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The Dharma is not nonviolent!

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Long gone is Gandhis cowardly pacifism!The

muslims must be destroyed.While Hinduism is the religion

of peace the true goal is to destroy the ant_Dharma

of Islam and also Christianity.We have tried to be

peaceful to the muslims before but they return the favour

with violence all over the entire world.I do not

encourage senseless acts of violence but we need to prepare

to defend ourselves and our faith which is the truth

of the cosmos and if that means the erradication of

every islamic savage from earth so be it.Christianity

is evil but not violent on the level islam is but it

also must be destroyed in a different way seeing they

wish to destroy us by using missionaries trying to

scare us with the ideal of hell and calling us idol

worshipers because they follow a religion created by

simpletons that can not ever understand the truth.We must

also defend the Sikhs,Buddhists,and Jains because they

are extensions of the truth and truly Hindus.One day

Tibet must go back to the Tibetans.Hindus need guns!

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Luna_etheral,<br>I am not sure why you are saying

these things. Just because a handful of people did

something bad, doesnt mean that we have to start saying

things about an entire community or religion. If so,

then what will be the difference between your acts and

those of a terrorist?<br><br>No Religion is bad. Every

religions has its 'bad' points and then there is more good

in them than bad. That is why they are religions and

not cults.<br><br>Hinduism itself has its evils.

There are problems in modern Hindu society like child

marriage, and dowry deaths. Laws set up by Manu are

followed (in many places) even today. <br><br>One needs to

read and learn more about other religions before one

can say things. All religions teach love and

respect.<br><br>This is form for Spiritual Upliftment. Let us not

bring up issues which can cause trouble. On the

contrary why do you not try to channel your thoughts

towards something more productive, contructive and


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Well now it was not Hindus that murdered

thousands of people this much.Islam does not teach love and

respect.You say that because you live in America.If you went

to Afghanistan or Iraq it would not seem to preach

love and respect.You do know muslims hate Hinduism

right?Well when people like me defend Hinduism people like

you will hide and cower.Hinduism is a religion of

warriors...look at Durga.Do you have any ideal how many temples

muslims living in India have destroyed?Do you care?

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Seems like we have more cowardly hippies than true Hindus here.Well when your

whole family is dying from anthrax or is blown up on a plane or train do not say

I gave no warning.

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Yikes! I sense your anger. :) The thing we have

to remember here is that Bin Laden and his followers

are not muslim, not islam, but their own type of

"religion" all unto themselves. Should this mean we should

love them less? A resounding NO! We are ALL part and

parcel of the divine, the good, the not so good and yes,

even the bad. Let us send our love to all peoples. It

is anger like is being shown here that is similar to

the anger which started those on the path of

violence. Tolerance is key. in love, mirabai

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i think in this club spiritual ecstacy n

meditaion we learn to move on the path of spiritualism n

the first stage of spiritualism is to feel that all

religion r same there is only one god. we must spread it .

at least here we should not talk bad about any other

religion .<br>mazhab nahin sikhata apes main bair rakhna

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Ingnorance is bliss in this case. You are no

better than Bin Laden and his followers...it is sad to

me that hate prevails in your heart. But.....it is

your choice and i will still love you. in love,


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"Arabs are the scum of the Earth"????!!??? Talk

about your racial profiling. I'm sorry; I cannot

to your way of thinking. I did not join this club

to read of hatred of a people because of a few

radical extremists. What if you were born Arab? I read

Hinduism and Islam. I am not to be reviled. I was born

under the tent of Catholicism, and now rejoice that I

have come to learn of other religions. I also

correspond with an Indian of Hindu faith, and he has never

said anything negative about Muslims.<br><br>"No true

Hindu would ever say anything to defend Islam"....I

daresay no true Hindu would say anything negative about


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cowardly maybe.......a hindu no I am not a

hindu.....a hippie how the hell would you know what a hippie

is.......a spiritual being having a human experince

yes.....<br><br>I send you my warm hippie, cowardly warmth and it

is on the wind.....namaste jeffrey

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Yes a worthless coward.I am sick of this fake

little fashionable Hindu obsession like the beatles

started were Hinduism is some peace and love little

hippie thing.I mean you old idiots think Hinduism is so

much about peace.It is a warrior religion as Rama was

a warrior.India had some of the worlds fiercest

warriors in history who fought to the death against the

moguls and now it is time for the whole world to fight

to the death against Islam again.Unless you would

rather not fight back and watch them murder everyone

they can.Do you people not reallize the huge Hindu

millitancy movement going on now.Do you not see it is our

duty to fight evil wherever it may be?You people

dishonour the memory of every brave Hindu that died

defending the faith against islamic barbarism.

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ya know.....i dont think anyone here is disputing

your belief system and I dont think anyone here is

disagreeing that there have been numerous killings "in the

name of religion"...so I guess my question is, WHO are

you so angry at? Are you angry that some of us have

chosen a path of non violence towards our brothers and

sisters? Are you angry that we are not validating your

belief system? Are you angry at those who killed? If so,

your anger is misplaced here...none of us have done

any of the things you so vehemently are defending.

You use vile names as if that is going to upset us?

You try to harm us thru your words? My dear, it will

not work. I for one do not hate you or any other.

Calling me names does not harm me. What is your purpose

here? In your anger are there things you would like to

discuss with the others here so that perhaps we can find

common ground? Rama was a warrior yes...but didnt

Krishna show divine love? Did not mother Kali defend her

children? Was that not love also? Rama was only one

aspect/incarnation of Vishnu. Isnt this correct? My dear child, if

you have something to say, I for one, will listen,

but shouting names at people you do not even know,

trying to insult people who are not insultable...just

seems like hot air rolling about on the wind :) Try

another tactic maybe?? In love, mirabai

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this is my first experience with this format. I

am not a member of any organized religion, but feel

I am a spiritual being. I connect greatly with what

you in particular are saying. Wondering if this is

the right place for me or if you have other

suggestion. Not really interested in practicing an organized

religion, just feel my spirit is enhanced by connecting

with other peaceful souls!! Needing it now more than

ever to stay centered. Open to any suggestions.

<br>Peace and Love<br>Proud to be a hippy back


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welcome ksara! I am glad to meet you and look

forward to many discussions in the future. I am not part

of any organized religion either, although I am

profoundly interested in the hindu way of bhakti. :) Glad to

have you with us! in love, mirabai

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I sorta understand where you are coming

from......<br><br>But God gives life........I don't think god wants us

to take life away.......it's just like praying to

die because you are not happy in the world......can

you think of what god thinks when people want to kill

them selfs or kill others.....<br><br>God gives

life.....<br><br>Namaste jeffrey.......anyway I am sending you my warm

thoughts and they are on the wind...

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Decency demands of those of us who wish to

indulge in harangues of hate, to remove ourselves to a

club of gripes. "This bewildered world knows Me not,

for beings are born to delusion and overcome by

dualities of wish & hate. Of mistaken ways, without wisdom,

and enveloped in darkness, they conceive right as

wrong. Those conceited and obstinately given to force &

pride are hurled lower and lower in cycles of births

and deaths" are a part of Shri Krishna's words to

Arjuna in the "Shrimad Bhagwad Gita". We must feel

obligated to maintain a spiritually serene atmosphere in a

club such as this.

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I normally do not use these words.<br>You are

wrong. To think that Islams, and Christians are all out

to destroy Hinduism.<br><br>Instead of firing back

with hate. You need to prove to them what your belief

are about. Most of the problems or intolerance and

hatred stem from misunderstandings. <br><br>I for one

have a problem with any religion going after another

religion. And spreading hatred and violance in any form is

wrong. Including using it in the name of the

Divine.<br><br>As Where God is Love is. I am sorry you do not see

this. And as having faith that fits into just about

every religion in the world in some for another. I feel

really bad for people who do not understand that we are

all trying to live life the best we know

how.<br><br>The real people who are led astray. Are those who

take the path of hatred. But they will learn in their

next lives of the life they are in now.<br><br>Hating

other and acting violantly. Will blind you from the

light and love. Of whatever term you give to the

divine. Whether you pray to him or her, or Divine Self.

In the Hindu Religious Traditions, Shinto Religious

Tradition, or Islamic Hindu tradition.<br><br>The easiest

way for me to descibe it. Is we are all looking at

the same light. I see green and your see blue. But

it's the same white light. Shinging through our prism

or culture, and our minds.<br><br>"Let me be the

change I want to see in the world" - Mohandis

Ghandi.<br><br>God(dess) Spirit of All. Bless you,<br>D. C. L.

<br><br>----------------<br>"Only a lowly

creature would use God's word to spread

the message of hate." - D. C. L.

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There are bad eggs in every religion. I hope I do

not have to start posting negatives of Hinduism too.

There are negative people and rotten eggs out their

always spoiling the reputation of the whole. Not to

mention those who take a religion and turn it into a

cult.<br><br>Lets see. The Kali Yuga cult comes to my mind. I will

not even list details of what went on

there.<br><br>Please do not start labeling religions based on their

rotten eggs. <br><br>Not All Muslims Hate

Hinduism.<br><br>I been studying Islam and this makes me ill reading

people posting how intolerant and evil it is. You are

talking about the ones who claim to be Muslism but are

not. Islam Means Peace. The Qu'ran orders them to

treat people with compassion and love. And when it

comes to religion to say. "You pray your way. I will

pray mine". I do not have the Qu'ran memorised yet.

<br><br>But I hope I do not have to invite true Muslims to

the club to explain the true Islam. And hope you can

go and read yourself. What true Islam

is.<br><br>They believe that only true Justice can be carried out

by Allah. And that Jihad. Very

misunderstood.<br><br>Real Jihad is. Defending your own beliefs from another

religion. Not running around forcing religion on people and

doing what the Crusaders did years ago.<br><br>Most of

the time when you are Saying Muslim. Be specific and

truthful, and say Taliban instead. Or whatever group your

are referring too.<br><br>Just think. If you lived

their and grow up where they did and around their

beliefs. Would you do the same thing? Or be like

them?<br><br>Keep that in mind.<br><br>D. C. L.

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Take a closer look at the that Hindu site. They

maybe removed it now. But they used to have targets

that Hindu terrorists groups would hit if they

could.<br><br>Terrorism comes from all backrounds. Not Just Islam. We are

fighting Terrorism, and hatred. Not religion.<br><br>D. C.

L.<br>ps. To bad we are doing it the wrong way.

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Hello D. C. L........I like your outlook on all

of this........thats all I have to say......except I

see you like trains, I used to be a conductor on the

bnsf until i got hurt a few years ago, just thought

you would like to know....<br><br>Please take care

and feel my warmth flowing on the wind........namaste


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Dont speak to me!I came here to speak with real

Hindus.Militant Hindus not some new age coward in Wyoming.Dont

tell me about Hinduism.I know perfectly well the eye

of Kali is peaceful but the arms and fangs are

dripping with blood and islam must be cleansed from Hindu

Holy Sites in India and then from the rest of the


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MahaKaliji<br><br>Beloved Son of India! You are

right there are oceans of blood in the great

Mahabharata and Ramayana. Yes this is true. Yet, when we look

at reality we see that it's primary manifestation is

not in the physical planes of existence. Death has

many forms. The most important beginning with that of

the soul through personalized voilence with happens

within our very hearts. And minds. Here, the Ramayana

reveals our transformation as Arjuna occures every day

and every night in the world of our very thoughts. We

are Arjuna, yet the demons are not in the external

world, but, in the inner world of tendencies and karmas

and that which prevents the awarness of the Divinity

within.<br><br>Now i ask you something..What do men suppose they can

accomplsih when they kill? Do they think that by killing

bodies that they can kill an idea?<br><br>Ideals never

die by external means. Only when we shine the divine

light from within will the truth of all truths

manifest. The truth of nonduality.<br><br>Our Beloved Kali

is with blood and death is Her nature as well as

life. Does not Raktha Kali desire the scarifice of

blood? Yet, we know that the greatest gift to our

Beloved Mother is not our blood, but our heart in

surrrender to Her Divine will. Her sword of truth that cuts

away the ego from the delusion of duality so that we

may be free. Once free in nonduality, what care is

there of religions or nations or any and all of that

which is Mahamaya?<br><br>Till then, here are a few

thought: once a famous Gududeva told his

disciple:<br><br>Nobody knows what is right or what is wrong;<br>Nobody

knows what is good or what is bad;<br>There is a diety

residing within you;<br>Find it out and obey its

comands.<br><br>The Bhagavad Gita 4:11:<br><br>"Whatever and

whichever way men approach Me,<br>even so do i accept them;

whatever paths they may choose finally lead to Me, oh!

Arjuna."<br><br>and the Beloved Gita also says...<br><br>"In whatever

form a devotee seeks to worship Me with faith, I make

his faith steadfast in that form alone."<br><br>Let

us rejoice in the comming celebration of the

celebration of good over evil.<br><br>MahaKaliji

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