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Domination & should not

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Domination & Should not¡K<br>I feel uncomfortable

with one of my co-workers because he always likes to

seize every chance he got to complain of everything and

I was easily affected by this common situation and

cannot focus on my work. At least, I comfort myself that

he is going to leave this office by the end of

month.<br>Unfortunately, my supervisor asked him today to stay with my

company and of course he said Yes right away. I felt very

upset while this bad news come to me. I started

stirring on my mind, thinking that if or not I need to do

something to "fight" this situation which "should not"

exist. Suddenly, one word come to my mind "Domination".

I remember clearly that Master Osho once said that

domination is the ugliest thing in the world. Never for a

single moment desire to dominate anybody, nor allow

anybody to dominate you. <br>I witness myself to dominate

the whole situation and stop right away. I also find

myself telling words "Should not" which mean I don't

accept the life as it is. I started suffering because I

don't accept the way life it is, I want something else.

When this consciousness arise, I start releasing

myself. I don't suffer anymore.<br>I feel tremendous

gratitude that I can witness myself in time and get free

from this kind of misery. <br>Anand Prabodh

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HI, he can only dominate if you allow him too.

Domination is like a bully but can the bully act alone? he

will act if he can affect others around him. It may

look easy for me to say and just leave it at that , it

has happend to many of us so i speak from

experience.<br><br>Why allow it to bother you ,why feel the need to

react? Keep looking beyond all this shallowness in life

, have you ever watched the river water? It flows

around, over ,under many obstacles but does it stop? Till

it reaches its source ?<br>regards

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Dear Anand_Prabodh,<br><br>Your letter on

Domination & Should not, is an eye opener. Spirituality

should be the personality of the person first who

preaches. Higher thoughts of salvation etc. are coming

later. The need of hour is how we accept, digest and

assimilate thoughts to our own personal life. The instinct

of domination is common with human being everywhere.

<br>Anand, the knowledge that you imparted from Osho gave

you light, that gave you realise the dark element in

your personality. Thanks for sharing your thoughts

with a layman like me, it ofcourse gives me insight to

evaluate myself.<br><br>Devan

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Blessed Self, anand prabodh<br><br>The Gita

offers this advice and encouragement in equanimity and

forebearance:<br><br>Bhagavad Gita XII<br><br>17. Yona hrishyati na dweshti na

shochati na kaangkshati;<br> Shubhaashubhaparityaagee

bhaktimaan yah sa me priyah.<br><br> He who neither

rejoices, nor hates, nor grieves, nor desires, renouncing

good and evil, and who is full fo devotion, is dear to

Me.<br><br>18. Samah shatrau cha mitre cha tathaa

maanaapamaanayoh;<br> Sheetoshnasukhaduhkheshu samah

sangavivarjitah.<br><br> He who is the same to foe and friend, and also in

honor and dishonor, who is the same in cold and heat,

and in pleasure and pain, who is free from

attachment.<br><br>19. Tulyanindaastutirmaunee santushto yena

kenachit;<br> Aniketah sthiramatir bhaktimaan me priyo

narah.<br><br> He to whom censure and praise are equal, who is

silent, content with anything, homeless, of a steady

mind, and full of devotion -- that man is dear to

Me.<br><br>20.Ye tu dharmyaamritamidam yathoktam paryapaasate;<br>

Shraddhadhaanaah matparamaa bhaktaaste’teeva me priyaah.<br><br>

They verily who follow this immortal Dharma, as

described above, endowed with faith, regarding Me as their

supreme goal, they, the blessed devotees, are exceedingly

dear to Me.<br><br>Hari Om Tat Sat<br><br>Omprem

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Dear Omprem,<br><br>Thank you for your sharing.

May I ask you of questions?1. What does "Hari Om Tat

Sat" means? 2. Who is Ashtavakra ? 3. Who is Janak?

Thank you in advance.<br><br>With best

regards!<br><br>Anand Prabodh

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Blessed Self, anand prabodh<br><br>You can answer the three question you ask by

doing a Google search on them.<br><br>Also, see Gita XV11: 24-27<br><br>omprem

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I always doubt the honesty of those who are certain, but rarely of those who are

in<br>doubt.<br><br>Anand, ask questions some expert here will respond.

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Dear Anand Prabodh,<br><br> the normal answers to

your questions would be<br><br> Hari Aum Tat Sat means

Only the God is truth<br><br> Janaka was a king and

father in law of Lord Rama. Janaka was a seeker of truth

too.<br><br> Ashtavakra was the guru of Janaka who imparted

knowledge of Brahm on Janaka (ashtavakra geeta).<br><br>

But I am sure you already knew the meanings...perhaps

if we go deeper into the question we have some

surprising answers.<br><br> Hari aum Tat sat denotes the

biggest truth of all religion. It states that the force

who is looking after the universe and who is himself

AUM (physical world, astral world & causal world &

beyond too) is the only truth...rest all is illusion and

Maya. sikhs have an equivalent as Sat Naam shri Wahe

Guru and islam says Allaho akbar which has almost the

same meaning.<br><br> Janaka represents a person, who

has enjoyed all the amenities of life, who is

enjoying the power being a king, who has knowledge....and

even then he questions the validity of all his

physical comforts. Janaka represents a state of human

where all the comforts and fruits of good karma become

questionable and the ego undergoes labour pains to give birth

to the eternal Truth. A state where a person is

ready for Advaita, the ultimate Truth.<br><br>

Ashtavakra who is an ugly looking brahmin with no physical

powers nor enjoying any comforts, represents the state

of a Gyani, who has the ultimate knowledge of Truth

and is ready to give it to a person who is well

suited for it.<br><br> what do u think Sesh

?<br><br>Hari Aum

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