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I met her once<br>She is never to depart!<br>I

searched her all over <br>She said you would miss me!

<br><br>Sometimes when myself left me alone<br>She appears to be

there<br>She said to my untouched sense <br>Can only be

embraced by her!<br><br>She Said <br>Your pain is not from

your wounds<br>Your longings are not of your

defeats<br>Your agony is the emptiness of your own cup <br>Throw

that what you have in hand <br>And walk with her like

a child holding the mother’s hand. <br><br>They

said name your beloved!<br>How can I fill the seven

oceans in their tiny cup?<br><br>regards

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thankyou Imthi_yaz it was great <br><br> I

requested Jyotishguru to explain Matraa of a mantra and

fifth Matraa of AUM ( in msg 1097) but he cared not to

reply<br><br> Can i request silentsoul, omprem,tatwamasi or any

other member to explain these 2 aspects and if they do

not know the answer be honest and

tell<br>so.<br><br>vinod<br><br>Down with Talibaan for their new anti human

rules for


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Dear Vinodbhai ..<br><br>I was also waiting for a

response and had not addressed your question about the 5th

matra of OM. Thanks Ompremji for your response. I don’t

know any more details about matras in the context of

OM.<br><br>1. Post 1092 - “Chanting - Japa of Matra are divided

in three categories” ------ ‘Matra’ should probably

read ‘Mantra.” <br><br>2. Post 1044 – “This Mantra has

Four stages (though respected Jyotishguru knows 5

stages..but I am aware of 4 only).” ---- I am not sure what

silentsoulji meant. Perhaps Jyotishguruji has spoken to him of

these. If so, I will ask guruji, on his return, to be

sure and write about it. <br><br>3. Post 1144 -- “..

if they do not know the answer be honest and tell

so.” --- I apologize your question hasn’t been

addressed yet. Speaking for the founders anyway, I can

assure you that we know an infinitesimal part of the

TRUTH and don’t hesitate to say so. Whatever we know is

also filtered through our own experiences. Forgive us

if we have given any other impression. <br><br>4.

Post 1144 - “I requested Jyotishguru to explain Matraa

of a mantra and fifth Matraa of AUM ( in msg 1097)

but he cared not to reply” -- Thank you for asking

directly about his silence instead of speaking behind his

back. <br><br>I have requested Jyotishguru to address

your question but he is hard to pin down in one place.

One day he is filming the terracotta temples of

Bengal, another day he is asked to present at a national

conference and another day he is in Gangotri while another

day he is solving family issues. When his guru calls

from the mountains he can drop everything and leave.

He has only one witness .. shiva/guru. According to

his very strict lineage they have to totally give up

their egos to be initiated and leave all to THAT. He

lives in a different world faar removed from this life,

as in “ being in the world not of the world”, doing

his personal saadhna through his life as a silent

“Griha” (householder) yogi. He refuses to be called a

teacher, even as he is piled on with national honors in

his field. It is his friends and those who know him

thru his work who have told me about him. He speaks

very little. <br><br>I say this because it has come

back to me that there are people who speak in abusive

and low terms about him in our clubs, under the

encouragement and audience of some fellow members. While he

cares very little about this behavior as he says,

“Shiva is in charge, HE will take care of them,” his

personal silence often is misunderstood.<br><br>I can

assure you he cares. His time schedule is a bit

different. He will return from Gangotri etc in a few days.

If his guru asks him to stay longer he will. He,

however, has promised to keep me posted. I have learnt to

learn from him according to his time-frame, not mine.

<br><br>Love and peace<br><br>Uma

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