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What if there is no God

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I have often come across the comments that "I do

a good deed because God will give me the due

benefits". What if there is no God? What if god, in the

sense of a superhuman being, is a figment of our own

creation? Will all good work stop?<br>Let us first be man.

Man with all the intellect and understanding of the

game of life. Look at nature and make things beautiful

so that we may leave in joy and contentment. If we

fail to keep up our values we create a world which

will make us difficult to survive.<br>Even if there is

no God look at the Big Bang theory and say we come

from the same start and we are all brothers of the

same boat -- all living and non living things. See,

even particle and anti-particle some how have a common

awareness. Let us be aware of ourselves as one. One mind in

many bodies. Do we not feel alike; for example a given

song, film, article or the like evoke the same sort of

emotions in us. We must have the same roots somewhere. So

what if there is a superhuman god or not we all belong

to each other somewhere.

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Hi Arghyo! welcome back! hope your exams went

<br>well!<br><br>>>What if god, in the sense of a superhuman being, is a

figment of our own creation? Will all good work

stop?>> <br><br>Do you think that people need to 'fear'

something to stay on right path or do 'good'? Or putting it

in another way, do people need a goal to motivate

them into right action? Whether it is a 'God' that

punishes or whether it is the accumulation of goood Karma.

<br><br>Humans do have a common awareness, at the same time,

unlike other levels of life they have the 'power of

conscious choice'. I guess what I am curious about is do

you think people will choose to do good purely for

goodness' sake? <br><br>Lot's of questions, lots of sincere

sadhaks .. so much for me to learn!!! :)<br><br>Tat twam


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This question of "What if there is no God?"

brings up other good questions. Many ask "Is there a

God?" This is a perfectly valid question, but a better

question would be "What is?" Then you refocus the

search.<br><br>Anothe question is "Does man need to fear punishment or

desire a reward to do good?" which brings up the

question of human nature. Are we good when left to our own

devices, or are we evil at the core needing to impose

systems of right and wrong, government, religion, ethics

etc. to make us good?<br><br>I cannot speak for the

entire human race, even if we are all really one. I can

speak for myself... even if that really does not exist.

I do my best to do good every day, not because I

fear punishment but because I care about my fellow

beings. i have had experiances in which I shared a

oneness with one being or another which has taught me

love... not looking for a reward, but just love. I do

things for the sake of doing them, not for the

credit.... Ofcource, thid is not always true, I do have my

ego (which does need a reward or punishment to be

motivated). It's really very hard to explain. <br><br>But...

what is good? What is evil? What is fear? In my

opinion fear comes from the illusion of separation, and

when we no longer carry that illusion, we act without

fear and are motivated by love.<br><br>ok. I talk too

much.<br><br>In love,<br>Audra

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Both your and maddolphinpoet's mail have tried to

seek the answer if man left to his own free will,

without any form of retribution or control, would do good

for mankind.<br>Yes, mankind would because the

essence of man is Truth and Goodness. Upanisads time and

again have said you are the "Amriteshwa Putra" or the

children of the Infinity. What does a child carry from its

parents -- the genes which have qualities of parent. So

what else can the children of the Single Truth carry

but Truth and Fearlessness!!<br>You dont need to be

spiritual to understand this truth. look around and see how

mother protects her baby -- all without any expectation

-- and this is more instinctive than learned. The

quality of Infinity to protect and love one that is its

own. <br>The bottom line is "Is there any thing that

is not Infinity?" The more refined the mind is so

much more is it akin to the divine or

Infinity.<br><br>I dare not try to explain the infinity, the Rig

veda says, " That thing existed when nothing was

there, neither the water nor the land, Darkness was

covered by darkness, Only That existed like the breath,

It was only aware of itself, Maybe not even That."

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