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On behalf of our Satsang community I welcome all

sadhakas who have recently joined our mission

Sadhnaa.<br><br> Welcome back Chitra..it is after 1 year I saw

you, please continue sharing Ramana Maharishi with

us.<br><br> Dear Audra tks to you and other friends from

Cosmic Mission. Your advice is really wise and will help

us in tackling the negativity.<br><br> Dear Mukunda

your post was simply great. I will be grateful if you

could post some valuable paragraphs from Autobiography

of a Yogi, one of the greatest books I have ever

come across.<br><br> Dear Sadhakas a friends has asked

a very interesting question :-<br><br> My dear, all

our great Sastra and saints say one thing that our

life is guided by the Karma we have done in this life

or past life. Even our todays body is a result of

our past karma.<br><br> If one does good Karma, one

will get good fruits and if one does bad karma it will

bring bad results. Even progress in spiritual path is

determined by our past karma.<br><br> If karma are so

powerful, then where does God fit into this ? Why should I

worship God when he has no role to play as my karmas are

deciding everything. Why should I do Sadhnaa, why not only


Karma??<br><br><br> I will request my learned

members to express

their views so that the enquirer who is a member of

this club may read the answers. <br><br>Hari aum Tat


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Dear Friend 'Silent Soul':<br><br>It would

certainly be my pleasure to be among the spiritual brothers

and sisters here.<br><br>The question posed regarding

karma is a very intelligent one, and this is what I

think.....<br><br>All karmas, whether good or bad, cause bondage to the

soul. That's the reason why performance of one's duties

without expectation of results, and giving up all the

results to God is very essential. That way, one does not

acquire any karma and burns out the existing karma as

well.<br><br>Our true home is deep inside the heart of God, which

is much much more blissful than even living in a

'perfect world for the ego-self'....we may describe this

'perfect world' as one where all of one's desires are

satisfied, and all of one's aversions stay away from

him/her. However, if we observe closely, even this

'perfect world for the ego' is nothing but slavery to

one's desires, whims and fancies.<br><br>Performance of

Sadhana frees one not only from the obvious bondage that

we observe in daily life, but also from the subtle

bondages caused by slavery to one's desires and aversions.

It's much better to be an unconditonally free bird,

rather than a bird that lives inside a golden cage. A

golden cage is certainly better than a rotten cage, but

even the golden cage is a prison compared to the

unconstrianed freedom space.<br><br>Hence, one must also

overcome attachment towards good karma resulting from good

actions. But of course, noble actions are certainly better

than evil actions :-)<br><br>By the way, the above

words are only my opinion and I do not claim that these

are words of wisdom, since I also have a lot to learn

in my life. But I'd be glad if this provides any

kind of insight and clarity to anyone.<br><br>Jai God,

Christ and Guru!<br><br>-Mukund

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Here are a few excerpts from 'Autobiography of a

Yogi', in order to get an insight on how slow one's

evolution might be, if one only performed good actions and

lived in harmony with nature....<br><br>"The astral

system of a human being, with six (twelve by polarity)

inner constellations revolving around the sun of the

omniscient spiritual eye, is interrelated with the physical

sun and the twelve zodiacal signs. All men are thus

affected by an inner and an outer universe. The ancient

rishis discovered that man's earthly and heavenly

environment, in twelve-year cycles, push him forward on his

natural path. The scriptures aver that man requires a

million years of normal, diseaseless evolution to perfect

his human brain sufficiently to express cosmic

consciousness."<br> :<br> :<br> :<br>"The superior method of soul

living frees the yogi who, shorn of his ego-prison,

tastes the deep air of omnipresence. The thralldom of

natural living is, in contrast, set in a pace

humiliating. Conforming his life to the evolutionary order, a

man can command no concessionary haste from nature

but, living without error against the laws of his

physical and mental endowment, still requires about a

million years of incarnating masquerades to know final

emancipation.<br><br>The telescopic methods of yogis, disengaging

themselves from physical and mental identifications in favor

of soul-individuality, thus commend themselves to

those who eye with revolt a thousand thousand years.

This numerical periphery is enlarged for the ordinary

man, who lives in harmony not even with nature, let

alone his soul, but pursues instead unnatural

complexities, thus offending in his body and thoughts the sweet

sanities of nature. For him, two times a million years can

scarce suffice for liberation."<br><br>(-from Chapter

26, Autobiography of a Yogi)<br><br>So, we might

conclude from the above words that some form of Sadhana is

essential for quickening one's spiritual progress in order

to attain cosmic consciousness, which would mean the

final end of all sorrows and the beginning of 'ever-new

joy'.<br><br>Jai God, Christ and Guru!<br><br>-Mukund

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In Answer to a member who said: "Where does God

fit into this...." (re karma deciding

everything)<br><br>Well...God does have a role to play....He gives us the

support and the answers to work through our karma. After

all...we made the karma, so<br>it's up to us to balance

it...not God. He also gives us the reason to balance

it....return to the Source, the Consciousness, the

Light.<br><br>Karma doesn't decide everything. There are many other

factors.<br><br>Keep thinking.<br><br>Blueraybird

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Hi, I am a new member and want to thank

silentsoul for sending me the invitation.<br><br>As long as

there is something that one believes one needs in order

to be fulfilled, for whatever reason, one will

consider oneself to be a seeker. <br><br>Whether this

search is for money or God, one will feel a lack and

this feeling is what keeps one in


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Thank you Silentsoul for extending a warm

welcome. <br><br>The need for sadhna can be illustrated by

the following story:<br><br>Once there were 2

brothers who were children of a zamindar, and hence were

very rich. The elder brother however, was very

spiritual, and didn't care much for wealth. He became a

sanyasi. The younger brother and a son. The younger

brother died, and naturally his son inherited all the

property. Whenever his uncle visited him, (father's elder

brother), he used to ask his uncle, "Uncle, you have so

much wealth, but you don't know how to enjoy it

properly. See me, I enjoying to the fullest. We have only

one life to live, and so enjoy it to the max." Then

the uncle replied, "I'll show you shortly the

ephemeral nature of all these."<br><br>The Uncle then went

to the field, and selected a worker at random and

told him, "You see that big luxurious house there?

That is my house. From today you need not work in the

field. For a period of 1 year, you can use my house as

your house, and do whatever you want in that house.

You can use all the resources of the house to your

liking. But at the end of 1 year you must leave the

house, and can NOT take with you anything that belongs

to the house."<br><br>This worker is overjoyed, and

he is overwhelemed on seeing such a magnificient

house. He drinks, gambles, and does various things,

thinking they are all enjoyment. Thus he spends one year.

At the end of the year, the Uncle comes with his

newphew and shows how the 1st worker wasted all the

wonderful resources of the house. In fact he destroyed some

beautiful parts of the house in his toxic trance. After 1

year, the worker is jobless. But when the others saw

his previous record in the house, they were hesitant

to give him a job. Thus he had to suffer to earn a

living.<br><br>The Uncle then calls another worker, and offers him

the house for 1 year, with the same terms. This

worker is good, and he cleans the house, decorates the

house etc. He does a lot of work for the house. At the

end of 1 year, the uncle asks him to vacate the

house. Since he earned a good reputation during his stay

in the house, he finds no problem in getting a job,

and earns a good living, and enjoys a comfortable

life.<br><br>In the 3rd year, the uncle calls another worker, and

offers him the house for 1 year. This guy is

intelligent. Since he is free to use all the resources of the

house, he plants various crops in the backyard. He sells

them and earns a lot of money. By the end of 1 year,

he has earned quite a huge amount. Since the money

is what he earned, and does not belong to the house,

he could take the money with him at the end of 1

year. With this money, he started his own business, and

became his own boss.

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That was beautiful chitra and pointing2...welcome

to our family jack and all new members. We are so

lucky we find time space and company to share our views

on the truth.<br><br> God says @ Namam dushkritino

Mudhaa !<br> Prabandhayante kaa naradhama<br> Mayasha

aprhita gayana<br> Asuram bhavam ashritah<br><br> Those

who are stupid, who indulge in sinful activities,

those whose mind is grasped by Maya and those having

Asur (lower) way of thinking...do not seek and

Surrender to me (GOD)<br><br> My friend Rajeevdeshpande

beautifully said once Truth can not be shared it is to be

seen by an individual...yes but sadhna a way to see

the truth can be shared....there is no secret in

loving God...let us share our intimate moments with our

beloved.<br><br> About Karma and god i feel that Often several

questions have been raised about what God is. Is he

quality-less (Nirguna) or is He active, running the entire

Universe ? Or is He directly responsible for every action

and reaction ? Has He established only certain laws

and is merely watching, the world to take its own

course ? What precisely should a man seek for, in

him?<br><br> In the running of the universe every action of man

must yield results. Good actions yield good results

and bad actions yield bad results. Man with his

egoistic nature, commits sins but always looks for results

of good actions. Some when they, not able to

withstand the results of bad actions, turn to God, worship

him, pray to him and seek an escape from the results

of his past sins. The question is if the law of

Karma, that is action and its results- giving nature is

alone everything there is really no need for a separate

God-entity. The facts, that God apart from being the

lawmaker, is also the giver of the results. He is really

the judge for the quantum of result to be given for

each action. The attitute and the circumstances in

which these actions were performed have also influence

on the results. All this has to be precisely judged

and the results are to be given to everyone with no

favoritism or partiality. In addition to this when prayers

and worship are directed to him, He also grants

relief to the to the individuals to the extent that they

have been able to apply to Him. This may raise a doubt

that God is partial to that extent. The truth is that

He is really not. But then how can it be answered

that the God seeker has a reduced punishment, when a

list of good actions and their corresponding good

results have been established in the beginning by the

lawmaker? The very first and foremost good action which is

above all, has been determined as the recognition of

God as the does or everything. Next only come all

other good actions. This has been the part of the law

made by Him and is really applicable to any individual

like all other laws. To the one who is constantly

engaged in recognising Him as the Real Doer, no result is

realy attached. Such is his law.<br><br>Hari Aum

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