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Thank you all for sending love to what appeared

to be a young troubled person in

need.<br><br>Gandhiji is supposed to have been asked once.. so many of

the sadhus are frauds? By assisting them you are

encouraging their behavior? He is reported to have said that

... 'if even one of them is real then it is worth the

giving'. <br><br>It is easy to be left feeling foolish or

outraged when we realize that we were manipulated. It

happens every day in our real lives. Sometimes it hardens

people who then turn away from giving

totally.<br><br>The love expressed here came from your hearts with

the intention of expressing empathy, compassion and

love. It is the intention that truely counts in all

giving. Our actions are all we are responsible for.

<br><br>Another way to see it is in the concept of Nishkaam

Karma. Action without attachment to fruits of labor ..

where we perform our actions without any expectations

of return ... as long as they are done with the

highest of intentions of love.<br><br>Karma yoga is one

of the toughest forms of yoga; practising well

intentioned actions of loving-kindness at the same time

without encouraging or supporting negativity, remaning

vigilant about our actions .. a path that many of us .. or

at least me would love to avoid! <br><br>Thank you

again for the love in this club. We have together hung

in there for a long time and I appreciate the

solidarity in our satsangh.<br><br>Peace and love to


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"Do It Anyway"<br>Written By Mother

Teresa<br><br>People are often unreasonable,<br>illogical, and

self-centered;<br>Forgive them anyway.<br><br>If you are kind,<br>People

may accuse you of selfish,<br>ulterior motives;<br>Be

kind anyway.<br><br>If you are successful,<br>you will

win some false friends<br>and some true

enemies;<br>Succeed anyway.<br><br>If you are honest and

frank,<br>people may cheat you;<br>Be honest and frank

anyway.<br><br>What you spend years building,<br>someone could

destroy overnight;<br>Build anyway.<br><br>If you find

serenity and happiness,<br>they may be jealous;<br>Be

happy anyway.<br><br>The good you do today,<br>people

will often forget tomorrow;<br>Do good

anyway.<br><br>Give the world the best you have,<br>and it may never

be enough;<br>Give the world the best you've got

anyway.<br><br>You see, in the final analysis,<br>it is between you

and God;<br>It was never between you and them anyway.

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"You see, in the final analysis,<br>it is between

you and God;<br>It was never between you and them

anyway"<br><br>Yes Tulsi dear...<br><br>Thank you for posting it

now. By remembering this it is easy for anyone to stay

grounded in ones sadhna and Walk the Talk no matter what

is happening around us. <br><br>Sending love and

light to you all!!!<br><br>UMA

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