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The first verse of saundaryalahari!

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It has been the traditon of great writers of

Darshana literature to present in essence the content of

the entire work in the beginning of the work.The

great Acharya has also given the quintessence of

SRIVIDYA in the very first verse.<br>This verse can be

expalined by fourteen view points all complimentary to each


VIEW<br>-----------------<br><br>Only when in

conjuction with

shakthi(maya),Brahman(shiva) acquires the power to create,sustain and destroy

the elements and therby the worlds.Maya has two

functions....AAvarana(veiling the unreal) and vikshepa(showing the

unreal).Shiva or Brahman which is the supreme existance,

consciousness and bliss, becomes ishwara, capable of the

abovesaid activities and not independently.Else the so

called great devas are not even capable of

movement.<br>When so, how can one who has not purified his mind by

the accumulation of virtuos deeds through many a

previous incarnation,has not studied the vidyaa(veda

brahma vidya) and attained self realization through the

grace of his Guru an thereby been enabled to comprehend

thy real nature( which is the same as one's aatman or

paramatman itself) by the removal of cobwebs of

dvaita(duality), mother....try to even salute you or even try to

extol thee?<br>Thou are worhty to be served by all the

rest of devas who are mere viksepas of thy maya



VIEW<br>-----------------<br><br>Only when

endowed with prakriti(the creative energy

endowed with three gunas ...Satwa(Rythm),Rajas(mobility)

and Tamas(inertia) ),<br>Shiva( the purusha called

ishwara)characterized by indiffernce and immobility acquires the

reputation of being the performer of creation and the other

two duties.The purusha is not even capable of

vibrations without prakriti from whom the

mahat,ahamkara,tanmatras have all originated.<br>How can one salute you

without first completly taking your satwa guna and moving

beyond it?<br>You are worthy to be praised by even the

three Devas....who are mere partekers of thy three

gunas satwa ,rajas and



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Dear Harshananda, tks for the wise post. Please

continue this beautiful job.<br><br> My question to all

sadhka :-<br><br> 1- Is Maya Jada (non-conscious) and is

separate from Bramha<br><br> 2- OR Maya is conscious and

is part of Brahma<br><br> 3 - Or Maya is itself

Bramha<br><br> different schools of thought have varied views.

What do you think dear sadhakas on this ?<br><br>Hari


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Dear SilentSoul,<br>Maya is nothing but the

projection of Shakthi into the outer universe. Everyone

carries his / her own Maya along with themselves. Maya

isnt a central entity like Brahman. It is the personal

perception of the universe (of duality)perceived through the

filter of the three gunas. The slightest sense of

duality in a person indicates a residual stain of Maya on

the Canvas of Brahman. That is it.<br>Hari Om...

Hurry Home <br>Ha ha ha ha<br>Love and Light to


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tks renumenon it is indeed a great site.<br><br>

Dear venkat.....will you please elaborate more. Maya

which you also correcly called shakti.... if it is

separate from Bramha,or a part of Brahma or Brahma itself

??<br><br> Any other wise friend may like to comment

?<br><br>Hari Aum

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Dear SilentSoul,<br><br>Maya is as much a part of

Brahman as smoke is a part of the burning fire. If the

root be Brahman, the fruits that hang from the

branches are Maya. When the formless comes to form, the

prakriti adopted by the infinite for limited self

expression as a human or dog or a stone constrains the

limitless to take on the limiting adjuncts according to the

three gunas.<br>This in itself is one level of maya.

This innate nature now provokes the embodied being to

perceive and react to the universe in a certain way as a

part of the whole rather than the whole itself. This

is the Maya most people are so afraid of. <br>Where

duality ends there Maya also ends.<br>That is all<br>Hari


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