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To all Sadhaks ..

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The path towards God is the sacrifice of

self,<br>And in every thicket lurks a danger,<br>Designed to

make the person<br>Whose soul is fragile as a flask of

glass<br>Turn back and retrace his steps.<br>The path of

religion is fulll of troubles and disaster<br>Because it

is not a Path<br>Suited to anyone with a cowardly

nature.<br>On this path, the souls of beings<br>Are subjected

to ordeals by terror<br>Like a sieve is used to


wheat.<br><br>Rumi<br>-------------------------<br>It's quiet in here .. where

are all our active

members? rajeev, audaryalila, arghyo, audra, baba, and

each and everyone of you who make our home vibrant

with light? What is the reason for the silence?

<br><br>While we are taught by our Masters about Maya, the love

for God, the illusion of reality, the Nishkaam Karma,

(detached action) when we are faced with the actuality of

such earth plane experiences we all remain challenged.

As we watched the Towers crumbled, how easy was it

for our faith to crumble, even momentarily; who at

moment didn't identify with the "rope" as the "snake"?

As we are overwhelmed with tears with the rest of

the world, who cannot get carried away by the waves

of Maya? <br><br>Members! do stop by and share a bit

of how your sadhna is helping you deal with such

challenges. While most of us are shocked into a stupified

silence, I urge you to simply express your feelings. While

we deal with the immediate wounds in our personal

ways offer your thoughts and wisdom that you have

gained from your journey, what actions you have been

able to take, so that it may help or trigger some

comfort or further ation in some way for someone

somewhere. <br><br>The power of commnunity, virtual or real,

is awesome. It has been a wonderful scource of

bringing together of people and increasing undertanding

among people across the world. Those who have never

interacted internationaly are getting to know and form

relationships with people through listserves and other virtual

communities, across the globe which is opening up a doors of

understanding. All peace has to begin at the grass roots level

and that begins through a recognition that human

beings are the same all over, just packaged differently.

<br><br>Our sadhna lies in our actions; texts guide us, open

doors for us, remove veils of ignorance. We "become"

the knowledge only when we act on them. <br><br>One

of the threads of conversation that we were having

was that of humility in sadhna. I feel we have all

been humbled lest we thought we have finished our part

our responsibility towards peace in the world.

<br><br>What do you feel? Do join in .. we all need all of you

.....<br><br>In ONE love<br><br>_/\_<br><br>Uma

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Dear Uma,<br><br>While I have not participated in

any community activity I, like probably all members

of this club, have been touched by this tragedy in

many ways. I am called to be a leader in the work

place and I have been helping others to work through

their anguish, fear, hatred, etc. all emotions and

reactions to such an extreme display of hatred toward

humanity.<br><br>My children have asked many questions and are trying

to come to terms with the way they feel about this

event and how they should respond. My son told me that

he prayed for the perpretrators at a ceremony in his

school. I am very happy to see his generous and loving

heart. <br><br>My daughter was appalled at the violent

acts of some toward innocent people based on their

ethnicity or religion as an outcome of this event. She said

that they have become the very thing that they

abhor.<br><br>Christ said that it is easy to love those who love you

but we are called to love those who hate us. Let us

all find love and hope in our hearts for all involved

in this tragic human event. The innocent victims,

those who vision is clouded by hatred or fanaticism,

all of the family and friends of those who perished

or were injured and all the rest of humanity.

<br><br>I pray that each one of us will find room in our

hearts to love all of God's creation and hope that all

hearts will find their highest potential in divine

rapture.<br><br>Your servant,<br>Audarya lila dasa

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Blessed Self, members<br><br>The following is by

the 18th century Hindi devotional poet, Sahajo

Bai:<br><br>Sahajo says:<br>chant Hari's name.<br>Do not love the

world.<br>No one belongs to you. <br>Not even your own

body.<br><br>This is what guru-deva taught.<br>This is what all the

saints teach.<br>Sahajo says:<br>Renounce the

world.<br>One day it will abandon you.<br><br>The mind which is

full of quarrel,<br>fantasy and sorrow, <br>will

always be unfocused.<br>Remove envy from your

heart.<br>Sahajo says"<br>There is no order in the

world.<br><br>You live like a pair of tongs:<br>one moment in the

water,<br>the next in the fire.<br>One moment you are happy in

the world,<br>the next you are sad.<br>Sahajo

says:<br>Do not become caught up<br>in whatever

happens.<br>Life in the world<br>is unexpected.<br>Only death is

certain.<br>Sahajo says:<br>Do not miss out on the opportunity<br>to

make friends with

Hari<br><br>______________________<br><br><br>Hari Om<br>Omprem

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