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American Disasters

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Blessed Self, members<br><br>Today, the US is

being rocked with explosions. The death toll will be in

the thousands, maimed and wounded will be in the

thousands. Thousands of families will mourn their lost loved

ones. <br><br>Thousand will be without jobs. The US

economy has been brought to a standstill with serious

repercussions for tens of thousands more. People distant from

the attacks and the US are in a state of shock. Their

faith in the innate goodness of man has been

shaken.<br><br>The attacks seem to be in retaliation for the US

support of Israel. Regardless of the reasons for the

attack or your opinion of the attackers, I ask all of

you either on your own or with others to chant "OM

NAMO NARAYANAYA" for 15 minutes for the cause of world

peace and for your own peace as well.<br><br>Keep your

thinking positive today and stay focused. Chanting "OM

NAMO NARAYANAYA" creates positive vibrations in your

own consciousness as well as in the ether and can

influence unseen others. I am going to ask the yoga classes

that I will be teaching today to chant OM NAMO

NARAYANAYA in an effort to heal the planet and


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This is a very sad news...Let us all offer our one day's sadhna to those who

suffered<br><br> and let us send love and light to those whose hatered for

mankind caused this trauma<br><br>Hari Aum

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As I stare into the computer and TV screen

through a veil of tears, chanting my mantra for peace, I

have only one appeal to our Sadhaks. <br><br>And eye

for an eye makes the world blind. Hate begets hate.

Every action, like an antenna, attracts only similar

actions. Send only love and prayers .. to all. Victims,

direct, indirect, perpetrators, terrorists, to all .. let

GOD decide the rest. <br><br>One of my dearest

soulmate's plans to visit New York was cancelled because of

a fight with a loved one. He would have been here

today. I guess God DOES have a plan. I wish I knew what

this one is all about. All I am left with is WHAT and

WHY?<br><br>Do not allow one drop of hatred in your hearts. When

it arises, drown it with prayer and love. Open your

hearts, love those you love even more, reach out and heal

those of them you have hurt or those who have hurt you.

Cry for loved ones, direct or indirect, cry out of

love. All are parts of our own selves. Those that are

spreading hatred, at whatever level it may be, also need

love, even though one does not have to associate with

them or support their actions. Forgive

unconditionally. Love unconditionally. Unilaterally. Let actions,

even if they need to be tough, come clothed only in

loving-kindness. When pain gets too much, make a shield of love

and prayers around you and affirm strongly that you

will ALLOW nothing but those of love to penetrate it.

<br><br>If the world is truely as we are, let us vow to

unite in love, compassion and understanding, the only

way to bring peace on earth. <br><br>Thanks _/\_

OMprem for posting. <br><br>Forgive me for my rambling.

<br><br>Take three deep yoga breaths and in one voice say ..

OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTIHI!<br><br>_/\_<br><br>Uma

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Om Sarveshaam svastirbhavatu<br> sarveshaam

shantir bhavathu<br> sarveshaam purnam bhavathu<br><br>

Om! Sarve bhavanthu sukinah<br> Sarve santu

niramayah<br> Sarve bhadrani pasyantu<br> Ma kaschit dukha baak

bhavet.<br><br> Om! Asato ma sadgamaya<br> tamaso ma jyotirga

maya<br> mrutyor ma amrutanga maya<br><br> Om! Purnam adah

purnam idah<br> purnaat purnam udacyhate<br> Purnasya

purnam adaya<br> Purnam eva vasishyate.<br><br> Om!

Shantih, shantih, shantih.

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Its Really Shocking, Cant Understand What type of

men were they who did it? How can even think of doing

such an act.<br><br>Can Just Convey Condolances to the

families of those dead, the people in whose life darkness

had come at the start of Day .<br><br>OM SHANTI

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Very unfortunate and shocking...!<br><br>Please

convey condolences to the families of<br>those effected

by this barbaric act. Let us pray for the eternal

peace of the departed souls and to give the required

strength to those survived, to give the strength to the

fanilies to overcome the grief & sorrows...And the punish

those who are guilty..<br><br>Let there be PEACE for


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Very unfortunate and shocking...!<br><br>Please

convey condolences to the families of<br>those effected

by this barbaric act. Let us pray for the eternal

peace of the departed souls and to give the required

strength to those survived, to give the strength to the

fanilies to overcome the grief & sorrows...And to punish

those who are guilty..Will all the members of this club

join us....?<br><br>Let there be PEACE for all..

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Disasters, may it be any form natural or man made

is unfortunate. Thoughts, words, actions, all are

inter-related. Even thought itself leaves a mark to the sanskara

of the individual. Everything has got its own

reactions. I remember the words of Sri. Ramadevi quoted from

the scriptures that your thought, word or action are

cyclic. It has got its own reactions. Once it was

disseminated, it will come to you back with manifold strength.

In other words, one who sows, will reap.<br>Let us

have good thoughts to contribute to the world. Let our

individual minds pray for the Shanti for not only the

mankind, but for each and every creation, movable or

immovable, of God. Let every individual mind constitute to

become a collective mind. Pray and pray from the

innermost to the Universal Mother. As Uma says in her

letter, an eye for an eye makes the world blind. Hate

begets hate. Send only love and prayers….I am sure, if

all members of this club pray together it will

generate tremendous synergy.<br><br>In addition to

Vaisvanara’s Upanishad Sooktas, let me supplement one more

Sookta which we recite, among others, as a part of our

daily rituals.<br><br>Swasti prajabhyam

paripalayantham<br>Nyayena margena mahim mahimca<br>Go brahmanebhyo

subhamastu nithyam<br>Loka samasta sukhino

bhavantu!<br><br>Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu!<br><br>Loka Samasta

Sukhino Bhavantu!<br><br>Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Om!!!<br><br>With love,<br>Devan

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We pray the ALMIGHTY to grant eternal Peace to

those unfortunate human-souls, who have become victims

of the thoughtless madness of misdirected

animals.<br><br>OM NAMO NARAYANAYA...<br><br>Nachiketashram

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Dear Mr. Omprem,<br><br>We certainly appreciate

your efforts for healing the planet as well as

ourselves by suggesting all to chant OM NAMO

NARAYANAYA.<br><br>In addition to above one could also begin to chant

one's own family deity or kuldevta's Name or in other

words the Name of the Lord as per one's religion at

birth for maximum spiritual benefits.<br><br>For Hindus

it could be any one of the Lord's Name as per

religion at birth, for Christians either Hail Jesus or

Hail Mary, for Buddhists it will be OM Buddhanamaya,

for Muslims it will be 99 Names of Allah or Allah u

Akbar etc.<br><br>Since family deity is related to

earth element or pruthvi tattva element no one

experiences distress while chanting It.<br><br>But while

chanting OM a few may feel distressed due to "OM" being

related to Tej tattva or fire element of the

universe.<br><br>Hope each of us is able to begin chanting so that one

can benefit spiritually and also feel a lot of peace

within which has been hitherto lost.<br><br>Love to

all,<br><br>Sanatan<br><br>Glenn - Sampada Pereira

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