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The story this week

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I welcome on behalf of our Sadhna community, all

the new members and request them to share their views

freely.<br><br> This week there was no question in my mail on

sadhna. I wish to thank all those friends who have

sincerely tried to answer the earlier questions and i am

sure, the persons who asked those questions would have

read the answers from different angles/paths and


----<br><br> An artist painted a beautiful

picture but thought

before presenting it to king, he should take advice of

people, if it was really beautiful.<br><br> He put the

picture outside his house and put a sign-board near it

saying ," Dear onlookers if you feel there is a fault in

the picture, please put a cross mark on that so that

i can re-do it-thanks"<br><br> Next day when he saw

the picture, he started weeping, because the whole

canvass was full with innumerable cross marks. different

people found different faults in the picture and thus

his picture was spoilt by the crosses.<br><br> He

made another picture, and on the advice of his wife

put the following sign-board near the

picture.<br><br> " Dear onlookers, here is a picture of mine for

your comments. If you feel there is a fault in the

picture there is a color box lying nearby...kindly

correct the fault - thanks"<br><br> Lo & Behold....next

day the picture was untouched...no one in the city

found any fault in it...and those who found one did not

know how to draw.<br><br> <br>So let us not put cross

on others pictures...if we can not correct

<br><br>Hari Aum

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Thank you Silentsoul, for the wonderful story.

people can be so quick to judge. Only one can create

should be allowed to destroy.<br>Reminds me of a story

that I have heard from the life of Jesus. <br><br>One

lady was dragged to Jesus. Earlier that morning she

had been surprised in the arms of her lover, and

hauled in front of Jesus while he was teaching in the

temple. "Should we stone her for adultery," the Pharisees

sneered, hoping to expose Jesus' legendary mercy. "Let the

one among you who is without sin cast the first

stone," Jesus replied. And when they had all slunk away,

one by one, Jesus knelt down to where the woman was

crouching. "Where are your accusers?" he asked. "Gone," she

said. "Then I don't pronounce sentence upon you

either," he told her. "Go," he said, "and sin no more".

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