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The True Lover!

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I wandered in search of a true<br>lover but did

not find any;<br>When a lover meets another<br>lover,

then all poison turns

into<br>nectar.<br><br>Meditation is the lever, love<br>is the rope and the mind


the man<br>for drawing the water;<br>The thousand

petalled lotus* is the well, <br>and Divine Love is the

water. <br>The devotee drinks that<br>water again and

again.<br><br>The type of food you eat<br>determines the type of

mind you'll have;<br>Similarly, the type of

drink<br>you take determines the type of<br>words you'll

speak.<br><br>Musk is in the navel of the<br>musk deer, but the deer

searches<br>for its fragrance everywhere in the forest;<br>In the

same way, God dwells in<br>every heart, but people

search for<br>Him elsewhere, and do not find

Him.<br><br>My Lord is dwelling in each and every heart; <br>not

a single place is empty;<br>But that heart is great

where<br>God manifests His qualities.<br><br>Kabir says:

<br>The recollection of God's Name <br>is the essence of

all essences.<br><br>Oh Beloved! By reciting your

Name<br>all the time I merged in you <br>and my ego

disappeared;<br>My troubles of transmigration disappeared. <br>Now,

wherever I look I see you.<br><br>I wandered in search of

a true <br>lover but did not find any;<br>When a

lover meets another lover, <br>then all poison turns

into nectar.<br><br>My Lord is dwelling in each and

every heart; <br>not a single place is empty;<br>But

that heart is great where<br>God manifests His

qualities.<br><br>Kabir Sahib says: <br>"I made my eyes into a bridal

room <br>and the pupils into a bridal bed;<br>I pulled

down the curtains of<br>the eyelids and pleased my

Beloved." *<br><br>-- Kabir, "Kabir Sakhi -- "Spiritual

Gems of Kabir," Kabir Association<br>________

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