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My start with the master

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Hello everyone.....I just wanted to tell how I

became aware......It was back in the 1980ssss that my

friend interduced me to the master (heart master Da love

ananda).....Nothing really clicked at that time, although I was

interested and would buy some books and listen to tapes but

never really moving much into the spirit.....<br><br>In

the the 1990s I was sitting in my house saying there

has to be more in life then what I see, well I could

feel the books of the Master over in the corner

calling me, so I started to read the books and the more I

read the more I had to read, the Master was coming to

me through the words.....I could hardley put the

books down as my awakeing was happening, but also I

became some one else for awhile, my humor was gone, I

was not commicateing with my friends or family very

well....All I could do was think about God and My Master and

I stayed like that for month's.....slowly I drifted

away from the masters group, but My spiritual growing

continued as I found other group's and then seemed to drift

away from them.....always chooseing to move on.......I

am not sure what will happen on my path but I bow to

the master everyday for my awakening and think of him

fondley......<br><br>Please feel my warmth and it is on the wind.<br>Namaste


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A dear friend of mine suffered a severe loss and

felt his life was over. He had lost the woman he loved

and for him there was nothing more to live for. He

sobbed for days and after several weekends of crying and

praying for help he saw a strange "man in orange robes

with an afro hair cut" consoling him that all will be

fine and to be at peace. He woke up amazed and with a

strange sense of peace and ran to the local spiritual

book store to look for a picture which matched the

image his dream! <br><br>His GURU had found him .. Sai

Baba! <br><br>Amazing isn't it Jeff! when the student

is ready the GURU (internal or external) seeks us

out and takes ahold of our hand to guide us where we

need to be. All we need to do is "listen", but with

our hearts not just our ears.<br><br>Tell us more

about your journey Jeff? <br><br>Peace<br>Tat Twam


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Blessed Self. Allow me to tell all of you about

my meeting with my Guru, Swami Vishnu

Devananda.<br><br>Many years ago, I came to a point where I wanted to

make some changes in my life. I had only been to the

Sivananda Ashram in Quebec, Canada once or twice but felt

that I should spend a weekend there to see if I could

come to some decisions on some life issues. To keep my

focus, I wrote down five issues that I intended to

ponder during my time at the Ashram and didn't tell

anyone the purpose of my visit. Swami Vishnu was at the

ashram that weekend but I had never met him and, as far

as I was aware nobody knew me. I was just an

anonymous face in the crowd.<br><br>I participated in the

ashram's daily routine of morning and evening satsangs and

yoga classes. At an evening satsang, Swami Vishnu was

giving a talk to several dozen people. As I listened to

Swamiji's talk, it suddenly dawned on me that Swamiji,

within the context of his general talk, was answering

the questions that I has come to the ashram to

resolve and he was answering them in the order that I had

written them down. <br><br>At first, I was stunned by

this discovery. Then awed by Swamiji's ability to know

my mind so intimately. Next, I was impressed by his

ability to weave his responses to my questions seamlessly

into the talk that he was giving. I was overwhelmed by

the compassion and solicitude that he demonstrated

for my struggle and the succor that his answers

provided. Finally, I recognized his willingness to offer

himself as guru and accept me as disciple.<br><br>As

Swami Vishnu came out of the room after the Satsang

ended, I knelt down, thanked him for his help and

touched his feet. I had met and recognized my

guru.<br><br>And those issues that I was struggling with? They

dissolved, simply vanished. Not because of the particular

answers that Swamiji gave or because he cared enough to

answer or because he recognized my concerns and distress

and made a compassionate response to them. The issues

vanished because Swami Vishnu answered them in a way, that

I could understand and in a way that gave me a

different, higher perspective that showed those issues to be

actually non-issues. The issues that had been so important

to me simply vanished in the light of

Self-Realization that Swamiji has so briefly elevated


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Jeff .. as you have been journeying on .. have

you had an opportunity to study with other

teachers?<br><br>What are some of the Truths that you learnt that are

part of your life now?<br><br>sending Peace and love

your way<br><br>UMA

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