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Mind & its Mysteries----3

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Mind is atomic according to the Indian school of

logic. It is all pervading according to Raja Yoga school

of Patanjali Maharashi; it is of the middling size

same size that of the body, according to Vedantic

school.<br><br>Mind is material. Mind is made up of subtle matter.

This discrimination is made on the principle that the

soul is the only source of intelligence: it is

self-evident; it shines by its own light. Mind is formed out of

the subtlest portion of the food.<br><br>Mind can be

compared to water. Water exists in four states, viz.,

causal state in the form of H.O. subtle state in the

form of water, gross state in the form of ice, and

gaseous state in the form of vaporised steam. Even so the

mind is in a gross state during Jagrat state when it

enjoys sensual objects, is in a subtle state when it

functions in the dream state, is in a casual state when it

gets involved into cause, Mula-Avidya during deep

sleep and it evaporates as gas when it melts or

dissolves in Brahman during Nirvikalpa Samadhi.<br><br>Just

as the physical body is composed of solid, liquid

and gaseous matter, so also the mind is made up of

subtle matter of various grades of density with

different rates of vibration. A Raja Yogi penetrates

through the different layers of the mind by intense

practice.<br><br>Just as you nourish the physical body with food, so

also you will have to give food for the mind and

spiritual food for the soul.<br><br>When your business

fails, or when you are in heavy grief by the death of

your only son, you get emaciation of body even though

you eat nourishing substantial food. You feel

tremendous internal weakness. This clearly proves that mind

exists and cheerfulness is a good mental

food.<br><br>When a lady is deeply engaged in the management of the

affairs of her daughter’s marriage, she forgets to take

her food. She is always happy. Her heart is full of

joy. The joy and cheerfulness are powerful tonics for

her mind. She gets inner mental strength although she

does not take any food.<br><br>(AS TOLD BY SWAMI

SIVANANDA SARASWATI)<br><br>Hari Aum Tat Sat

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