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cow god of cambodia history :1

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kosol: everyone,i temperally back from meditation

to tell all of you some<br>historyrical fact, that

is beyond american and all the world belief

system.<br><br><br>kosol: now how many of you , believe that a human

bieng's can give birth to<br>a talking cow?<br><br>well,

gather around around i am going to share with you all

some cambodian<br>history , and why your kosol is so

powerful in that relation .<br><br>ok, most of our history

are stored orally and pasted orrally down

from<br>generation to generation , becuase written down history can

be altered, and<br>can be used agianst the people by

a unfavorable kings of some sort , so

true<br>history for our people is 100% plus is orally and pasted

down from<br>generation to generation.<br><br>the

history that i am about to tell you , is amazing , some

of you will know<br>this one, if you all know

cambodian history.<br><br>well, this history story took

place about maybe 2 hundred year ago, it 's is<br>the

story of a COW GOD, WHO BORN IN to to human parent in

cambodia . and is<br>a very realistic history that

happened in cambodia culture and everyone<br>know about

this history . the story go like this, there was a

cambodia<br>farmer or peasent, that his wife give birth to a twin,

well the elder twin ,<br>came out as a cow, a real

live cow, and his brother is human. so everyone

in<br>the villiage freak out, so the next things you know,

the town chief and it<br>related council decided it

was best to sent the fiamilly of the

misfortunate<br>into exile . sending them to the forest , to live

there, where there is a<br>lots of wild beast , tiger,

elephant, ect. the council of the viliage hoped<br>that the

wild beast would eat the fiamilly up, so that why they

were exile<br>there. fortunely the cow , son of the

farmer was able to communicate with<br>the animal of the

forest and so they got along , and the animal

council<br>allow them to dwell with them in the forest, so as many

year went by the<br>cow and his human twin brother

grew up and become a strong person. remeber<br>the cow

was born into a human parent, and he can talk, as

well he is the<br>older brother of his human sibling.

the cow eat only grass just like a<br>ordanirry cow,

as well the cow possess the 8 sidhis or super power

and the<br>masterry of patanjali yoga sutas from

birth .<br>while his human younger sibling did not

possess any super power at all, the<br>cow alway stay by

the side of his human sibling to protect him from

harm.<br>now many year have pass, and during this time thier

parent have die already,<br>as well, during this time

the cambodian is at war with thier sibling

rival<br>the thailand people. and cambodian are lossing the

battle and land and<br>property are beings garble up

quicklyed. so the main king of the many<br>reginal king

council, went to ask the wise seer , and he ask them ,

are<br>there any one in our land that can help defeat the

thailand ? or is this<br>will be the end of the cambodian

kingdom ?<br>the wise oracle and seer, told the king that

yes there is someone who can<br>defeat the thialand

arm/magical force, he dwell in the forest with his<br>brother


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