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My only Wish

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tks dear arghyajyoti for the advice. In fact as

per Dada Duttaroy's advice, we have initiated

this..you may refer to msg No.1070 for this.<br><br>

Friends, while in hospital, my sweet daughter visited me

and said," Papa if I meet God and he agrees to grant

me only ONE WISH, i would ask him not to give you

any pains".<br><br> whole night I was thinking over

this....well for her love for me this was obvious but it

surprised me if God asks me for such a wish what would I

ask for.<br><br> and believe me it is not an easy

question. The wish depends on the time, maturity of mind,

circumstances and many factors. But really if we are asked for

one wish.....what that should be? The answer, if not

affected by our present circumstances and if it is from

our inner self would reveal a great about our Plane

of consciousness.<br><br> what do you think friends

what wish you like to be fulfilled if ever u meet GOD.

Uma,cathy, Peggy, kajol,vinod, renu Jyothishiji, dada...and

all other co-sadhaakas would you like to share

???<br><br><br>Hari Om Tat Sat

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True according to spiritual maturity the answer

would vary. The best probably would be Death-- Death of

the Jivatman. Thus the consciousness of

Paramatman.<br>It queer to ask for death isnt it. Its only a

question of Faith. If I believe in Brahman, Sarvam

Khalidam Brahman, then may I be transformed from a bunch

of Gunas to Nirguna. Aham Brahmasmi.<br>In your

case, Better still would be to ask for the Death of

jivatman of your Daughter, Nay, the world of beings. For

here lies the essence of unselfish love. Even if I

fail may all whom I love must succeed. I will wait and

watch.<br>(Excuse me if I hurt your feelings, I only mean to be

True as in an ideal condition)<br>Swami Vivekananda

said:<br>May you (my disciples) die working for the Mankind, I

will stand and watch.<br>This is what I call Love and

Spiritual maturity.

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Hmmm int. question. For me i have only one wish

to see my Lord Shiva face to face in this body with

these very eyes<br><br> so when he will meet me, my

wish will be fulfilled automatically. No other desire

will remain<br><br> <br>:) :X<br><br>vinod

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i must agree with you vinod. If i can have

darshan, meet my lover Sri Gopinatha face to face, my life

will be complete. Srimad Bhagavatam describes the

condition of the devotee after this meeting. (SB 3.25.36)

"Upon seeing the charming forms of the Lord smiling and

attractive, and hearing His very pleasing words, the pure

devotee almost loses all other consciousness. His senses

are freed from all other engagements, and he becomes

absorbed in devotional service. Thus in spite of his

unwillingness, he atains liberaton without separate

endeavor."<br><br>om tat sat<br><br>>:*)

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Sure, If I could meet the God, I must tell him that please enlighten us from

negative interpretation of our sufferings to the positive interpretation.


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interesting question... i feel the answer

in<br>many ways depends on one's culture, one's

belief<br>system, one's soul age, etc.. lolol<br><br>it has been

said that when a butterfly opens his<br>wings in

japan, it moves the air in america...<br><br>for me, i

believe that we are all "drops of divinity"<br>and that

we are all here manifesting divinity... <br>that we

are all connected to each other through <br>our

divinity... that regardless of how many <br>different

forms-ideologies-levels i perceive, <br>there is only One... <br>there is

only God... <br>there is only Love... <br><br>there is

a beautiful interconnected web that is <br>made up

of our divine sparks, our inner blue <br>pearls,

that blankets this world and all worlds...<br><br>my

wish: <br>in this beautiful web, may i (with joy, love

and <br>awareness) take the place Shiva created me

for...<br>amen.<br><br>to me, this means that i fulfill Shiva's

purpose<br>for which my soul took birth... that i become <br>one

with god/love, that i see-honor-celebrate the

<br>divinity in all things-all beings-all worlds-all<br>that

is... that i become a student of those i am <br>meant

to learn from, that i become a light for<br>those i

am meant to be a light to... <br><br>may all the

beings in all the universes have peace<br>om shanti

shanti shanti

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Fascinating question silentsoul. I've been trying

to think what I would really want. I have so many

wants. One one hand I want to be with my dear Babaji

Maharaj to learn, to experience more of the Truth and, to

be able to live more and more of the Truth in my

daily life. Then on the other hand I feel even that is

limiting. What I truly wish is Mukti; total; free from the

cycle of rebirths. <br><br>I also feel we get whatever

we ask for; "God" just makes sure we are ready and

have the necessary skills having performed the

necessary tasks that I need to fulfill. I ask myself

sometimes .. am I ready?<br><br>As my net sis says to me if

you think you are ready then you are!!!! I also have

experienced that we are only given what we are ready to

receive, limited only by the limits of our imagination. So

I guess that brings me back to Learn, Understand,

Trust, Wish and Let go. <br><br>I guess then if I met

'GOD' and got one wish I would ask for total Mukti and

believe "Thy will be done".<br><br>smiless .. love to

all<br><br>Tat Twam Asi<br><br>UMA

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Cathy - It was a beautiful thought tks<br><br>Uma

u hv written << I guess then if I met 'GOD'

and got one wish I would ask for total Mukti

>>><br><br> Do we not get Moksha if we happen to meet God? Is

having his darshan in this world not Mukti??<br><br> If

not then why not; and if yes then there is no need to

ask Mukti from him when HE meets. :))<br> having a

darshan of God and getting Mukti; R these two different

things?<br> <br>Can God in his full Glory be seen by physical

eyes ?? Are our physical organs evolved enough to see

GOD ?<br><br> If he can not be seen by physical eyes

then how do we see him ???(there are many instances

where many have seen God)<br><br> <br> How will Peggy

see her Krishna...with her physical eyes ??

:))<br><br>Hari Bol

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My only wish,<br>is to keep serving those who serve him,this in<br>contrast make

fire of love where I am daily burning,let me burn in this love


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If I meet God and he promises to fulfil my one

wish I will ask for<br><br> MOKSHA with the a few

pre-conditions like<br><br>>> India becomes super

power<br>>> Jayalalitha and Lalu Yadav remain behind

Jail<br>>> Soniya goes back to Italy<br>>> Talibaanas

are destroyed<br>>> No kid dies of

hunger<br>>> Ataljee remain PM for ever<br>>> I become a

millionaire<br>>> There is peace in India no more

terrorists<br><br> I think I wil be able to trick God into accepting

this as in Satyawaan Savitri story. Mokksha without

getting all this will be useless<br>forme

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My sincere apologies to silent soul ji, i put the

word behaving as light humour. I do say this to my

students often. perhaps i was worng in putting it in the

club, i just meant after the OP you take care of

yourself. <br>regards and have a good day premji.<br>Renuka

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