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I never know what Im gonna dream, but when I wake

up I remember my dream like as if it had just

happened. Once I was flying down the express way on my bed

and almost got pulled over by cops. In another dream

I was at the beach and some people were attacked by

a huge shark all I could do was watch the poor

people get attacked. Ive had nightmares and dreams of

sex. I dream of money and waves, health and stuff and

it all seems more important and more realistic than

the real reality itself. Is my life nothing but

dreamtime? So many dreams that seem they got nothing to do

with reality, or do they? My real reality sucks, my

backbone hurts, Ive got no money nor the desire to work,

now Ive become an antisocial, when I talk with girls

I think they think Im ugly and that Im never gonna

score, I feel like such a looser. I guess the only

things that keep me going on with my life are God, my

parents, surfing and my dreams. Why is it so hard to learn

yoga when you got no money? If my mind was like a

computer I feel like I can't control it. I think I am

surrounded by more bad than good. What does life mean? What

is the real meaning of life? And how do I fit in all

that? Am I just like a little grain of sand thats one

day going to disapear into who knows where?

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Om Shanti<br><br>possibly this charming poem

would be interesting in terms of Maya as a Dream and a

feature of our lives. <br><br>"Take this kiss upon the

brow!<br>And, in parting from you now,<br>Thus much let me

avow:<br>You are not wrong, who deem<br>That my days have been

a dream;<br>Yet, if hope has flown away<br>In a

night, or in a day,<br>In a vision, or in none, <br>Is

it there the less gone?<br>Is but a dream within a

dream.<br><br>I stand amid the roar<br>Of a surf-tormentd

shore,<br>And i hold within my hand<br>Grains of the golden

sand--<br>How few! Yet how they creep<br>Through the finders to

the deep,<br>While i weep--while i weep!<br>O God!

can I not grasp<br>Them with a tighter clasp?<br>O

God! can i not save<br>One from the pitiless

wave?<br>Is all that we see or seem<br>But a dream within a

dream?"<br><br>--A Dream within a Dream by Eagar A. Poe.<br><br>Om


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If I can venture to speak here...even though

there are many more learned members of this

club...<br><br>We are *all* but little grains of sand in the

desert. We are all but tiny droplets of water in the

ocean. Or, as one of the members here put it, one tiny

note in a symphony. But what makes it so special is

that you are not the only grain of sand or drop of

water or musical note. You are surrounded by others who

take up just the same amount of space (we're all

droplets of water) as you do, and who have God in them as

well. So you are not alone, no matter how alone you may

feel.<br><br>How you fit into this symphony isn't a question that

anyone can answer but God. It's up to you to figure that

out, and many people never figure that out in this

life. My only advice is to keep focusing on God and the

answer will (eventually) come. Be patient and alert and

you'll receive the answers you seek.<br><br>I don't have

much money myself and I'm learning yoga. It's changing

my life, too. If you have the true desire and an

open heart God will help you learn what you need to

learn in this life. Know that.<br><br>May God bless

you, indietekk.<br><br>Om Shanti, <br>Erica

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Both postings included valuable information and my mother will

appreciate much.


I am trying now though to understand what are the stages of lucidity

and lightness when we have nice dreams. Would it be possible that

dreams where we fly and float in the air are results of good karma?

Do they reflect the sattvic quality of the mind or do they have to do

something about the astral? I wonder in which way are they related to

the progress of a sadhaka.


Perhaps a person who sees nightmares is more advanced than one who

has enchanting dreams??


, silentsoul_55 <no_reply> wrote:

> As i wrote in my earlier post Dreams and sadhna, Dreams do play an

> important role in the life of sadhka.


> For every person, the old karma are arranged in such a way that

> those karma, for which this life has been awarded remain on the

> surface to give fruits and other karma which are not yet ripe


> inactive in the sub-conscious. These inactive portions only


> when there is sudden change in circumstances and these sanskaras


> needed to act.


> However in the life of a sadhka, when Sushumna is trying to open

> and when Kundalini starts sending pure energy currents into


> nadi, the setting of vrittis/sanskaras change. As a natural


> all the seeds of karma which have to give bad results start


> fast, as if attracted by the pure energy of the kundalini. This

> phenomenon is called purification. When these bad vrittis surface


> and are destroyed by the pure energy of kundalini, they


> giving out harful toxins...thus giving unexplained illness or even

> some very common problems like itching of body or indigestion or


> cold/flu etc. Most of the Hathha yoga exercise contorl these


> through yoga asanaas etc.


> Now there are some smaller vrittis which have to give small bad

> results, they need not produce harmful toxins and are destroyed in

> dreams. The mental tension, the fear etc which one was destined to

> undergo in real life, is changed into dream and the mind feels


> fears, tensions, sorrows in the dream. Hence each bad dream seen


> a sadhaka is in fact destruction of small real life tragedy. When

> sadhana becomes intensified and when kundalini starts sending large

> amount of pure energies into the system, even the bigger sanskaras

> are destroyed in dreams.


> Dreams of the nature of seeing monsters following us, or seeing

> ourselves attacked or burnt or injured clearly indicate that such a

> bad vritti has been destroyed and it can be taken as a sign of

> progress by the sadhaka.


> This purification process is not time-bound. The more the

> sadhana, the more will be purification. Bad sansakaras from many

> other births (which otherwise could have stayed silently) start

> surfacing up. This phenomenon is the reason behind many questions


> to why good people suffer more. a sadhaka's whole life goes into

> purification and if he is not correctly analyzing them and is

> reacting to these purifications, in a wrong way, he would create


> bad sanskaras.


> A Bhakta is normally saved from this position, as he takes all

> what he is getting as LOve of the divine and does not react towards


> person for his woes. A gyani understands the chemistry of his


> and remains unattached. If a guru is present, he would guide the

> disciple in this regard and will save him from further woes.


> Bad vrittis and negative energies are more powerful always


> shortlived. It is not easy to get rid of them without undergoing

> their punishment. As per Hindu philosophy there is no escape from

> the punishment. Even Incarnations of god had to undergo this

> punishment in human life. But our sadhna can dilute the

> results....and seeing bad dreams by a sadhka is in fact a dilution


> such sin, and its reduced punishment.


> Hari AUM





> , "Sidha_Ho" <sidaho@h...> wrote:

> > Some good questions, and I would like to say on dreams that when


> have very intense meditations I usually also have bad dreams. It

> does in fact have to do with karma. You see, only through


> with the mind that which is beyond the mind does one free oneself

> from karma. When one frees from karma one sometimes feels an

> external darkness which is the karma now separated from you. All

> karma feels dark even the good karma because they are all bondage.


> one feels like a dark force is trying to get you. It really is


> karma trying to get back to you but it feels black because well it

> is. Sadhana is clear and beyond gunas. When gunas try to get back

> at you even sattva guna feels dark. Dreams are when mind is most

> care free and symbols will make these ideas more clear. Noone


> karmas back when study of God/dess has set them free. People

> therefore dream of death dying, shit, dirt, hate, all the things


> have been let go of. It is ok. It's just dreams. They were just

> stress release anyway. the only reason she might even care is there

> is more awareness now so she sees wher dreams more completely.

> >

> > Take all shaktipat you can get and worry in your next life if it

> was too much.

> > -

> > de_spell_2000

> >

> > Monday, April 08, 2002 2:23 PM

> > Re: Kundalini ??

> >

> >

> > My mother asked me a question lately when I read to her the

> postings

> > of the club about kundalini. She has been doing intensive


> > since 10 years and she was wondering why she has had so many

> problems

> > with meditation. She mentioned that even though she had very


> > dreams with wondeful melodies and OBEs, since she started


> she

> > stopped having nice dreams and OBEs and she had only


> I

> > told her that its weird as people usually become more consious


> the

> > sleep when they start to meditate, but it might have to do with

> the

> > chakras being cleared perhaps. Any comments?

> >

> > Another thing that I would like to ask is about raising the

> kundalini

> > through external means. Is this actually OK? When I say


> > means I mean for example hatha yoga etc or especially that a


> > raises the kundalini of a person so that the person can


> > easily. There are schools of kundalini yoga where the teacher

> uses

> > his psychic powers to raise the kundalini of the student. It is

> > something really attractive because who wouldnt prefer to do

> this,

> > instead of struggling alone and working hard in meditation? But

> my

> > question is, is it good? without any dangers whatsoever?

> >

> > PS: The chat was really wonderful last saturday about truth. I


> > looking forward to the next chat!

> >

> > Namaste!:)

> >

> > , "tatwamasi" <tatwamasi> wrote:

> > > >>Would it not be better to eradicate the very root of the

> > > bloackage? What i mean to ask is if it is necessary for a

> sadhaka

> > to

> > > clear his chakra by these temporary means, or should he just


> for

> > > his sadhna and let the chakra get cleaned

> automatically. .....what

> > > would be better ??>>

> > >

> > > Yes, as I mentioned in my post, Master Choa Kuk Sui


> a

> > > combination of such temporal measures with more permanent


> > which

> > > root out the causes of the disease. Since disease in this

> model,

> > like

> > > the principles of Ayurveda, is considered psychosomatic, it


> not

> > > possible to remove disease without working at the root level.

> > >

> > > I have personally watched the power of Pranic Healing of

> bringing

> > > people away from the operating tables, or removing symtoms of

> major

> > > diseases. The problem which I have also seen, is that many

> people

> > are

> > > unwilling to make the effort required to make the personal

> changes

> > in

> > > their living and are looking for quick fixes and external

> > solutions.

> > > Conscious living or changing attitudes which are harmful and

> > hurtful

> > > are not easy. The first step in fact is often the hardest;

> > > acknowledging that we are co-creators of our state of dis-


> > >

> > > Sadhna as in meditation techniques or puja rituals are

> extremely

> > > important instruments in removing the root causes of disease.

> This

> > > has to be accompanied by application of the principles being

> > inbibed

> > > in ones sadhna to be able to make it completely effective.

> > >

> > > People are of course free to choose the path they wish.


> > they

> > > want a combination of healing, spiritual practices and

> conscious

> > > living or just one or two of these, all determine the rate at

> which

> > > they remove the blocks to their self- realization.


> of

> > > course, it is past baggage that determines what is likely to


> > > effective or not. As in medical sciences, the same procedure

> may

> > work

> > > wonders in one while fail in another.

> > >

> > > _/\_ Tat twam asi

> > >

> > > Uma

> > >

> > >

> > > *********************************************

> > > This is a reply to post 3631 by silentsoul_55

> > > *********************************************

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> >

> >

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

whatever i have been writing about dreams applies only to the

sadhaka, who are doing any meditation continuously, not for others

who are leading a non-sadhaka life.


Muladhara chakra (base) where kundalini normally rests, plays an

important role in meditation. There is lot of Tamoguna present in

this chakra as also memories from the last births. Our will to live

in this body and our love for this body creates pure Tamoguna which

sits in this chakra at appropriate level and is responsible for

sticking together the Astral bodies with physical body. This pure

form of Tamoguna works as a glue which binds physical body with

Astral body (a combination of Manomaya body,vigyan body,Anandmaya

body and pranic body).


With continuous meditation this Tamoguna in Muladhara loses its

grip and the bond between two bodies become weaker. The first effect

of this is seen in dreams, when we see dreams of flying/floating.

When more of this Tamoguna goes away, the effects are seen during the

hours of meditation, when one feels floating in the air with full



It is all a play of consciousness. Everyone goes on Astral

planes during sleep, only those who are conscious of such a journey

know it is happening/it happened. And meditation certainly helps in

awakening this consciousness.


After spell of bad dreams, a short spell of good dreams is also

observed which normally indicates end of a particular

purification...but this does not mean whole purification has

completed. In fact whole life, till one is fully enlightenement, this

game of woes and happiness, good dreams and bad dreams continues.

Even if we do not care for them, they continue...but if we know their

significance it certainly helps in understanding where we stand.


Hari Aum



, "de_spell_2000" <oiokasti@h...> wrote:

> Both postings included valuable information and my mother will

> appreciate much.


> I am trying now though to understand what are the stages of


> and lightness when we have nice dreams. Would it be possible that

> dreams where we fly and float in the air are results of good karma?

> Do they reflect the sattvic quality of the mind or do they have to


> something about the astral? I wonder in which way are they related


> the progress of a sadhaka.


> Perhaps a person who sees nightmares is more advanced than one who

> has enchanting dreams??


> , silentsoul_55 <no_reply> wrote:

> > As i wrote in my earlier post Dreams and sadhna, Dreams do play


> > important role in the life of sadhka.

> >

> > For every person, the old karma are arranged in such a way


> > those karma, for which this life has been awarded remain on the

> > surface to give fruits and other karma which are not yet ripe

> remain

> > inactive in the sub-conscious. These inactive portions only

> surface

> > when there is sudden change in circumstances and these sanskaras

> are

> > needed to act.

> >

> > However in the life of a sadhka, when Sushumna is trying to


> > and when Kundalini starts sending pure energy currents into

> Sushumna

> > nadi, the setting of vrittis/sanskaras change. As a natural

> process,

> > all the seeds of karma which have to give bad results start

> surfacing

> > fast, as if attracted by the pure energy of the kundalini. This

> > phenomenon is called purification. When these bad vrittis


> up

> > and are destroyed by the pure energy of kundalini, they

> disintegrate

> > giving out harful toxins...thus giving unexplained illness or


> > some very common problems like itching of body or indigestion or

> bad

> > cold/flu etc. Most of the Hathha yoga exercise contorl these

> toxins

> > through yoga asanaas etc.

> >

> > Now there are some smaller vrittis which have to give small


> > results, they need not produce harmful toxins and are destroyed


> > dreams. The mental tension, the fear etc which one was destined


> > undergo in real life, is changed into dream and the mind feels

> these

> > fears, tensions, sorrows in the dream. Hence each bad dream seen

> by

> > a sadhaka is in fact destruction of small real life tragedy.


> > sadhana becomes intensified and when kundalini starts sending


> > amount of pure energies into the system, even the bigger


> > are destroyed in dreams.

> >

> > Dreams of the nature of seeing monsters following us, or


> > ourselves attacked or burnt or injured clearly indicate that such


> > bad vritti has been destroyed and it can be taken as a sign of

> > progress by the sadhaka.

> >

> > This purification process is not time-bound. The more the

> > sadhana, the more will be purification. Bad sansakaras from many

> > other births (which otherwise could have stayed silently) start

> > surfacing up. This phenomenon is the reason behind many


> as

> > to why good people suffer more. a sadhaka's whole life goes into

> > purification and if he is not correctly analyzing them and is

> > reacting to these purifications, in a wrong way, he would create

> more

> > bad sanskaras.

> >

> > A Bhakta is normally saved from this position, as he takes


> > what he is getting as LOve of the divine and does not react


> a

> > person for his woes. A gyani understands the chemistry of his

> woes,

> > and remains unattached. If a guru is present, he would guide the

> > disciple in this regard and will save him from further woes.

> >

> > Bad vrittis and negative energies are more powerful always

> though

> > shortlived. It is not easy to get rid of them without undergoing

> > their punishment. As per Hindu philosophy there is no escape


> > the punishment. Even Incarnations of god had to undergo this

> > punishment in human life. But our sadhna can dilute the

> > results....and seeing bad dreams by a sadhka is in fact a


> of

> > such sin, and its reduced punishment.

> >

> > Hari AUM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , "Sidha_Ho" <sidaho@h...> wrote:

> > > Some good questions, and I would like to say on dreams that


> I

> > have very intense meditations I usually also have bad dreams. It

> > does in fact have to do with karma. You see, only through

> incurring

> > with the mind that which is beyond the mind does one free oneself

> > from karma. When one frees from karma one sometimes feels an

> > external darkness which is the karma now separated from you. All

> > karma feels dark even the good karma because they are all


> So

> > one feels like a dark force is trying to get you. It really is

> just

> > karma trying to get back to you but it feels black because well


> > is. Sadhana is clear and beyond gunas. When gunas try to get


> > at you even sattva guna feels dark. Dreams are when mind is most

> > care free and symbols will make these ideas more clear. Noone

> wants

> > karmas back when study of God/dess has set them free. People

> > therefore dream of death dying, shit, dirt, hate, all the things

> that

> > have been let go of. It is ok. It's just dreams. They were just

> > stress release anyway. the only reason she might even care is


> > is more awareness now so she sees wher dreams more completely.

> > >

> > > Take all shaktipat you can get and worry in your next life if


> > was too much.

> > > -

> > > de_spell_2000

> > >

> > > Monday, April 08, 2002 2:23 PM

> > > Re: Kundalini ??

> > >

> > >

> > > My mother asked me a question lately when I read to her the

> > postings

> > > of the club about kundalini. She has been doing intensive

> sadhna

> > > since 10 years and she was wondering why she has had so many

> > problems

> > > with meditation. She mentioned that even though she had very

> nice

> > > dreams with wondeful melodies and OBEs, since she started

> sadhna

> > she

> > > stopped having nice dreams and OBEs and she had only

> nightmares.

> > I

> > > told her that its weird as people usually become more


> of

> > the

> > > sleep when they start to meditate, but it might have to do


> > the

> > > chakras being cleared perhaps. Any comments?

> > >

> > > Another thing that I would like to ask is about raising the

> > kundalini

> > > through external means. Is this actually OK? When I say

> external

> > > means I mean for example hatha yoga etc or especially that a

> yogi

> > > raises the kundalini of a person so that the person can

> meditate

> > > easily. There are schools of kundalini yoga where the teacher

> > uses

> > > his psychic powers to raise the kundalini of the student. It


> > > something really attractive because who wouldnt prefer to do

> > this,

> > > instead of struggling alone and working hard in meditation?


> > my

> > > question is, is it good? without any dangers whatsoever?

> > >

> > > PS: The chat was really wonderful last saturday about truth.


> am

> > > looking forward to the next chat!

> > >

> > > Namaste!:)

> > >

> > > , "tatwamasi" <tatwamasi> wrote:

> > > > >>Would it not be better to eradicate the very root of the

> > > > bloackage? What i mean to ask is if it is necessary for a

> > sadhaka

> > > to

> > > > clear his chakra by these temporary means, or should he


> go

> > for

> > > > his sadhna and let the chakra get cleaned

> > automatically. .....what

> > > > would be better ??>>

> > > >

> > > > Yes, as I mentioned in my post, Master Choa Kuk Sui

> recommends

> > a

> > > > combination of such temporal measures with more permanent

> ones

> > > which

> > > > root out the causes of the disease. Since disease in this

> > model,

> > > like

> > > > the principles of Ayurveda, is considered psychosomatic, it

> is

> > not

> > > > possible to remove disease without working at the root


> > > >

> > > > I have personally watched the power of Pranic Healing of

> > bringing

> > > > people away from the operating tables, or removing symtoms


> > major

> > > > diseases. The problem which I have also seen, is that many

> > people

> > > are

> > > > unwilling to make the effort required to make the personal

> > changes

> > > in

> > > > their living and are looking for quick fixes and external

> > > solutions.

> > > > Conscious living or changing attitudes which are harmful


> > > hurtful

> > > > are not easy. The first step in fact is often the hardest;

> > > > acknowledging that we are co-creators of our state of dis-

> ease!

> > > >

> > > > Sadhna as in meditation techniques or puja rituals are

> > extremely

> > > > important instruments in removing the root causes of


> > This

> > > > has to be accompanied by application of the principles


> > > inbibed

> > > > in ones sadhna to be able to make it completely effective.

> > > >

> > > > People are of course free to choose the path they wish.

> Whether

> > > they

> > > > want a combination of healing, spiritual practices and

> > conscious

> > > > living or just one or two of these, all determine the rate


> > which

> > > > they remove the blocks to their self- realization.

> Ultimately,

> > of

> > > > course, it is past baggage that determines what is likely


> be

> > > > effective or not. As in medical sciences, the same


> > may

> > > work

> > > > wonders in one while fail in another.

> > > >

> > > > _/\_ Tat twam asi

> > > >

> > > > Uma

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > *********************************************

> > > > This is a reply to post 3631 by silentsoul_55

> > > > *********************************************

> > >

> > >

> > > Sponsor

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Terms of

> > Service.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Namaste beloved members,


I have a question with this topic. Silentsoulji, you state that what

you are stating about dreams applies only to the sadhaka, and not to

others. This point has stuck in my mind.


Is it not possible, that a person has been born into their current

body and is not leading a spiritual life, but in previous births has?

I know that in my as yet short lifetime, I have met many people that

I feel this applies to. Most (if not all) have complained of terrible

nightmares at one point or another. This discourages any further

delving into their own person, simply because it is very frightening.


Reincarnation is such an interesting topic, and has fascinated me for

a long time. Perhaps I could bring the topic itself up for discussion.


With love,


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Many of us were almost saints if not in fact actual saints that people still

pray to. However, through simple stupid and careless actions we can slip and

fall into samskaric deeds which multiply without end until we have a return

upswing of grace from either satsang with great company of wise souls or

outright grace of God/Gods, and/or return of good karmas which allow klesha or

avidya to thin enough to see light of sun-like being through clouds of ignorance

again. Life to enlightenment is like playing scales up and down a guitar neck

which makes a harmony of disparate notes. One hopefully ends on a high one.

There is no gurantee that you will be enlightened if you never make effort.

Indeed, if you sleep this life away it will have been for nothing. If you never

woke up and at least tried to be enlightened you might as well have been a dog.

Some trees are better than some human beings.



Monday, April 15, 2002 5:19 PM

Re: Dreams



Namaste beloved members,


I have a question with this topic. Silentsoulji, you state that what

you are stating about dreams applies only to the sadhaka, and not to

others. This point has stuck in my mind.


Is it not possible, that a person has been born into their current

body and is not leading a spiritual life, but in previous births has?

I know that in my as yet short lifetime, I have met many people that

I feel this applies to. Most (if not all) have complained of terrible

nightmares at one point or another. This discourages any further

delving into their own person, simply because it is very frightening.


Reincarnation is such an interesting topic, and has fascinated me for

a long time. Perhaps I could bring the topic itself up for discussion.


With love,
















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Yes erica from a certain view point, your assumptions seems right.

But my experience says that those who leave their Sadhna incomplete

in last birth, start soon in their present birth. It is in fact a

chain which does not break. No one gets enlightenment in single

birth, and those who seem to have got, had in fact been doing their

sadhna in many births.


Once I wrote a story which highlights this point. Two sadhaka

started Meditation of Mother Kali. They were given same mantra by

their guru and they started meditation. After some years of

meditation finally Mother Kali appeared before them in her full

galore, which is a fearsome sight. One sadhaka could not bear the

fear of seeing Mother Kali and died instantaneously, while the other

being a little brave, though trembled, but sustained his breath.

Kali asked him to ask for a boon. He asked," Mother first tell

me...we both are disciple of same guru, we are of same age and same

physique, we chanted the same Mantra. Then why my friend died before

getting your blessings. Is it not partiality ? Mother Kali

replied," Son do not think like this. You had been worshipping me

for your last 6 births,and everytime I appeared..you died. and now in

this birth you were able to sustain hence you saw me. Your friend

saw me only once in his last birth...so it is only his 2nd time to

die premature. There is no favour.


This confirms that even if we do our sadhna, we may not be

enlightened in a single birth. and as Bhagwan krishna told in Gita

the good deeds, the sadhna done etc is carried forward to the next

birth and a sadhaka starts from where he left in his last birth.


Now seeing bad dreams in this birth does not qualify one to be a

sadhaka in last birth...He may have been a sadhaka or he may be

subject to bad dreams due to some other reasons. That z why i wrote

in the beginning that whatever i wrote applies to sadhaka only. Bad

dreams have many causes besides purification....they may appear due

to some mental trauma, mental disease, bad karma or a warning...or

all of them together.


When we die, it is like end of Accounts year. an accountant adds

up the receipts, adds up the expenditure and then takes out the

Balance and this balance is carried forward to next year. We do not

write(in next year books) all the details of last years

expenditure/receipts but only the balance. similarly when one dies,

the sum-total vrittis of his good and bad karma are noted carefully

by his soul and carried as Samskara into the next birth, where the

circumstances etc are decided on the basis of those samskaras. The

gross memory which is useless for next birth is stored into the Maha-

chitta (sub-consc of the Supreme). Some do have access to last

birth's memories for a short duration...it is either due to a natural

fault, or to fulfil latent purpose of the System.


By Yoga it is possible to see gross memory of last births. Even

in dreams, we may come across faint picture from our last birth.

Though we may not fully understand them, they come to remind us of

some important thing. I remember one sadhaka, who was down to earth

practical, drinking,smoking and flirting and enjoying life. and one

night he saw a dream in which he saw his guru of last birth, who

initiated him in dream and next morning he was a changed man. He

left all bad habits and made a fast progress on sadhna path, within

months. We were all suprised to see his fast progress all due to a

single dream.


so if one had been a serious sadhaka in his last birth, he is

bound to be over-powered by the Universal system and dragged back to

his path, irrespective of his present habits/circumstances. Swami

Vivekananda when said Everyone is a potentially Divine super power

waiting to manifest at the appropriate time, he meant this. Who

knows a thief of today is in fact a great Yogi in last birth, who is

undergoing purification/punishment of his last birth's one bad deed

and after his purification is over, he will sprang up as another

Vivekananda or Yogananda.


After all this happened to many (like a dacoit who became saint

Valmiki or angulimaal who became great |Buddhist monk)....and it is

happening to many.


Hari Aum




, "sugarandbrine" <sugarandbrine> wrote:

> Namaste beloved members,


> I have a question with this topic. Silentsoulji, you state that


> you are stating about dreams applies only to the sadhaka, and not


> others. This point has stuck in my mind.


> Is it not possible, that a person has been born into their current

> body and is not leading a spiritual life, but in previous births


> I know that in my as yet short lifetime, I have met many people


> I feel this applies to. Most (if not all) have complained of


> nightmares at one point or another. This discourages any further

> delving into their own person, simply because it is very



> Reincarnation is such an interesting topic, and has fascinated me


> a long time. Perhaps I could bring the topic itself up for



> With love,

> Erica

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nice post



Tuesday, April 16, 2002 4:25 AM

Re: Dreams



Yes erica from a certain view point, your assumptions seems right.

But my experience says that those who leave their Sadhna incomplete

in last birth, start soon in their present birth. It is in fact a

chain which does not break. No one gets enlightenment in single

birth, and those who seem to have got, had in fact been doing their

sadhna in many births.


Once I wrote a story which highlights this point. Two sadhaka

started Meditation of Mother Kali. They were given same mantra by

their guru and they started meditation. After some years of

meditation finally Mother Kali appeared before them in her full

galore, which is a fearsome sight. One sadhaka could not bear the

fear of seeing Mother Kali and died instantaneously, while the other

being a little brave, though trembled, but sustained his breath.

Kali asked him to ask for a boon. He asked," Mother first tell

me...we both are disciple of same guru, we are of same age and same

physique, we chanted the same Mantra. Then why my friend died before

getting your blessings. Is it not partiality ? Mother Kali

replied," Son do not think like this. You had been worshipping me

for your last 6 births,and everytime I appeared..you died. and now in

this birth you were able to sustain hence you saw me. Your friend

saw me only once in his last birth...so it is only his 2nd time to

die premature. There is no favour.


This confirms that even if we do our sadhna, we may not be

enlightened in a single birth. and as Bhagwan krishna told in Gita

the good deeds, the sadhna done etc is carried forward to the next

birth and a sadhaka starts from where he left in his last birth.


Now seeing bad dreams in this birth does not qualify one to be a

sadhaka in last birth...He may have been a sadhaka or he may be

subject to bad dreams due to some other reasons. That z why i wrote

in the beginning that whatever i wrote applies to sadhaka only. Bad

dreams have many causes besides purification....they may appear due

to some mental trauma, mental disease, bad karma or a warning...or

all of them together.


When we die, it is like end of Accounts year. an accountant adds

up the receipts, adds up the expenditure and then takes out the

Balance and this balance is carried forward to next year. We do not

write(in next year books) all the details of last years

expenditure/receipts but only the balance. similarly when one dies,

the sum-total vrittis of his good and bad karma are noted carefully

by his soul and carried as Samskara into the next birth, where the

circumstances etc are decided on the basis of those samskaras. The

gross memory which is useless for next birth is stored into the Maha-

chitta (sub-consc of the Supreme). Some do have access to last

birth's memories for a short duration...it is either due to a natural

fault, or to fulfil latent purpose of the System.


By Yoga it is possible to see gross memory of last births. Even

in dreams, we may come across faint picture from our last birth.

Though we may not fully understand them, they come to remind us of

some important thing. I remember one sadhaka, who was down to earth

practical, drinking,smoking and flirting and enjoying life. and one

night he saw a dream in which he saw his guru of last birth, who

initiated him in dream and next morning he was a changed man. He

left all bad habits and made a fast progress on sadhna path, within

months. We were all suprised to see his fast progress all due to a

single dream.


so if one had been a serious sadhaka in his last birth, he is

bound to be over-powered by the Universal system and dragged back to

his path, irrespective of his present habits/circumstances. Swami

Vivekananda when said Everyone is a potentially Divine super power

waiting to manifest at the appropriate time, he meant this. Who

knows a thief of today is in fact a great Yogi in last birth, who is

undergoing purification/punishment of his last birth's one bad deed

and after his purification is over, he will sprang up as another

Vivekananda or Yogananda.


After all this happened to many (like a dacoit who became saint

Valmiki or angulimaal who became great |Buddhist monk)....and it is

happening to many.


Hari Aum




, "sugarandbrine" <sugarandbrine> wrote:

> Namaste beloved members,


> I have a question with this topic. Silentsoulji, you state that


> you are stating about dreams applies only to the sadhaka, and not


> others. This point has stuck in my mind.


> Is it not possible, that a person has been born into their current

> body and is not leading a spiritual life, but in previous births


> I know that in my as yet short lifetime, I have met many people


> I feel this applies to. Most (if not all) have complained of


> nightmares at one point or another. This discourages any further

> delving into their own person, simply because it is very



> Reincarnation is such an interesting topic, and has fascinated me


> a long time. Perhaps I could bring the topic itself up for



> With love,

> Erica















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tks evil_djinia,


when you wrote "some trees are better than human beings", you

revealed a great truth. In fact animals and other so-called lower

forms of life are better than most of human beings. They remain in

their limits and act as per their nature. I have never seen a dog

cheating another dog...or a tree refusing shade to the woodcutter.


what according to you is the cause of so many faults in us Humans


Hari Aum



, "Sidha_Ho" <sidaho@h...> wrote:

> Many of us were almost saints if not in fact actual saints that

people still pray to. However, through simple stupid and careless

actions we can slip and fall into samskaric deeds which multiply

without end until we have a return upswing of grace from either

satsang with great company of wise souls or outright grace of

God/Gods, and/or return of good karmas which allow klesha or avidya

to thin enough to see light of sun-like being through clouds of

ignorance again. Life to enlightenment is like playing scales up and

down a guitar neck which makes a harmony of disparate notes. One

hopefully ends on a high one. There is no gurantee that you will be

enlightened if you never make effort. Indeed, if you sleep this life

away it will have been for nothing. If you never woke up and at

least tried to be enlightened you might as well have been a dog.

Some trees are better than some human beings.

> -

> sugarandbrine


> Monday, April 15, 2002 5:19 PM

> Re: Dreams



> Namaste beloved members,


> I have a question with this topic. Silentsoulji, you state that


> you are stating about dreams applies only to the sadhaka, and not


> others. This point has stuck in my mind.


> Is it not possible, that a person has been born into their


> body and is not leading a spiritual life, but in previous births


> I know that in my as yet short lifetime, I have met many people


> I feel this applies to. Most (if not all) have complained of


> nightmares at one point or another. This discourages any further

> delving into their own person, simply because it is very



> Reincarnation is such an interesting topic, and has fascinated me


> a long time. Perhaps I could bring the topic itself up for



> With love,

> Erica



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Wednesday, April 17, 2002 4:04 AM

Re: Dreams



tks evil_djinia,


when you wrote "some trees are better than human beings", you

revealed a great truth. In fact animals and other so-called lower

forms of life are better than most of human beings. They remain in

their limits and act as per their nature. I have never seen a dog

cheating another dog...or a tree refusing shade to the woodcutter.


what according to you is the cause of so many faults in us Humans


Hari Aum



, "Sidha_Ho" <sidaho@h...> wrote:

> Many of us were almost saints if not in fact actual saints that

people still pray to. However, through simple stupid and careless

actions we can slip and fall into samskaric deeds which multiply

without end until we have a return upswing of grace from either

satsang with great company of wise souls or outright grace of

God/Gods, and/or return of good karmas which allow klesha or avidya

to thin enough to see light of sun-like being through clouds of

ignorance again. Life to enlightenment is like playing scales up and

down a guitar neck which makes a harmony of disparate notes. One

hopefully ends on a high one. There is no gurantee that you will be

enlightened if you never make effort. Indeed, if you sleep this life

away it will have been for nothing. If you never woke up and at

least tried to be enlightened you might as well have been a dog.

Some trees are better than some human beings.

> -

> sugarandbrine


> Monday, April 15, 2002 5:19 PM

> Re: Dreams



> Namaste beloved members,


> I have a question with this topic. Silentsoulji, you state that


> you are stating about dreams applies only to the sadhaka, and not


> others. This point has stuck in my mind.


> Is it not possible, that a person has been born into their


> body and is not leading a spiritual life, but in previous births


> I know that in my as yet short lifetime, I have met many people


> I feel this applies to. Most (if not all) have complained of


> nightmares at one point or another. This discourages any further

> delving into their own person, simply because it is very



> Reincarnation is such an interesting topic, and has fascinated me


> a long time. Perhaps I could bring the topic itself up for



> With love,

> Erica



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>>Is it not possible, that a person has been born into their current

body and is not leading a spiritual life, but in previous births has?



If you remember the Arunagiri Nadhar story that I narrated in the

chat and later in posts, you'll find that this is true. In this

birth, we may NOT be leading a spiritual life in the beginning as a

part of the purificatory process, to exhaust the residual bad

vasanas. Once they are burnt, we'll continue with our spiritual life

from where we left in our previous birth.


Hari Aum !!!

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Their ego is not expanded beyond reaslistic limitations by desire for controling

life. Life cannot be controlled. People that start wars are desiring to

control things beyond realistic means because war always destroys the very

things that were the basis of the original desire. Ego is like a rubber band

holding things together, when it stretches beyond limitations it snaps and

everything held together flys apart.



Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:46 AM

Re: Dreams



Ego ? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


does that mean animals and trees have no ego ?
















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