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--new beginnings??--

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as i talk to many people around the world about

<br>the events in NY-WA-PA, they mention they too<br>have

ongoing conflicts within their borders. and <br>we

discuss, why? and each has an understanding of <br>what

their conflict is over. <br><br>but it seems there is

little to no idea for the <br>acts of Sept 11. while i

in no way condon these <br>acts, i believe we need

to understand as best we <br>can why some people

have such a deep hatred for <br>americans. let us, as

a nation and as citizens of <br>the world seek

justice (not retribution) in this <br>(and all)

situation/s.<br><br>but let us also seek to understand, to begin the

<br>foundations for a world of global peace & mutual

<br>understandings. with intent to serve our world in <br>birthing

global peace, i offer the

following:<br><br>---<br><br>Thoughts from Marianne Williamson <br>on the crisis

in the

U.S.<br><br>Dear Friends,<br><br>In my book HEALING THE SOUL OF

AMERICA, <br>I wrote about an experience I had in a hotel

<br>lobby in New Delhi during the mid l990's. It

<br>resonates deeply for me today. An Egyptian <br>diplomat,

whom I met while taking a break from <br>leading a

spiritual pilgrimage to India, came up <br>to me and

gently, kindly said these words:<br><br>"I do not mean

this as a criticism of the United<br>States. I know

the Americans are good men and <br>women. But please

try to make them understand.<br>Many people in my

part of the world feel that<br>they have been forced

to try to keep up with you, <br>in a race that we do

not really care to run.<br><br>Your technology is

amazing, but America seems<br>spiritually polluted to many

of us. Your ways are <br>not our ways, and while we

were tempted for a<br>while to think that your ways

should be our ways,<br>we do not think that

anymore.<br><br>This is the problem, Ms. Williamson, and there<br>will

be terrible consequences in the world if <br>America

does not come to understand this. Islamic

<br>terrorists have had such success-if you can call <br>their

campaigns a success -- because they have <br>been able to

persuade millions of peasants that <br>America is bad. It

is not too difficult to do, <br>Ms.

Williamson.<br><br>All they have to do is describe the

television<br>programs you export to this part of the world, <br>and

millions of people are very horrified. America<br>often

comes across to us as very arrogant

and<br>uncaring.<br><br>Your government does not understand. They do

not<br>see how the people feel. We need the American

<br>people to understand. Perhaps you will bring<br>more

Americans to our part of the world. If they <br>come to

understand us, then they will respect us. <br>We would feel

that respect, and then I don't <br>think that the

terrorists would have such success.<br><br>This is not a job

the CIA can do. It is only a <br>job which people can

do."<br><br>His words have rung in my ears over the last

few<br>days, and I thought that perhaps they would ring <br>in

yours. They reveal important information, <br>which I

hope we all take to heart.<br><br>Peace and love to

all of you,<br>Marianne Williamson<br><br>© Marianne

Williamson<br>Please feel free to copy and spread this

message.<br><br>---<br><br>let there be an end to our pain and grief. with

<br>bleeding heart, i lift my voice for peace, <br>for all

people, now and forever. <br><br>may all the beings in

all the universes have peace.

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