce it, I am

not giving mantra initiation. For that, they need a

Self-Realized person and there are not many of those about.

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Uma<br><br>A little more on mantras and my

approach to teaching mantra meditation:<br><br>AUM is a

nirguna mantra and is the universal mantra. I do

encourage students to use this nirguna mantra. In addition,

I talk to them about the other nirguna mantras and

go over the pronunciation with them. But I do not

encourage the use of nirguna mantras other than

AUM.<br><br>The great majority of aspirants are drawn to saguna

mantras, so I tend to emphasize these.<br><br>The only

bija mantra use that I encourage is the Shakti

mantra:<br><br>Aum Aim Hrim Klim Chamundaye Viche Namaha<br><br>Aim

is the bija mantra of Saraswati, Hrim is the bija

mantra of Durga and Klim is the bija mantra of


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