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Kleshas & Self - Realisation

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Blessed Self,Omprem,<br><br>The Kleshas that you

have refered to,appear to me as the necessary evils

that every Sadhak has to overtake in pursuit of

Self-Realisation.<br><br>How do you respond to the view that "Just as

Electrical resistence to the flow of current, and Road

friction to the movement of vehicle on the road, these

Kleshas afford the grip to humans on this worldly life"

?<br><br>At the beginning stage of our life to grow we need

this 'Grip' and thereafter we must be able to be on

our own..Unfortunately, most people get used to this

grip and live with them for, they don't know how to

get rid of them. <br><br>Subsequently,climbing the

steps towards SELF REALISATION (i.e, SURVIVAL,


progress one makes depends directly on the effective

dismantling of these " Gripping brackets "( i.e, the Kleshas

which bind the immortal Soul to this mortal body).

Naturally we "SADHAKS" have a proactive role to play in

this matter.<br><br>I am of the view that

understanding of this <br>'HUMAN REALITY 'is the beginning of

the journey towards Self-Realisation while living a

social life in this World.<br><br>The inhuman ,mindless

terrorism that we are witnessing relates to the "Animal

Mindset"<br>in human body, supported by the people "who

are<br>Ignorent about their IGNORENCE" ..How we can bring about

the change? Who is responsible to this state of

affairs ?<br><br>All that a Sadhak can interpret the

ongoing happenings is as the Act of unseen hand of

DESTINY<br>which is guiding the progess of Mankind through this

Universe.....<br><br>Dhiyo yonah Prachodayaat...<br><br>Nachiketashram.

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Blessed Self, nachiketashram<br><br>In response

to your post, could I first say that it serves no

purpose to attempt to characterize those who attacked the

World Trade Center and other targets as inhuman,

mindless, animals or in any other derogatory terms. To do

so, abases our awareness of Self and creates

additional karma for us. Those people were in deep pain and

deserve our compassion as do their victims.<br><br>Having

said that, allow me to address your question on how do

I respond to the view that "Just as Electrical

resistence to the flow of current, and Road friction to the

movement of vehicle on the road, these Kleshas afford the

grip to humans on this worldly life" ?<br><br>I agree

with those metaphors entirely. They are very apt and

have the advantage of making the task of resolving the

kleshas seem lighter and more do-able. Although I'm not

sure that I would agree with your point that we 'need'

the grip of the kleshas in our beginning

life.<br><br>Swami Vishnu used to tell a story about a wandering

sage and healer. This person would go from village to

village healing the sick and the lame. One day, he

arrived in a village and in the course of his healings a

baby was placed in front of him for healing. The sage

looked at the baby and did nothing. At length, the baby

was taken away without being healed and died soon

after. The sage's disciples were aghast but not inclined

to question their guru. <br><br>But at another

village, the same thing happened. A baby was place in

front of the sage for healing and again the sage did

nothing and the baby was removed only to die a short time

later. Now, the disciples of the sage could not contain

themselves and asked their guru why he would not heal those

two babies.<br><br>The guru replied that those babies

were actually very old souls who were highly evolved.

These old souls had only one more issue to know and

resolve before they could enter mahasamadhi, unite with

Brahman and end their cycles of life and death. The guru

gave them that last piece of insight and as a result

the babies no longer need their bodies and gave them

up.<br><br>So the guru did more that heal them. He brought them

to a Self-Realized state. Those babies 'needed'

their bodies to move beyond the last vestige of their

sancita-prarabdha karma. Did they 'need' the kleshas as well? An

academic point.<br><br>Om namah Sivaya<br><br>Omprem

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