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Prema to All in Times of Testing

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I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing a period of extreme testing as I

am, and if anyone has any hints to pass through stronger.

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Dear Friend:<br><br>I've also been through

periods of testing, like what you've described, and this

is what I've observed....The mind consists of two

parts:<br><br>The negative mind, which seems to create doubts and

look for oppurtunities to reinforce these doubts. This

is mainly a head-focussed part of the

mind.<br><br>The positive mind, which seems to inspire faith, love

and expansivity and look for oppurtunities to

reinforce and strengthen the faith. This is mainly in tune

with the heart.<br><br>What you might like to do is to

pay more attention to what the positive heart-serving

mind tells you to do, and ignore the suggestions of

the negative mind....thus, as your faith becomes

stronger and stronger, eventually you might come to a

point, where you're more even-minded and then the

negative doubts become inconsequential and

irrelevant.<br><br>Faith must be based on personal experiences and

personal progress, which can be felt in your heart center,

and not on intellectual reasoning. Initially one

would need to have a preliminary faith to begin with,

but as one progresses, the faith would get reinforced

through direct experiences.<br><br>I hope this helps you

out. I wish you all the Divine Healing to help you get

through testing times. And I hope you understand that God

puts you through testing times, so that you come out

of these situations stronger than what you were

before you went into it...<br><br>In Divine Love and


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I am at this time coming out of a testing period.

It was very trying and very personal. I found the

easiest way to get through this time is the simplist

Faith. You were given strengths have faith in those

gifts and faith in were they came from. That is the

ONLY thing that kept me from doing something that not

only tore my life apart but that of my child. If I

would have reacted instead of acting, I don't even want

to imagine what would have happened to her. You will

find the strength, but remember not to over look the

lesson you need to learn from these experiences. I have

learned many important lessons and I can now see were I

had been arrogent and selfish in the past and I

hadn't a clue as to how I had been acting. I look at

life, well everything different now and I am thankful

for all the gifts in my life especially the small


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Tulsidas has written <br><br>Jaa Par kripa Raam

ki hoyee...<br>Vaa par kripa kare hare koi

!!<br><br>The one who is loved by Rama (god)<br>is sure to be

loved by all<br><br> so when someone does not love me I

take it as God is not happy with me....and i induldge

in more sadhna.<br><br>How saints behave with


times<br>-----<br><br> Sant Parmanda of

Haridwar is one among few real

sadhus in modern world. In this world of web-pages,

publicity and riches, he is amongst those few enlightened

souls who do not care for any of these extra curricular

activities and is busy with his Mission. He is a teacher of

Advait Vedanta and is obviously short of funds and

chelas (lol).....Once I was lucky enough to join his

Ashram at Saptasarovar (haridawaar-india) for a one week

meditation programme. <br><br> In the night i was awakened

by some noise and coming out I found a family was

having hot argument with the Manager. They came from

Delhi, two young couples, new rich without any

spirituality whose father had once donated Rs.80,000 to

Swamiji for building a room in the Ashram. That delux

room was occupied but they insisted on getting the

same room.<br><br> The manager was also angry and

showed his inability to turn out the present occupants

and asked them to stay in general room and promised

to get a room to them the next day...but our nouvoux

riche were not moved....they were demanding the room

should be got vacated for them as they were VIPs<br><br>

Swamiji came out and asked the manager who explained the

situation. Swamiji with a very sweet but stern voice asked

them to stay in the general rooms and promised to get

them their delux room the next day.<br><br> The boy, a

young man in late 20s, in his spirit of youth and

drunken with the wine of riches cried," MY father donated

money for this room...i want that room just now" and

saw towards his new-wed if she was impressed with his

guts!<br><br> Swamiji smiled and said," Now even tomorrow you

will not get that room !" This infuriated the youth

and he started calling swamiji a Pakhandi, cheat and

what not.<br><br> At that dead of the night, swamiji

asked his manager to bring the cheque book...issued a

cheque for Rs.80,000 (which was hardly the balance in

the bank). He gave that cheque to the youth and

said," My son here is your father's donation back...I

will not bend to your pressure and will not further

inflate your Ego by giving you this room.....take this

cheque and get out of this Ashram.<br><br> The youth was

stunned....swamiji was still smiling....the youth begged for

forgiveness..but swamiji left the place...the youth had no other

alternative but to go and search for a room in the hotel with

the cheque in his hand !!<br><br> Next day swamiji

explained to us," A yogi does not mean a coward or

greedy....he should not bend to any pressure come what may.

Had I tried to persuade that youth with further

promises, he would become more admant. I simply broke his

ego by returning his money...But I transferred my

love and light silently to him so that he does not do

it again with any body else.<br><br>Hari aum

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All lessons have to be tested in the practical

world before we can move on to more. I feel, all trails

are such tests of how well we are able to apply our

knowledge to our lives, where we have gaps and where we

need to give more attention. No pass or fail here,

just pointing out our direction and focus.<br><br>Each

time one comes out of it, isn't it a great feeling of

accomplishment, though going through may be very very trying? I

see our journey as one of repeated lessons, practice

and learning more. Till knowledge and I become ONE.

<br><br>Tat twam asi<br>UMA

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