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ills - quoting from texts okay??

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I am just wondering whether it is all high and

dry to quote bad quotes from religious books - many

do - clubs like "discussion of vedas" on -

becos there are so many versions floating around - be

it of Quran or Ramayan or BIble - becos - earlier

when no paper was available - orally the texts were

handed down the generations - from religious leaders to

their desciples.<br>Somewhere - to suit their selfish

need Popes, Maulvis and brahmin priests - may and did

introduce stanzas which were purely vile-<br>If you wish to

see some vile stanzas of Quoran ( pl. check up

www.hinduUnity.org on treatment of women in Islam) <br>Similary

Popes in medieval times used to charge money from

people - so that a place may be reserved for them in

heaven - such lines have been deleted now.<br>While

going thru www.dalitstan.com also I found quotes from

Vedas promoting Casteism - I'm sure it was the mischief

of some vile brahmins who wanted to uphold their

superioirty - and exclude everyone else from attaining the

Brahmin caste - which is acquired only by deeds.

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Yeah , they may not be entirely wrong , but as

Ramakrishna says , scriptures are like , sand mixed with

sugar , these sites are talking of sand , if at all it

is there , but what we need is sugar ! So take the

sugar and go ahead in sadhana , never mind these sand

mongering people<br><br>Ramesh Veerala

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Once (in a vision)... God suddenly showed me the

lake at Kamarpukur. I saw a man pushing aside the

green scum and drinking the water. The water was clear

as crystal. God revealed to me that Satchidananda is

covered by the scum of maya. He who pushes the green scum

aside can drink the water. <br>(p. 262) FROM SRI


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Dalitstan.com is not an authority of the vedas

not is it an authotity on scriptures. It was created

by castiest people who live off castes and cannot

possibly comprehend any other claim for a living. Its

possibly their only claim to fame.<br>I am a surprised you

are quoting from this website. They even have a

section on the LTTE and recommend division of tamil nadu

and having it ruled by LTTE and their

cronies.<br><br><br>The Vedas or the Upanishads are guidelines for a

spiritual life. In it it usually begins with issues

concerning determination to live a spiritual life and the

graduates to discipline required to improve and advance

further and then graduates to methods for enlightening

the mind and etc. It does contain rules about food,

clothing, behaviour and associations. Associations here

mean that associate only with certain people so that

your practice of austerities are safe with like minded

people. This in other terms are called Sat Sanga.

<br><br>Caste is usually based on the kind of work and not per

Birth. Every brahmin knows that until he is initiated

into Upanayana, he is considered a sudra. Only

practice of nityakarma and brahmacharic prionciples make

him a brahmana. This is what the scriptures say and

usually in mature societies, its followed that way. Which

is why wvwn though Brahmins have traditionally been

the keepers of the sacred texts, they have accepted

and admire Valmiki as a saint. In Karnataka, brahmins

are very orthodox and they too admire and sing songs

from a devotee of Vittala called Kanakadasa, who was

earlier a keeper of sheeps a sheaperd. There are lots of

examples where people who follow scriptures follow mature

behaviour.<br><br>Regarding insertion into Vedas, its more of its

imterpretation rather than its true meaning that is the cause of

teh trouble. The dalitistan for example takes a few

slokas out of context and then add them to their own

context to give it an entirely new meaning. This is in

their nature because, they consider they belong to a

lower caste, their idea of intelligence is to disown

what they consider as a Brahmion creation. Typically

like the Islamic clerics do throughout the world,

their claim to fame is trying to pull things out of

contexts and then distorting their view.<br><br>If you are

really interested about our culture, I can point you to

certain meditation institutes where you will learn its

true meaning. You can also take a look and draw

inspiration from the Rama Krishna Mutt, the Yogoda Satsanga

Society in India and others.<br><br>Please write to me on

my email, I will give you more

information.<br><br>Please remember one more thing.<br>There are two kinds

of intelligent people.<br>1. Pandits - these are

people who knows everything in the book. They can

identify a sloka and tell you its book name,and page name

and line number. But thats the end of similarity.

They don't unedrstand its principle and tehy would not

have practiced its principle.<br>2. Gnanis - These

people may not know the sloka or may not be as well

learned in texts as a pandita, but they have practiced

the principle of what they have studied and have a

live experience of it. They have lived through

it.<br><br>You are better wit a Gnani than Panditas who

intrepret slokas and farces like the dalitistan.org who

spread disinformation.<br><br>Hope this helps.<br><br>-


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tks Sesh, for a very honest and wise reply.

casteism in present system is more a social evil than a

religious problem. And new Talibans of casteism are baking

their bread on the fire of caste hatered.<br><br> Shri

Krishna himself assured in Bhagwat Gita that each human

being is equally eligible for Moksha, irrespective of

caste, creed and gender.<br><br>SS

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