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He came !!

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Krishna was going to Mathura to meet kansa his

maternal uncle who had earlier tried to Kill Krishna on

many occasions but failed. When people of Mathura came

to know about the arrival of shri krishna, they

gathered on the roads to have a glimpse of their loving

Bal gopal.<br><br> When Krishna was passing from the

streets of Mathura, people were spellbound to see his

face. There were hundreds of young women who had come

all prepared laden with ornaments and wearing their

best dresses. They were whishpering ..oh may Krishna

see us and fall in love with us. Krishna was watching

them lovingly and his eyes when met with their eyes,

gave them trembles of ecstasy.<br><br> In the crowd

also stood one women who was hunchback with no beauty

on the face. She wore simple clothes as she was

quite poor. She had also heard of Krishna coming to

Mathura and had come prepared to show her love to Krishna

by applying sandal-wood paste on his body. Seeing so

many beautiful and well decorated noble girls, her

heart sank. She was standing hopelessly behind the

crowd crying over her bad luck and thinking," Oh why

Krishna will love a woman like me? I am not beautiful

even have a hunch....amongst all those beauties of

Mathura, i am nothing but a piece of shame....Oh my

krishna at least see towards me once."<br><br> Suddenly

she saw Krishna standing before her and asking

lovingly " Beloved will you not apply sandalwood paste on

my body" She was shocked with surprise and with

trembling hands applied fragrant paste on Krishna's

forehead and arms. Her eyes were shedding tears... her

voice was choked...she could not believe what brought

Krishna to a useless woman like her. Krishna smiled and

said," Now I will kiss you as a price for your service"

and he held her by face,but due to hunch she could

not stand erect. Krishna put his feet over her feet

and gave her body a jerk and her hunch vanished. She

could not even thank Krishna for his love, and he had

gone ....and our heroine stood shocked dumb and crying

in SPIRITUAL ECSTASY.<br><br>What was it that

brought Krishna to the hunchback?<br><br> Let us not

worry about our bad karma, nor for the present faults

nor for the luck or gods or anything.....let pure and

pious love for HIM awaken in our heart...let us cry for

HIM.....let us make him the sole purpose of our life and HE

will be there !! He will not care for our knowledge of

books, nor for the ornaments of our degrees of knowledge

nor will he be impressed with the numbers of books we

read. He will measure the love and piousness in us and

respond.<br><br>Hari Aum

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tks tulsi and many thanks to babu for sharing the

beautiful story ! <br><br> People take fanatism for Bhakti.

Real Bhakti is a rare thing and if we see towards the

devotion of Hanuman, Mirabai, Paramhansa, and many others,

we will see what real Bhakti is. and who else but

Krishna could be a better beloved.<br><br> We had

discussed many times about the use of sadhna in our daily

life. If we study Shri Krishna, we will find out that

by his story, we will get a glimpse of how a life

should be lived by higher souls. Shri Krishna, the

Paramatama himself incarnated as a human being and taught us

the practical lessons of Sadhna. He did not preach

but practiced. That is why He is called a MAHAYOGI, A

PARAMAVATARA.<br><br> Can we discuss some points that he put in

practical use in his life to show, how a Karma yogi, how a

Gyani and how a bhakta lives ??<br><br>Hari

Aum<br><br>btw where is peggy missing ? All Krishna bhakatas

....are they in Baikunthha now ?? :)

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Dear silentsoul_55,<br>When I was driving to work

today, my eyes teared, I did some mistakes, and I was

wondering if my Beautiful One still loves me! I came in to

work and read your mail...I cried, but out of joy.

Thank you so much, to you and to my Beautiful One, for

He answered my questions through you. Again, thank


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Tks selvi and peggy for sharing Krishna's love

!<br><br>Duttaroy jee, weeping during meditation is a unique

process of clearing of stale emotional energies. We might

have seen many people weeping or crying during Mantra

chanting. This is not a hypocrity or mental imbalance. when

some people chant the Mantra, it affects the heart

chakra the most and any stale emotional energies stuck

up there, come out and are destroyed in form of

weeping or crying or tears.<br><br>some people feel

trembling of the body in Chanting. This is also due to

release of Prana energy from Kundalini due to the

forceful vibrations of the sound of Mantra.<br><br> Tears

do come during the meditation. If we have never

experienced them, it does not mean we do not have stale

emotional negativity in our heart chakra (as in today's

world it is impossible to have pure heart chakra)....it

implies our sadhna has not yet reached to that level

where Positive energy currents from Kundalini reach the

heart chakra and start purifying it. In bhakta this

process starts first, in gyana yoga raja yoga, it takes

some time because the concentration there is not on

heart chakra but Agya chakra.<br><br>Hari Aum

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Ahh this was very touching.<br><br> I used to think Unfortunates are

unfortunate because they are not loved by HIM, This post made me


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Yes dear, Unfortunate are those who do not love

HIM. Sometimes his love descends as pains and

sufferings.<br><br> sri Aurobindo writes " Sir Philip Sidney said of

the criminal led out to be hanged," There, but for

the grace of God, goes Sir Philip sidney,"<br>Wisely

had he said, " There, by the grace of God, goes sir

Philip sidney".<br><br>Hari aum

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