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My real Self !

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When I am not consious in the wakeful state, when

I am not conscious in dream state, when I am not

conscious in dreamless sleep. When I am out of clutches of

my organs,when i am away from logics of Mind, when I

am away from the Thoughts, when I am away from

Avidya, I am in turiya state (samadhi), my natural state

of being. Full of bliss, full of knowledge, full of

light. I am in my enemies, I am in my friends I am in

the relatives, i am in the strangers. I am the colors

of the Rainbow, I am the light and heat of the sun

and stars, I fly around like birds, I am the

tormentor, the grief and the grieved. I am the emotion, I am

the eye, and i am the tears. I am Avidya

(ignorance)and I am the Vidya (knowledge), I am shiva and I am

shakti. I am Krishna and I am Meera I am Rama and I am

Ravana. My will power is making me ignorant and my will

power will wake me up to the truth. Then what it is

that is stopping me to become one with the Universe

???<br><br>Hari OM

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My dear Silent soul!<br>i have given alot of

thought to your question of what keeps you from merging

with the Universe. (Actually, i think of you alot

*smile*! Your health is always in my prayers.) i have this

answer for you:<br><br>"O Sadhu! The simple union is the

best.<br>Since the day when I met with my Lord there has been no

end to the sport of our love.<br>I shut not my eyes,

I close not my ears, <br>I do not mortify my

body;<br>I see Him with eyes open and smile, and behold His

beauty everywhere;<br>I utter His name, and whatever I

see,<br>it reminds me of Him; whatever I do, it becomes His

worship.<br>The rising and setting are one to<br>me; all

contradictions are solved.<br>Wherever I go, I move round

Him,<br>All I achieve is His service:<br>When I lie down, I

lie prostrate at His feet...<br>I am immersed in that

one great bliss which<br>transcends all pleasure and

pain."<br><br>Kabir<br><br>tadeva sadhyatam tadeva sadhyatam<br>(Cultivate grace

alone; cultivate grace alone.)<br>>:*)<br> >:*)

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Thanx peggy for the beautiful Kabir poem. How

lucky I am that His bhakta love me and I am sure one

day Krishna will be forced by his Bhakta to love me

too. :)<br><br> (I know I am wrong here, as Krishna

loves us always..it is only we who have to learn to

love him)<br>Hari Bol

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Dadu's Classic Sant Mat Gospel <br><br>So

priceless is the birth, O brother,<br>That in it, the

Supreme Lord can<br> be met.<br> <br>The human body is

the Door<br> to salvation.<br> <br>If the meeting is

not accomplished<br> while alive,<br>If the contact

is not made while alive,<br>If the Lord of the

universe is not found<br> while alive,<br>Then one is

simply drowned.<br> <br>The One who has made this

temple<br> of our hearts,<br>He alone dwells in this

temple.<br>None else but our Beloved is in our<br> hearts.<br>

<br>With thee is thy Friend. Let thyself<br> recognize

Him.<br>Look not at a distance. Know Him<br> as thy

reflection, O Dadu.<br> <br>God is within all beings. He

accompanies<br> all and is close by.<br>Musk is in the musk deer,

and yet<br> it goes around smelling grass.<br>

<br>The self knows not God, although God<br> is with the

self.<br>Being deaf to the Holy Sound of the<br> Master, sadly

does he wander.<br> <br>He for whom thou searchest in

the world<br> dwells within thyself.<br>Thou knowest

Him not, because the veil<br> of 'mine' and 'thine'

is there.<br> <br>He dwells within all beings, yet

rarely<br> anyone knows Him.<br>He alone who is a devotee of

God<br> will know Him.<br> <br>By rendering service

within the heart,<br>See thou the One who is

indestructible<br> and boundless,<br>Having no limit either on this

end<br> or on that end, sayeth Dadu.<br> <br>After

entering within, let one, O Dadu,<br> bolt the doors of

the house.<br>Let one, O Dadu, serve the Lord at

the<br> Door of Eternity.<br> <br>God is within the self,

His worship alone<br> is to be done.<br> <br>Search

thou for the Beloved close to the<br>

place<br>Wherefrom the Sound emerges, and thou<br> shalt find Him,

sayeth Dadu.<br>There is solitude there, and there is

luster<br> of Light.<br> <br>One who, turning the attention

inward,<br>Brings it within the self,<br>And fixes it on the

Radiant Form of<br> the Master,<br>Is indeed wise, O

Dadu.<br> <br>Where the self is, there is God; all is<br>

filled with Him.<br>Fix thine attention within, O

valiant<br> servant.<br>So does Dadu proclaim.<br> <br>Fix

thine attention within, and sing<br> always within the

self.<br>This mind then dances with ecstasy, and<br> beats with

pleasure the rhythm.<br> <br>God is within the self; He is

close<br> to the worshipper.<br>But leaving Him aside, men

serve<br> external constructions, lameteth<br> Dadu.<br>

<br>This is the true mosque, this is the true

temple.<br>So hath the Master shown.<br>The service and worship

are performed<br> within.<br><br>-- Sant Dadu Sahib

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