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Humility - the KEY for SADHANA

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Dear fellow Sadhaks,<br><br>As a student of Yoga

Sadhana,I consider the Humility as the first step,nay,pre

requisite for any sadhak.<br><br>The problem is how to

practice Humility ? (Since it a part of Sadhana-the

practice).Humility has two sides: Internal & transactional. Even

though I have adopted this practice, the outward

acknowlegement/ synchronisation is essential for Worldly SATSANG

SADHANA.I am sharing my agenda with all of you for a

consensus:<br><br>Humility in THOUGHT:<br>--------------------<br>Thinking &

believing that this world including ME,are functioning

under the WILL of the ALMIGHTY.The (I,ME,MINE) are to

be conditioned accordingly,which is very challenging

task in this Egocentric world where Self

Respect,Status,<br>and Collective Pride are dominating our

existence.<br><br><br>Humility in EXPRESSION:<br>-----------------------<br>This

practice is in the realm of Spoken Language,<br>Body

language,& the traditions prevailing in various societies,

which have set norms to it.The Eastern World and

Western World may not agree on all points in this regard

!<br><br>Humilty in ATTITUDE &

ACTION:<br>----------------------------<br>This is most challenging !.Most of

the time we are

responding to the external stimulus under compulsions of our

Physical, Mental, Economic, Social,& Geographic limitations

/ Constraints.<br><br>I strongly feel that for

Nirguna Upasana,the internal humility would suffice ,

whereas for Saguna Upasana & Yoga Sadhana ,( where

interacting with fellow human beings is inevitable) the

aforesaid aspects play some role. Eventhough every human

being eventually becomes what he thinks of himself

,(Yat Bavam,Tat bhavati)in collective living,everyone

has to evolve through, step by step ,so that his

INTERNAL FEELINGS are synchronising with EXTERNAL

REALITY.<br><br>It is in context,that the HINDU way of life has

evoved the step-by-step approach to SADHANA in this

worldly life,i.e,<br><br>SRUDHDHA, SWAVALAMBAN, SEVA,


(Spiritual Ecstasy ) realisable to everybody !This is what

RAJA YOGA teaches.<br><br>The only shortcut for this

step-by-step approach may be to renounce this world,go to

jungles,and perform TAPA SADHANA,which many of our RISHIs

have done ! <br><br>I also stongly believe in the GITA

verse which says:<br>UDHDHARAET ATMAN ATMANAM.....(One

has to liberate oneself by one's own

actions)<br><br>The Choice is before us .Let us take control of our


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>>The only shortcut for this step-by-step

approach may be to renounce this world,go to jungles,and

perform TAPA SADHANA,which many of our RISHIs have done !

>><br><br>If we did go away to the forest, who will we be

humble towards? Isn't it only in the presence of another

person, that our egos, "i", get an opportunity to play?

To make choices? It is easy to express humility

towards GOD, many schools of thought teach it, many

enforce its expression; however is it as easy to express

it towards GOD's creations? All

creations?<br><br>>>>>Humilty in ATTITUDE &

ACTION:<br>----------------------------<br>This is most challenging !.Most of

the time we are

responding to the external stimulus under compulsions of our

Physical, Mental, Economic, Social,& Geographic limitations

/ Constraints.>>>><br><br>Yes. We

humans are a product of our experiences, programmed

across the ages to feel and act and think in certain

ways under certain set of conditions. Untill we decide

to make conscious choices to make changes. As Erica

pointed out, ""On one hand, I have the American culture

and upbringing telling me that I must believe in

myself, ...". In the post-industrial world today, all

over this is certainly the focus. Me, and mine.

<br><br>To a certain extent however the "i' has to be

acknowledged. Balance between the ego "i" and genuine humility

then is the key and sadhna is the tool to help reach

that goal.<br><br>Several members have raised some

fascinating points to ponder. I am hoping it is triggering

lots of thoughts, some of which you will share with

us. <br><br>Tat twam asi<br><br>UMA

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