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Chanting the Lord’s Name

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Chanting the Lord’s Name<br><br>Chanting (Japa)

means repetition of some word, letter, mantra or

sentence. Namajapa means repetition of the Lord’s Name and

Mantrajapa is the repetition of a Mantra. The terms ‘Japa’

and ‘Nam’ are often used as synonymous with chanting.

<br><br>Continuity in the practice of spirituality is achieved only

through chanting. The Name is the tool as well as the

target. The ultimate objective is to merge with the

Name.<br><br>How does chanting work?<br>“The subconscious mind

carries millions of impressions. To erase even single

impression would take a very long time. Thus, if one were to

practice moral virtues and observe restraints (yam-niyam),

a considerable period of time would be wasted in

overcoming the tendencies of the subconscious mind. It is

much more important to make continual efforts to blend

with the Purush (Supreme Being), rather than try and

erase impressions which arise from Prakruti (Maya –

Great illusion). This is precisely what can be achieved

by chanting the Lord’s Name. The mind, intellect,

subconscious mind (Chitta), etc. are all constituents of

Prakruti and these function according to their own

characteristics. Instead of wasting one’s sadhana (Spiritual

Practice) in resisting them, one would achieve one’s goal

faster if the sadhana is utilized to progress towards

the Purushtattva (God principle), i.e. to become one

with the Name (of God) that one chants.” – By Saint

Bhaktaraj Maharaj.<br><br>(Taken from Volume 21 –

Introduction to the Science of Spirituality and Individual

Spiritual Practice – Published by Sanatan Society for

Scientific Spirituality – Complied by H.H. Dr. Jayant Balaji

Athavale)<br><br>With love<br>Sanatan <br>Glenn-Sampada

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plz tell me what is the difference between

chanting name n chanting mantra. saint tulsidas in ram

charit mans says <br>kaliyug kewal nam adhara <br>sumir

sumir nar nikarahi para<br>means in this era only name

chanting can work .by repeated chanting of name we can

reach the destination

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Chanting only has any benefit when there is

"ananya bhakti," when there is a state of yoga, or union

with the One whose name you are taking. This is what

Shri Krishna points out in the Gita.<br><br>If you

just chant a name over and over and over, it is

meaningless, like standing outside the White House and

repeating "George Bush George Bush" all day; you will not

become one with George Bush, you will probably not even

get a dinner invitation.<br><br>Especially in this

dark age of kali yuga (time of confusion) we need to

get our union or yoga first, then the saying of names

will have amazing power to change ourselves and change

the world.

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Dear friend,<br><br>It is very sad to know that

still you don't know the power of Lord's Name. It is

written not only in Gita but also in other Holy Books

that Chanting the Name of Lord is very powerful and it

will take you to achieve the state of non-duality.

<br><br>Feel like sharing the story which emphasis the Power

of Chanting. Please don’t misunderstand us but we

fell that one can continue whatever spiritual practice

one is undertaking and at the same time one can chant

the Name of Lord. Since Chanting the Name of Lord is

beyond any restrictions it can be followed

anywhere.<br><br>With love<br>Sanatan<br>Glenn-Sampada<br><br>The Power

of Chanting the Lord’s Name<br><br>Once a saint was

giving a lecture on the power of chanting. He was

saying, “Simply repeating the Lord’s Name has the power

of taking you to God.” <br><br>As soon as he heard

this, a sceptic in the audience stood up and shouted,

“That’s nonsense! How can repeating a word take us to

God? If we keep repeating ‘bread, bread, bread,’ will

that manifest a loaf of bread?”<br><br>The Saint

snapped, “Sit down, you fool!” The man began to tremble

and his face turned red. “How dare you speak to me

like that?” he cried. “You call yourself holy man and

yet you go around insulting others! What kind of

person are you?”<br>“Sir, I am very sorry if I offended

you,” the saint said.” But tell me, what are you

feeling at this moment?”<br><br>“Can’t you tell what I am

feeling?” the man shouted. “I’m outraged!”<br><br>“Oh,

sir,” said the saint, “I used one abusive word, and it

had such a powerful effect on you! When this is the

case, why shouldn’t the name of God have the power to

change you?”

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iam not able believe that chanting name is

meaning less. well chanting name has so much so power

that u can realize god only eith name chanting .i dont

know about bush but if u keep on chanting name with

love n devotion n without any expectation one day god

not only himself will come to u n will have dinner(

daily )with u but he will give u the precious space in

his heart .<br>saint tulsidas says <br>nam kam taru

kal karala <br>sumiran saman sakal janjala <br>means

name chanting will make u free from all confusion

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