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Non-violence and Justice and Karma

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I have been struggling with my feelings for

justice and my feelings for non-violence. I was wondering

if the learned and loving members here could offer

their opinions.<br><br>I believe the concept of

non-violence to be a very important one. When we inflict pain

on someone or something, we are inflicting that pain

on Divinity itself. <br><br>These terrorists have

made so much pain - pain that is spread all over the

world. That is something they have to live with; I feel

sorry for them that they think in some way that they

did God a favor. I do not wish death on them. I wish

that they could see pure love and change their ways

and learn from their mistakes - horrible as they may

be. I do not wish death on anyone, but these ways of

thinking are just not practical at times like

this.<br><br>It is sure that my country is at war with these

terrorists. It is sure that many men and women will die

fighting for my freedom and the freedom of my fellow

Americans. I want justice. I want my freedoms and I love

this country. I am patriotic and behind whatever my

leaders decide is best for all of us. It is nieve, I

think, to believe that we are going to get through this

without war and without more deaths. I would love if we

could resolve this dispute without losing another life,

but that is just not going to happen.<br><br>My

questions are these:<br><br>How can I justify war and

non-violence at the same time? War is the epitome of violence,

yet I belive it is the best thing for my country at

this point. How is this justified? <br><br>How much of

this is karma? Are the victims paying karmic debts?

<br><br>Any and all opinions and points of view

welcome.<br><br>In love and light,<br>Erica

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Inflicting pain on someone certainly is

equivalent to disrespect for divine within but we must

differentiate between inflicting pain and giving punishment.

Terrorists have inflicted pain but if united states court

award him a death sentence after a fair and just trail

then this is punishment which is a must for any

society. One can argue that why not forgive them in

accordance with non-violence theory. My mind says that

general society should award punishment according to its

system. cases of forgiveness by some great realised soul

(say jesus christ) are exception.<br><br><br><br>War

and non-violence are not a contradictory concepts.

Bhagwat gita chapter2 33-38 cleary says that War is

justified when a person has good reasons to fight evil

<br><br>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br><br>O Arjuna,

such Kshatriyas are very satisfied who

get such a good opportunity to join a war coming to

them like an open door to heaven.<br><br>If you do not

join this lawful battle, you shall fail in your duty

and renown will not be gained and you will commit

sin.<br><br>Besides your infamy will always be told and for one who

has been a respected person, infamy is worse than

death.<br><br>The great warriors will think that you feared the

battle, and they by whom you were highly regarded, will

have low respect for you. <br><br>Many objectionable

words will be said by your enemies, defaming you as a

weakling. What could be more sorrowful?<br><br>If killed in

the war, you shall go to heaven, or shall enjoy the

earth after being victorious, therefore, arise O

Arjuna, be ready for the


ation like that is not spontaneous. For every effect

there is an underlying cause. No effect will take

without any cause. As we have personal karma similarly we

have collective karma as a nation/society/group of

people.Those things does get reflected in

war/earthquake/sudden accidents/other natural calamities. God knows how

adjectly this works but god has strange ways to fulfill

the effect of karma even in long run. If a nation

acts wrong for some reason his citizen too are

responsible for karma.

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