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Sivasamhita (chapter 1 )

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shloka 15 - These (Latter) and many other

sages-as is also stated in the sastras (scriptures)

confirm that the cause of man's delusion is

fragmentations and disputations in the mind.<br><br>shloka 16 -

The various views of all disputing persons I am

unable to relate; All such people wander airlessly,

driven away from the path of salvation.<br><br>shloka 17

- However after consulting all the sastras, and

after pondering over them again and again it has been

found that the views of the yogasastra are the

best.<br><br>shloka 18 - when by knowing this yogasastra all others

are clearly known of what profit can it be to labour

and find out what the other sastras

say?<br><br>shloka 19 - This Yogasastra as related by me is secret.

It may be passed on only to the most devoted and

great souls in all three worlds.<br><br>( I think this

is to save this science from Asuras, but in the era

of internet nothing remains secret and Lord shiva

will only help if the person is pure, others may not

benefit from this yogasastra )<br><br>shloka 20 - Now

there are two paths; the Karma way and the Jnana way;

Again action performed in the course of knowledge way

is twofold.<br><br>shloka 21 -0 Pursuit and control

of the action way is also two folds.<br><br>shloka

22- It is positively unrighteous to perform forbidden

actions. It is positively righteous to perform the

commended actions.<br><br>shloka 23- actions are of three

complex character; the ordinary, the particular and the

desired ones. The ordinary (not premeditated ) do not

attract sin. The particular and desired ones bear

fruits.<br><br>shloka 24 - The fruits (of particular and desired

actions) are also twofold-both here and thereafter. In

heaven(the fruits or pleasures) are manifold; so are

they(the fruits or sufferings) in hell.<br><br>shloka 25 -

To heaven through pious deeds and to hell through

impious deeds-this is the way how creation is karma

bound. this is positive, and cannot be

otherwise.<br><br>shloka 26 - In heaven too people experience anger,

hatered jealousy etc. as well as many pleasures. In hell

they suffer many kinds of unbearable

pains.<br><br>shloka 27 - Sufferings come from impious deeds even as

pleasure is the outcome of pious deeds. Hence he who is

desirous of pleasure performs pious deeds

only.<br><br>shloka 28 - After the expiation of sins,follow several

re-births (according to karma). Nor is it otherwise when

virtues are expended. This is certain.<br><br>(will


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CHAPTER 1<br>------------------<br><br>shloka 27

- suffering comes from impious deeds (eveas)

pleasure is the outcome pious deeds. Hence he who is

desirous of pleasure performs pious deeds

only.<br><br>Shloka 28 - After the pxpiation of sins, follow several

re-births (according to karma). Nor is it otherwise when

virtues are expended. This is certain.<br><br>Shloka 29 -

Despite all the virtues even the mere coveting of

another's wife brings sorrow in heaven. Hence all such

things in this world are undoubtedly the cause of

sorrow.<br><br>Shloka 30 - The thinkers (sages) have described karma as

twofold; righteous and unrighteous. In course of time the

creatures get bound to their virtues and

vice.<br><br>Shloka 31- Those who are averse to the fruits of actions

shed all fruitful actions in this very world.

Renouncing attachment to ordinary as well as particular

actions, they engagew themselves in the practice of

yoga.<br><br>Shloka - 32 Hence having understood the real character

(importance) of the karma method, the wise yogi forsakes that

and turns to the knowledge-method, abandoning both

virtue and vice.<br><br>Shloka 33 That the Ataman (Soul)

can be seen or realized on this shore (i.e.in this

very life) is learnt from the ancient Sruits

(scriptures). The same knowledge must be nursed as the means

and harbinger of Moksha.<br><br>Shloka 34 - That

which directs the propensity of mind towards virtue and

vice is Me. The entire moving and unmoving universe is

born in Me, is seen in Me and merges in Me. I am not

apart from that nor anything is apart from Me (Lord

Siva)<br><br>shloka 35 - Just as the reflection of the sun in a

number of saucers filled with water appears numerous

irrespective of the fact that the sun is one and the quality

of the saucers the same, even so is the case with

the Atman.<br><br>shloka 36 - Just as in a dream one

thing is imagined in many forms and the same on

awakening becomes one again, in a similar manner the world

appears manifold (to the person in

illusion).<br><br>Shloka 37 - Just as a piece of rope is mistaken for a

serpent and a mother of pearl is taken for silver, in a

similar manner the world phenomena disguise the Supreme

Atman.<br><br>Shloka 38 - Even as a correct knowledge of the rope

dispels the illusion of the snake, a right knoledge of

the self dispels the illusion of world phenomena.

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Blessed Self<br><br>Very timely posting of the

Sivasamhita. Please continue.<br><br>P.S. I found the

description of your profession in your profile to be most

engaging. Another timely reminder.<br><br>Omprem

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