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Wonders of Silence

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Blessed Self, Safar<br><br>If your post receives

no other replies than this, you will know that we

are all meditating on it.<br><br>Just a tiny joke,

that I could not resist. Oh, those mischievous

vrittis.<br><br>Yours in Truth<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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Dear Safar, you have touched a very important

point of Sadhna.<br><br> Our mind is always busy in the

noise made by the information received from sense

organs and sub-conscious. In fact this continuous input

and processing of various informations all the times

(even while sleeping) is the cause of "being of"

Mind.<br><br> when we try to stop this noise and be silent in

Mind....our sadhna starts and when the Mind is completely

silent it melts into its cause and we go to

Samadhi.<br><br> Please continue as this will bring a lot of

important facts on the board<br><br><br><br>Hari Aum

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Silence is a powerful tool and it is in its

intention wherein lies its power. Silence, as in lack of

response can range, on one end from apathy, lack of

interest, indifference, ignorance, fear, lack of confidence

in ones views, etc. On the other end of the spectrum

is the silence of Tat twam asi .. where all is ONE

the door to the Truth is thrown wide open and one can

reside in ecstatic union. Words have no value. The

sounds of silence at that stage are sounds of

bliss!<br><br>Most of us fall somewhere within this continuum.

<br><br>Silence in meditation is the doorway to the ultimate

union with the divine. Whether one is meditating on the

formless divinity or chanting the name of ones beloved, it

is only when the action (the doing) is stilled, the

mind is cleared of the distractions of the

ego-centered waves of thoughts, it unlocks the door to the

ultimate bliss of "being home".<br><br>"You need not leave

the room. Remain sitting at the table and listen. You

need not even listen. Just wait. You need not even

wait. Just become quiet, still and solitary, and the

world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked.

It has no choice. It will roll in ecstasy at your

feet."<br><br> -- Franz Kafka<br><br>Members .. how does silence

feel to you? Have you experienced the "sounds of

silence" after say an hour of chanting? <br><br>Come on

..... please don't be silent about it? :)<br><br>Tat

twam asi<br>UMA

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