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THIS week's story !

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A Young girl was telling about her

problem"<br><br> My brother was very fond of imprisoning beautiful

birds. He had a big cage in which he kept different

birds who sat in the cage sadly watching open sky

outside with tears in their eyes. I was very sad but

could not help the birds in any way.<br><br> first I

tried persuading my brother to release the birds, but

he rebuked me for this.<br><br>Then I prayed god to

fill my brother's heart with kindness so that he

releases the birds. I prayed and prayed but nothing

happened.<br><br>Then I learnt about a Tantrik ritual, which would

change my brother's heart...i tried it but to no

avail.<br><br> Then I thought, all this as Maya and tried to

think that birds and cages are all nothing but a

mirage...but the cries of the imprisoned birds broke that Maya

for me<br><br> And One day i got up, went to my

garden and broke the cage, and let all the birds fly

free into the open sky !<br><br> (what should be the

moral of the story


---------------<br><br>In a village there lived a farmer. His only son had

a bad habit of eating too much jaggery. The farmer

tried to stop him many times but to no avail. Finally

he decided to take him to his guru. They both went

there and the farmer told the guru about his son's bad

habit and requested him to forbade his son for the

act.<br><br> The guru thought for a while and asked the farmer

to come after 15 days. The farmer came back after 15

days and this time the guru patted his son and in a

sweet voice told him," Look son stop eating so much

jaggery as it is harmful for your health"<br><br> the

farmer asked his guru," Sir you could have told this

when i brought him the first time why for such a

simple sentence you asked me to come after 15

days.<br><br>Guru smiled and said," Son when u came first and

complained about your son's eating too much jaggery, I was

myself in this habit. So I asked you to come after a

fortnight and during this fortnight...i tried my best to

stop this habit myself and now after I have left

eating jaggery altogather, I have asked your son to stop

this habit....and I am sure now this advice will work

on him"<br><br>Moral ????? <br>Hari Om

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