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Friend, no servant

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Dear brother, I do not serve anyone only people I

luv. You are getting me a little worried. Are you a

communist? You sound like one. Let me tell you something, my

pal. I do not like to be exploited, no matter who it

is. In america, there is some freedom. You can

choose. But, communism is worse. Somebody else makes all

the choices for you. <br><br>What is karma? IS it the

same thing as 'as you sow so shall you reap" - then I

believe in karma. Do not use Indoo terms like moksha,

sadna.<br><br>I don't think you are dogmatic, just a little

problematic. You are emphathetic like my cookie. But, young

and rash. Arrested judgement,<br><br>Your friend

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Greetings,<br><br>Please do not worry. I am not a

communist who will invade your privacy.<br><br>However, I

would like to comment that America is no more, or no

less, free than any other democratic country like India

or Japan.<br>America is actually at a higher stage

of plutocracy than India, though.<br><br>Forgive my

saying so, but are you an American? Your English doesn't

sound American at all.<br>If you are an American, you

will see how the American vision and ideals of

democracy have been hijacked by the ruling class and made a

plutocracy out of it.

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Dear friend, I aM AS american as Kissinger is . I

know I don't speak queen's ENGLISH like you people

from the colonies. but , I am no less patriotic than

you are. I salute the 'truth' not a cloth flag. And,

the truth is both 'capitalism and communism' has

failed. so, what next. socialism ' ? your India tried

that and failed miserably. SO what do you say for the

'inequalities' there- <br><br>Man, keep it simple. Do not use

big words and catchy phrases. You will be more

effective. Learn from bush. No grammar. 'GIT THEM EVIL

DOERS.' <br><br>Who created the 'taliban' ? wonder and

ponder. the answer lies in the question.

<br><br>Individuals created the society and society created the

individuals. Read Adam smith, My man. <br>*OUT OF INDIVIDUAL

GOOD, COMES COLLECTIVE GOOD* <br>Karl marx is dead.


MINE. <br><br>wHAT IS hypocratic spiritual? rather,

spiritual hypocrites. we are all hypocrites aspiritually

too. <br><br>Gotta to go. I have to take priest to MVA

for his drivers licence renewal. <br><br>Cheers.

brother! don't give up. your quest for the unknown.

<br><br>I belong to many 'romance and relationship' clubs.

They simply luv my jokes, specially them chicks.

<br><br>your friend

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Greetings,<br><br>"And, the truth is both

'capitalism and communism' has failed."<br><br>Neither of

them has failed.<br>Capitalism has succeeded like no

other system in human history.<br>Capitalism has made

it possible for man to master nature, to create

objects beyond all imagination.<br>What our forefathers

in the ancient times could only fantasise about,

capitalism has created that (like flying, visiting other

planets, etc.).<br>However, captalism's failure is not the

failure to develop the powers of production; the failure

is the failure to ensure equitable distribution of

goods and services and to remove inequality in the

society.<br>Capitalism was never capable of that, right from day

one.<br><br>As for Communism, when people say it has failed,

what they are actually saying is that "Stalinism" and

"Maoism" and "Castroism" has failed.<br>Stalinism is as

far away from communism as night from day.<br>Please

do not consider the system in USSR between 1930s and

1989 as communism. It was not.<br>Ask any statistican,

historian or political economist.<br><br>"so, what next.

socialism ' ? your India tried that and failed miserably.

SO what do you say for the 'inequalities'

there-"<br><br>Let me clear-up a few definitions here.<br>Socialism

is the first stage of communism, according to

theory.<br>Socialism is the stage when the state, money, and class

differences still exist.<br>Communism is the stage when all

these have been abolished.<br>What you are referring to

(in speaking about India) is not socialism, but

"social democracy".<br>The same "welfare" system is found

in some European countries like France, Italy,

etc.<br>Social Democracy as a force arose because of the

increasing influence of the trade unions in these

countries.<br>Fearing a 'communist' take-over [Russia-style], the state

and the state capitalists settled for a compromise

with the labour unionists.<br>Thus emerged 'social

democracy'-an euphemism for state

capitalism.<br><br>Inequalities exist in all countries and the reason for that


the capitalist nature of production and

distribution.<br><br>"Learn from bush. No grammar. 'GIT THEM EVIL

DOERS.'"<br><br>Since you and a few other members are so fond of jokes,

let me tell you one.<br>"Bush and Musharaff sat

drinking at a bar and were discussing the future of the

world and the war in Afghanistan.<br>A man recognised

them and came over to say hello. He asked what they

planned to do in Afghanistan.<br>Bush replied: We plan to

kill 4 million poor Afghans and one bicycle

repairman.<br>The man asked: What !! A bicycle repairman?<br>Bush

turned to Musharaff and said: See, I told you...no one

will bother about the 4 million Afghans."<br><br>This,

my friend, is the truth of the current

regime.<br><br>"Individuals created the society and society created the

individuals. Read Adam smith, My man."<br><br>Let me correct

this. Individual production efforts aggregated created

society, and social consciousness shapes individual

consciousness.<br>As for reading Adam Smith, I have.<br>So here is a

quote from the 'Wealth of Nations':<br>"Civil

society...exists not to protect the poor against the rich but, on

the contrary, to protect the rich against the

poor".<br>That sums-up the nature of government and religious

institutions for you.

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methinks we have strayed from the point of this

room and have gone into political commentaries. It is

beginning to feel like "Face the Nation". Can we please get

back to our love and our sadhna? in love,mirabai

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Dear Friend, The priest failed the test. He could

not do Parallel parking. <br><br>These ladies here do

not want us to talk about politics. But there is

politics in religion and religion in politics. I am a

ladies man so let me honor their wishes. No dirty jokes,

and no dirty politics. <br><br>My friend, sure

'innovation' keeps capitalism going and moving. sure, no

doubt. but, these innovations become obsolete soon.

Schumpeter said " capitalism contains in its womb the seeds

of its own destruction." Think about it.

<br><br>coming to religion, if religion means 'keeping your eyes

closed' and meditating on 'om' I am not for it. To me,

religion means 'Open your eyes , see the squalor , misery,

and suffering around you, ' and 'roll up your sleeves

and do something about it.' Put into practice.

Consciousness is synonymous with conscience. <br><br>Here is

Joke you will enjoy, my friend. <br><br>How do you

play Taliban bingo?<br>A:

B-52...F-16...B-1...<br><br>your friend

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Greetings,<br><br>"My friend, sure 'innovation'

keeps capitalism going and moving. sure, no doubt. but,

these innovations become obsolete soon. Schumpeter said

" capitalism contains in its womb the seeds of its

own destruction." Think about it."<br><br>You've hit

the nail on the head !!<br>I agree with most of

Joseph Schumpeter's works, although he is pretty boring

to read :)<br>Not half as interesting as Sweezy,

IMHO.<br>Yes, although capitalism is a self-destructive system,

we are yet to see the beginning of the end.<br>I

think since World War-2, capitalism has grown stronger

by increasing the inequalities in the world.<br>The

current religious strife, wars and killings in the name

of religion are simply manifestations of this

phenomenon.<br><br>"coming to religion, if religion means 'keeping your eyes

closed' and meditating on 'om' I am not for it. To me,

religion means 'Open your eyes , see the squalor , misery,

and suffering around you, ' and 'roll up your sleeves

and do something about it.' Put into practice.

Consciousness is synonymous with conscience."<br><br>We seem to

have found some common ground !!<br>I agree with

that.<br>However, one of the first things to realise is that

religion, rather social religion, is a manifestation of the

evil of our social system, and must be uprooted from

its roots and destroyed in such a way that it can

never rise again.<br>Religion can only be pure once it

is free from the influence of the capitalist

institutions.<br>Arts, music, culture and other expressions of

creativity will also be free then.<br>However, when that

happens, the need for religion and that of divine saadhna

will also go away.<br>How and when that can happen, I

can't say.<br>Humanity has a long way to go, it seems


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Yes and Thank you.<br>When the master knows there

was never the servant then it becomes one. When the

student who is willing to learn ( in a squalor or in a

palace) within them the teacher appears. No one becomes

the authority, no master nor slave.<br>regards

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