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you got to find your mothers love in your

heart...<br>people divorce and there is nothing you can do abaut

it...they used to love each other...and you are seed of

that love...remember that and forgive them...hindu is

a great religion...you like tehno- DJ

CHEB&SABBAH-great hindu tehno music-SHRI DURGA is the name of cd-

listen to that it might be helpfull to you.

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Dear Kalpana,<br>A divorce in a marriage happens

when either one or both people do not see eye to eye

on issues which they hold dear to heart. A divorce

has nothing to do with religious beliefs, it was so a

Hindu would not go for one; a Hindu is supposed to be

married for seven lives!<br>Religion according to the

Webster's dictionary is "a cause, principle, or system of

beliefs held to with ardor and faith". There is nothing

to hate about religion. Religion teaches Love. All

religions do that in their own different ways. Religion is

a set of beliefs. <br>When two different families

even in the same culture meet and marry, they fight;

so I am not surprised that here were two people from

different cultural backgrounds fighting.<br>Think deep.

What do you really think was the cause of teh breakup?

Look within your self. In a marrige where there is no

love, tiny things get magnified out of proportions.

<br>I am sure your mother loves you and I am also sure

your father loves you too. Just because you stay apart

from your father or mother does not mean that they

love you any less or that you should love them any

less. They did what they thought best. <br>Try looking

from your mother's point of view. Maybe she had too

much of a culture/religious shock. Maybe your father

had one too. Well, you have the best of both worlds.

Try to make the best of it. Love your parents, love

yourself and love religion. <br>Hinduism is more of a

philosopy than a religion. Try to go deep into it. You will

find a lot of peace.

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The breaking of a marriage is allways a very

painfull experience for everybody involved : both parents,

children, grandparents ... and it never happens on

differences of religion alone. Divorce is a complex matter.

Children suffer a lot, because they don't understand what

happens. They think parents stay together forever.<br>You

are 18 and a young adult. Maybe, once you get over

your grief, you can find your own way to both your

parents hearts. Their divorce is their business. And you

can start exploring your own path in life. Socially,

religiously, emotionally ... Isn't that a great adventure

?<br>We write our own book of life. Start writing yours.

I wish you good luck.

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Dear Kalpana<br><br>You are obviously hurting

very much and feel like the world, as you have known,

is crumbling aroudn you. A loss like this often

sends into a grieving process, which includes anger,

betrayal and finally letting go, to be able to move

on.<br><br>While divorce is tough on those going through it, it is

tougher on children who have to face the consequences of

it. Unfortunately it is becoming more common all over

the world and is taking its toll on the children, no

matter what the age is. It is a stark fact of

life.<br><br>I'm not sure what you mean by the issues/values you

speak of in "my parents fought a lot over many things

mostly religion and cultural issues". Marriages always

require a adjustment of ideas and in a cross-cultural

marriage it is likely to be even more so. However as one

of our sadhaks said .. your parents loved each other

when they married and you are a loved child of that

union. They both love you, and you must hold on to that

love.<br><br>As Morgitta has pointed out, since you are older you

have an opportunity to redefine your values and issues

and make choices of your own. But first you will have

to forgive the imperfections of those around you,

knowing that people can only do the best they know how to

do. The hurt will always be there, the understanding

however will help you move past it and, as Morgitta said,

help you "write your own book" . <br><br>Do continue

talking to us .. we love you here. Continue asking

questions, sharing and allow yourself to listen without

shutting doors. Most importantly love yourself, remember

you are a precious creation/child of "GOD".

<br><br>May you be enveloped in the effulgent light of "GOD",

guiding and carrying you in your time of special need.

<br><br>Love <br><br>UMA

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Hello kalpana.......well my friend first let me

tell you I am not a hindu, or do I follow any

relgion.....You must follow your heart, what do your think of the

hindu way, do you feel love there???......I think going

inside and finding the love for your self is your first

step.....<br><br>I am sending you the loving light of the rose

quartz and it is on the wind...namaste jeffery

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