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What is Buddhism

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The world is movement. <br><br>"The tangible

world is movement, say the Masters, not a collection of

moving objects, but movement itself. There are no

objects 'in movements', it is the movement which

constitutes the objects which appear to us: they are nothing

but movement." <br> - The Secret Oral Teachings in

Tibetan Buddhist Sects <br><br>Movement arises from

flashes of energy. <br><br>"This movement is a continued

and infinitely rapid succession of flashes of energy

(in Tibetan tsal or shoug). All objects perceptible

to our senses, all phenomena of whatever kind and

whatever aspect they assume, are constituted by a rapid

succession of instantaneous events." <br> - The Secret Oral

Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects <br><br>A single result

arises from many causes. <br><br>"Nothing is produced by

one single cause; the combination of several causes

is always necessary to bring about a result. The

seed without the co-operation of earth, dampness,

light, etc. will never become a tree." <br> - The Secret

Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects

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The microcosm and macrocosm are intimately

connected. <br><br>"The cycle of Interdependent Origins thus

takes place in everything, everywhere, in the

infinitely small as in the infinitely great. Its development

does not take place progressively in time; the twelve

causes...are always present, co-existent and interdependent,

their activity is interconnected, and they only exist

on with the other." <br><br>"Mind" is a description

not a thing. <br><br>"During his meditations, while

watching his mind with close attention, he [the student

studying the Secret Teachings] has attained Lhag Thong and

'seeing more' than most men, he has contemplated the

continual arising and disappearance of ideas, of volitions,

of memories, and so on, which pass like a procession

of short-lived bubbles floating down a river. He has

realized for himself that 'mind' is only a word indicating

a series of mental phenomena." <br> - The Secret

Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects <br><br>The

apparant world is a creation of the observer. <br><br>"It

is this world which we watch like a play which

unfolds outside of ourselves while, in fact, there is

nothing there but a canvas bearing many colored patterns,

which we have woven and printed in ourselves according

to the indications of our erroneous knowledge." <br>

- The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist

Sects <br><br>All that we peceive are our own

projections. <br><br>"The greatest saint, even if he has

sacrificed a thousand times all that he held most dear, even

his life itself, for love of others, for that of a

God or for a noble ideal, remains a prisoner of

samsara if he has not understood that all that is a

childish game, empty of reality, a useless phantasmagoria

of shadows which his own mind projects on the

infinite screen of the Void" <br> - The Secret Oral

Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects <br><br>Memories are

painted over our screen of perception. <br><br>"This root

originally free from any admixture, origin of the illusory

world in which we live is a fleeting contact with some

unknowable instant of Reality, some indefinable force which

the vasanas [memories] obscure at once, superimposing

on it the screen on which the images which we see,

are painted." <br> - The Secret Oral Teachings in

Tibetan Buddhist Sects <br><br>Thought encloses itself in

its own world. <br><br>"What then is this activity

from which one ought to abstain? It is the disordered

activity of the mind which, unceasingly, devotes itself to

the work of a builder erecting ideas, creating an

imaginary world in which it shuts itself like a chrysalis

in its cocoon." <br> - The Secret Oral Teachings in

Tibetan Buddhist Sects

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We are the many fragments of others. <br><br>"The

Secret Teachings lead the pupil further. They teach him

to look, with the same serene indifference at the

incessant working of his mind and the physical activity

displayed by the body. He ought to succeed in

understanding, in noting that nothing of all that is from him,

is him. He, physically and mentally, is the

multitude of others. <br>"This 'multitude of others'

includes the material elements - the ground, one might say

- which he owes to his heredity, to his atavism,

then those which he has ingested, which he has inhaled

from before his birth, by the help of which his body

was formed, and which, assimilated by him, have

become with the complex forces inherent in them,

constituent parts of his being. <br>"On the mental plane,

this 'multitude of others' includes many beings who

are his contemporaries: people he consorts with, with

whom he chats, whose actions he watches. Thus a

continual inhibition is at work while the individual

absorbs a part of the various energies given off by those

with whom he is in contact, and these incongruous

energies, installing themselves in that which he considers

his 'I', form there a swarming throng." <br> - The

Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects

<br><br>We do not exist as a soul or individual self.

<br><br>"The answer to those that imagine that Buddhist

salvation consists in the annihilation of the 'ego', at the

death of the 'person', is that, as Buddhism denies the

existence of an 'ego' or a soul, whatever be the name given

to it, there cannot be any question of the

annihilation of that which is held to be non-existent. <br>"In

reality there is annihilation but it is that of false

views, of ignorance, and more exactly of the belief in

the existence of an 'ego' which is independent,

homogeneous and permanent, a belief which deforms our

understanding of the world in deforming our mental vision."

<br> - The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist

Sects <br><br>The Great Liberation<br><br>"...The

well-informed dreamer may cease taking pleasure in dreaming. He

may stop imitating those dreamers who, enjoying the

phantasmagoria which they watch and in which they play a part,

persist in wishing to remain asleep. In truth, why do the

dreamers fear awakening, why do they imagine in advance

other dreams of hells and heavens which await them

after death? It is because they fear that with the

disappearance of the 'images seen in dreams', the illusory

'Ego' which is an integral part of them will disappear.

They have not yet perceived that the real face of this

chimerical 'Ego' is the face of Death. As long as the idea

of this impermanent Ego lasts, this simple mass of

elements which various causes have brought together and

which other causes will separate, death also subsists.

The Dhammapada alludes to the disappearance of this

phantom from the field of our mental activity when it

refers to whom 'death does not see', that is, he for

whom death does not exist. <br>"The awakening is

liberation, salvation. The Secret Teachings propose no other

object than this to their pupils. <br>"To wake up...The

Buddhas have done nothing else than this, and it is this

awakening which has made them become Buddhas." <br> - The

Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects

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Sai Baba said that Buddha discovered l/2

of<br>the coin.. all is suffering.. but not<br>the

underlying truth of the universe which<br>is that all is

ananda.<br><br>Baba also said that in one life Buddha lay<br>down in

front of a starving mother tiger<br>with 2 cubs.. that

she and her babies could eat<br><br>Some say Buddha

died of pig flesh<br>Others say he died of pig found

flesh or<br>truffles. Either way.. it is good not<br>to

accept everything put into the begging

bowl<br><br><a href=http://www.wickedwendys.com

target=new>http://www.wickedwendys.com</a><br><br>online slaughter house video..

for those<br>Buddhists,

Hindus, Christians etc still<br>eating animals

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