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Hello Silentsoul_55,<br> I think you saw my site

at <a href=http://www.geocities.com/akashan_99/astral.htm


and you like it, thanks.<br>It started as a simple

list of books on my hard disk when I started to study

the matter, then it became an html file to easily go

to the individual book at the vendor site.<br>When I

realized there were many others on the same path, I made

it a site.<br><br>Now visitors are helping me

to find new books to add to the list, which is now

too big to be loaded as a single file, so I divided

it in four: General ESP/Channeling, Astral

Projection/Obe, Lucid Dreaming/NDE, Reincarnation.<br><br>I have

added the bibliography page of my site:

<a href=http://www.geocities.com/akashan_99/biblio.htm

target=new>http://www.geocities.com/akashan_99/biblio.htm</a> to the link

section of the club (#21).<br>Thanks

again and good navigation!<br><br> Akashan_99

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Welcome dear Akashan to our satsang. Yes i

visited yr site and found it useful.<br><br> I will be

grateful if you could write something in this club about

Astral projection as astral projection and oobe are not

westner's inventions (though they have honestly researched

on this), but finds its roots in our religion.

Patanjali's Ashtang yoga has clear mention of astral

projection and astral travel etc.<br><br> Waiting for an

informative post. I too have done some research on OOBE and

would like to share this with you and other interested


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello SILENTSOUL_55,<br> I will post something

that is not yet on my site, my best experience of

partial separation.<br><br>In the period I was reading my

first books on Astral Projection (aka Out of Body

Experiences) I woke up one morning finding myself totally

blind, and with a strange sensation on my back. I was

laying on my left side (quite unusual for me), and

started to bend myself forward, like to assume a fetal

position, but strangely I did not feel the usual friction

with the bed, like I had no weight (I am >260 lb.).

At the same time, with a tingling sensation on my

back, I was feeling like a million of spyderweb-like

wires were resisting my move forward. At this time my

wife got out of bed, slightly moving it, and my open

eyes slowly regained sight, and I found myself

straight on my left side, like I had not moved at all. I

was not in a dream, because I could hear what was

around me all the time.<br><br>I realized then that I

had just had a partial separation of the upper part

of my astral body from the physical, and that this

delicate process was interrupted by an external

disturbance. I could go so far in the experimenting of astral

separation, because of the auto-hypnotic effect of reading a

lot of new and interesting facts about a new world,

the same world which is barren by your own

sub/super-conscious, this hypnotic effect provokes some kind of short

circuit, and the closed door between these different

worlds, just gaps a little open.<br><br>Waiting for your

comments! - Akashan_99

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