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Who gets Moksha?

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Moksha means reaching a point of no Return. Who

gets Moksha<br><br> a Krishna Bhakta; or<br> a Shiva

Bhakta; or<br> a Tantrik; or<br> a raja Yogi<br><br> all

boast about their path, but what is the real Truth ? Is

Moksha available to Muslims, and Christians too or is it

for Hindus only.<br><br> Also will somebody tell me

if enlightened souls remain in human body too? If

yes how do we recognise them ?<br><br>Be Peace on


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Blessed Self, nothingbutsoul<br><br><<all

boast about their path, but what is the real Truth

>><br><br>In the Laghu-Yoga-Vasishtha', moksha or spiritual

liberation is said to be the dissolution of the 'mind upon

the obliteration of all aspirations'.<br><br>Sadhana

is the effort made to come face-to-face with and

eventually identify with the 'Absolute beyond ill'. Or,

rather, sadhana is the effort to remove the obstacles of

aspirations and the ills of the kleshas so that one's

identity as the Absolute is clear. <br><br>The methods of

doing this are many but the final result is the same.

An informed aspirant would not boast about his or

her path or assert its primacy. Such an aspirant

would recognize that a certain path and a certain Guru

is right for them and be content with that. Such an

aspirant would recognize the Truth of their path is the

Truth of all other paths. If not, how could it be

considered 'Truth'?<br><br>New aspirants sometimes react

strongly to the illuminating effects of their chose path

and loudly proclaim its virtues. They perhaps even

assert that their path is the best. But what they really

mean is the new path is the best that they have met

because it accords with their personality and temperment

and thus allows the aspirant to see the benefits of

the path easier than other paths. With experience the

aspirant soon grows out of that infatuation. I know that I

did.<br><br>With regard to enlightened souls. Truly enlightened

souls have the option of staying in their body and

continuing to serve humanity or going into mahasamadhi

depending on their karma. Also, those enlightened souls who

go into mahasamadhi may if they choose reincarnate

as an avatar for the benefit of the human

race.<br><br>Whether you recognize them or not is a function of your

spirituality not theirs. You may think that they are insane

are imprison them for their own good or you may think

that they are dangerous and kill them or you may

recognize their divinity as well as your own and prostrate

yourself before them. You will do as you are

able.<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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<<The methods of doing this are many but the final result is the

same>><br><br>isn't this similar to a peak which is the same but there are

many approaches to it.<br><br>sai ram

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