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Mind & its Mysteries----2

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A spark of light presents the appearance of a

continuous circle of light if it is made to rotate quickly.

Even so, though the mind can attend but to one thing

at a time, either hearing or smelling, though it can

admit of but one kind of sensation at a time, we are

led to believe that it does several actions at a

time, because it moves from one object to another with

tremendous velocity, so rapidly that its successive

attention and perception appears as a simultaneous

activity.<br><br>The best philosophers and seers are unanimously

agreed that the mind cannot actually attend to more than

one thing at a time, but it appears to be doing so

only when it is shifting with prodigious rapidity

backward and forward from one end to the

other.<br><br>Change of thought, relaxation of mind by dwelling on

thoughts of pleasant objects, cheerfulness, Sattvic food,

mental recreation of sattvic nature are necessary for

mental health.<br><br>The mind assumes the shape of any

object it intently thinks of. If it thinks of an orange

it assumes the shape of an orange. If it thinks of

Lord Jesus, it assumes the shape of Jesus. We must

train the mind properly and give it proper pure food

for assimilation. Have a divine background of thought

or mental image.<br><br>If all the thoughts are

eliminated then there remains nothing, which can be called

mind. So thoughts are the mind. Again there is no such

thing as world, independent of and apart from thoughts.

Two thoughts, however, closely related to one

another, cannot exist at the same time<br><br>The mind

becomes that on which it dwells. This is an immutable

psychological law. If you begin to think about the Dosha or

defects of a man, for the time being at least your mind

dwells on the bad qualities and becomes charged with

these qualities, whether the man possesses these bad

qualities or not. This may be your vain imagination only

through your wrong thinking, wrong Samskaras or wrong

habits of the mind. He may not possess even a bit of the

bad qualities which you have superimposed on him

through ill-will or some form of jealously or

petty-mindedness or habitual. Dosha-drishiti or fault-finding

nature. Therefore, give up the dangerous habit of

censuring others and finding fault in others Praise others.

Develop the power or vision of finding only good in

others Do not bark like wild god about the bad qualities

of others. Glorify others. You will grow

spiritually. You will be liked, honoured and respected by

others.<br><br>Deep sleep is not merely a state of inactivity or

passive repose. It has deep philosophical significance.

Vedantins study this state very deeply and carefully. It

gives the clue for non-dual philosophers to trace,

search and find out the hidden silent

witness.<br><br>Atman is ever awake, although all the minds are at

rest. Mother of this world, Rajeswari takes the Jivas

back to her and her Lord during deep sleep, hugs them

to her bosom, bestows on them refreshing peace, new

vigour, vitality and strength and makes them quite fit

for the ensuing battle of life on the following day./

But for this sleep, life would have been absolutely

impossible in this physical plane when miserly, disease,

cares, worries, fears and anxieties of various kinds

trouble men every second. If a man does not get sound

sleep even for one night, if he loses his sleep one

night for three hours by keeping watch over a sick

patient or attending the cinema, how miserable gloomy,

depressed he feels the next day.<br><br>(to continue...)

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