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Mind & its Mysteries

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Just as a busy officer works alone in the office

closing all the doors, so also the busy mind works alone

in a dream by shutting out all the doors of the

sense. <br><br>Mind is a power born of the soul. It is

through mind that the Lord manifests Himself as the

differentiated universe with heterogeneous objects. Mind is

merely a bundle of thoughts, the thought " I " is the

root. Therefore, mind is only the thought

"I"<br><br>Mind is nothing but a collection of Samskaras or

impressions. It is nothing but a bundle of habits. It is

nothing but a collection of desires arising from contact

with different objects. It is also a collection of

feelings aroused by worldly botherations. It is a

collection of ideas gathered from different objects. Now

these desires, ideas and feelings constantly change.

Some of the old desires are constantly departing from

their storehouse of the mind, and new ones are

replacing them.<br><br>In the waking state, the seat of the

mind is the brain; in the dreaming state the seat of

the mind in the cerebellum; in the deep sleep state

it rests in the heart. Mind always attaches itself

to something objective. It cannot stand by itself.

It is only this mind that asserts itself as I in

this body.<br><br>The things that we perceive all

round us are only mind in form of substance. Mind

creates and mind destroys. The occult phenomena that take

place in the mental world are all based on scientific

laws. Occultists and Raja yogins should have

comprehensive intelligent understanding of these laws. Then

only will they be able to control the psychic forces

easily.<br><br>Practice of telepathy, thought reading, hypnotism,

mesmerism, distant healing, psychic healing, etc. clearly

prove that mind exists and that a higher developed mind

can influence and subjugate the lower minds. From the

automatic writing and the experiences of a hypnotised

person, we can clearly infer the existence of a

subconscious mind, which operates throughout the twenty-four

hours.<br><br>If an idea is planted in the mind, it grows at night

through the operation of the subconscious mind. The

subconscious mind never takes any rest. It works vigorously

throughout the 24 hours. Those who know how to manipulate

this subconscious mind can turn out tremendous mental

work. All geniuses have control over the subconscious

mind. You must understand the ways of extracting work

from the subconscious mind. It is a wonderful

underground mental factory.<br><br>Mind the greatest force on

this earth. He who has controlled his mind is full of

powers. He can bring all minds under his influence. All

disease can be cured by psychic healing. One is struck

with awe and wonder at the marvellous and mysterious

powers of the mind of a man. The source or home or

support of this mysterious mind is God.<br><br>Any action

that is done by the physical body is the outcome of a

preconceived idea. The mind thinks, plans and schemes at

first. Then the action manifests itself. He who invented

a watch at first had all ideas of a watch in his

mind about lever, wheels, dial, hands etc. These ideas

materialised later on into action.<br><br>(to continue)

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